
(BNHA) The Paths He Chooses

Izuku makes choices that lead to him meeting different girls. His path for each girl is different, read about the outcomes of each girl he encounters. Also available on wattpad, Fanfiction.Net, and Fanfiction.Online

VacantThoughts · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 8: Himiko Toga (Part 3)

A/N: Sorry if Toga is a bit OOC, I tried brainstorming for days trying to find a good plot for this chapter. If you haven't guessed already, my chapters are improvised, so if you liked my last book, all of those chapters were improvised.

Izuku was currently on his way back from a movie theater. He had gone to watch an All Might movie that had come out recently and Izuku just couldn't miss it. It was starting to get late and he was just starting to head home.

'The last one was better in terms of characters, but this one had better romance and action. I wonder what the next one will be li-' Izuku was interrupted by his thoughts when he bumped into someone.

Looking up, he saw he bumped into a girl, she looked like she was in a normal high school since she was wearing some kind of uniform. The girl had blonde hair formed in two messy buns and had yellow eyes, which Izuku subconsciously thought was cute.

"O-Oh! I-I'm sorry." Izuku reached his hand towards her to pull her up, his cheeks red at the thought of holding hands with a girl even for a second.

The surprised girl looked up before grabbing his hand. "It's fine, I should've watched where I was going." She said, her voice had a hint of seductiveness to it.

"N-No, It isn't your fault I-It's mines." Izuku insisted.

"Agree to disagree." She said getting up. "I'm Himiko Toga."

"N-Nice to meet y-you T-Toga-san, I'm Izuku Midoriya." He stammered

"Seeing as you just came from the theater, I'm guessing you watched the new All Might movie."

Izuku blushed in embarrassment. He would rather not be seen watching a Hero movie, as most who watched them were Hero otaku.

"Y-Yeah, albeit wasn't as good as the last one." He muttered that last one in disappointment, but Toga seemed to hear him.

"Right!? The actor that played All Might barely smiled, and that's what his gimmick is!?" Toga agreed.

Izuku was surprised to find another person that was interested in hero movies like him, since when he had entered the theater it was relatively empty besides a girl in the back, oh, nevermind.

"I know! It just made him seem like any other Hero!" Izuku agreed, the two ended up talking about the movie for over an hour.

Right as Izuku was about to leave, Toga spoke.

"Hey, you seem like a cool person, let's be friends." She said.

Now, this didn't seem real. A girl, asking to be friends with someone as plain-looking as him had never happened before, plus she had the same interests as him, they'd probably hit it off. So Izuku obliged and was about to respond. Until he finally realized that he had indeed been talking to a girl for the past hour. His face went red, and he could barely say a word, his mouth kept opening and closing like a fish. Way to embarrass yourself like an Idiot.

"I think this is the part where you give me your number or reject me." Toga laughed awkwardly.

One red-faced and stammering Izuku later and he now had a girl's number in his phone.

Toga smirked as she saw him walk away. Everything had gone perfectly! She had a solid plan for Izuku.

She would "accidentally" bump into him, and try and become his friend. She would then make him fall in love with her and she would go from there. She didn't exactly have a plan after that, but she did plan to retrieve his blood one way or another.

Izuku lied on his bed, pondering over what had happened earlier, had he really gotten a girl's phone number? He rechecked his phone and there it was, a contact with the name Himiko Toga on it.

Now that he thought about it, that whole ordeal was pretty random. Most people would've just apologized and gone on doing their own thing. It was probably his first conversation with a girl outside of school. Though in his opinion, she was pretty cute.

Izuku flushed at thinking that, he just met this girl yet he was already thinking she was cute? He needed to get a hold of himself.

Just before he was about to go to sleep, his phone started to ring. Which was weird, since no one ever called him. He turned over and grabbed his phone, it took his eyes a few seconds to get used to the light though, he should really turn his brightness down.

Upon seeing the contact name, "Himiko Toga", Izuku freaked out. Not only was someone calling him, but it was also the same girl he met a few hours ago. Needless to say, Izuku wasn't prepared for what she was gonna ask him. As he pressed the accept button and put his phone to his ear, he nearly went deaf at what Toga said, or rather, yelled.

"IZUUKUUU" She yelled, making Izuku recoil. After a few seconds of being deaf, Izuku replied.

"W-What do y-you want t-toga-san?" Izuku winced

"The All Might series is getting a continuation! Let's see the movie together on Friday!" She insisted

Unfortunately, that was the day he was going to Gran Torino for his work-study. Izuku couldn't afford to miss that experience. Plus, it hasn't even been a day since he had met this girl.

Toga knew all about the work-study, all of Japan knew about it, it was a chance to see new heroes in the making, all Toga needed to do was find out where his hero study was taking place. She imagined that he wouldn't get a bunch of offers, since the way he was fighting was pretty brutal and reckless to himself. But if he did get an offer, where would it be?

She had narrowed it down to 2 places after 6 hours. The first place would probably be somewhere in the west, where Shiketsu high was, or somewhere in Hosu city. She was mostly leaning towards Hosu city, she couldn't even explain why but she just had a gut feeling to go towards Hosu, so that's what she decided. Izuku knew what she looked like though, so she would need a disguise of some sort.

She was quickly able to find something to wear on quirkazon. She had settled on a black hoodie with yellow stripes going up the side. She also bought a black mask that covered the bottom half of her face, and a pair of black sweatpants. It wasn't much, but it was all she could afford at the moment, after all, the most money she'd gotten from one of her victims was 31,000¥ (Roughly $300 U.S Dollars)

She doesn't even have a house, she just stays in hotels or internet cafes, but hey, no one said being a Villain was easy. She wouldn't even be a Villain if she didn't need blood to stay mentally stable.

So, Himiko Toga ordered her disguise and got some well-needed sleep.