
Chapter 3: The sleepover

Moon and Ella were at a café. Ella dragged Moon there since Moon hated going out. "So...what are you gonna order?" Asked Ella. "I don't know..." Said Moon. Moon and Ella looked at the menu and decided to get some cookies and boba. "Have you heard? There's gonna be an exchange students this week." Said Ella. "What are they? Witchs? Weredogs? Maybe Vampires?" Asked Moon.

"What if they're werewolves like you?" Said Ella. "Maybe they're half dragon?" Said Moon. "Wait...did we have homework?!?" Asked Ella. "...well shoot...I forgot my homework in my locker." Said Moon. "What was the homework?" Asked Ella. "How am I supposed to know?!?" Said Moon. "We're hopeless." Said Ella. "Yeah, I'm surprised we've made it this far." Said Moon. "Same." Said Ella.

Ella was on a call with Aylan a friend of hers. "Sure I'll ask her." Said Ella to Aylan. Ella hanged up and went to Moon. "Hey Moon, wanna come to Aylan's sleepover?" Asked Ella. Moon hesitated. "Please! I promise it'll be fun!" Said Ella. "Fine..." Said Moon. "Yay!Now let's go!" Said Ella. At the sleepover, Aylan and Chris were making snacks while Evan was picking a movie. "Hey guys!" Said Ella. "Hey." Said Evan. "Hola!" Said Aylan. "You guys are late." Said Chris. "Sorry I had to drag Moon all the way over here." Said Ella.

" I hope y'all don't mind, but I invited a friend." Said Evan. "It's fine." Said Aylan. "Who is it?" Asked Ella. There was a nock at the door. "It must be him!" Said Evan. Evan opened the door. "Everyone meet Damian! Damian meet everyone." Said Evan. "Hey..." Said Damian. "He is a werewolf?!?" Thought Moon. "And your brother?" Asked Evan. "He is busy..." Said Damian. "Hi! I'm Ella!" Said Ella. "I'm Aylan and that's Chris." Said Aylan while pointing at Chris. Moon hesitated but said "I-I'm Moon." Damian looked at Moon and asked "are you a werewolf to?" Moon nodded.

After the movie everyone but Moon and Damian fell asleep. Moon got nervous. "Are you scared of me?" Asked Damian. Moon started shaking but said "n-no..." hoping he wouldn't find out she was lying. Every time she looked at his eyes she got scared, his eyes were a dark blue, she felt like she was trapped. "It's okay, there's nothing to be afraid of." Said Damian in a calm voice. Moon just nodded. "Let's just go to sleep." Said Damian. Moon nodded and said, "okay, goodnight."

In the morning Chris screamed. "Chris?!?" Yelled Aylan as they ran to him. "What's wrong?!?" Asked Evan. "Did something happen?!?" Said Ella. Chris started shaking and pointed to the ground. "What is it-" Said Moon. They realized it was just a frog. "Are you serious? You screamed over a frog?" Said Damian. "Frogs are the spawn of the devil!!!" Said Chris. "So is your mother but you don't say anything." Said Aylan. "True but..." Said Chris. "Let me handle this." Said Evan. Evan used his magic and teleported the frog outside. "T-thanks." Said Chris still shaking.

"Just for that you've gotta make us breakfast." Said Ella. "I wouldn't, he can't cook at all, he'd just burn the house down." Said Moon. "I'm NOT THAT bad!!!" Said Chris. "You burned down my kitchen." Said Aylan. "Good point." Said Chris. "I'll cook." Said Damian. Everyone nodded. After Damian finished cooking, everyone was talking about a new movie that just came out. "Hurry up and eat you're food before it gets cold." Said Damian. Everyone started eating.

"Hey Damian wanna come to the movies with us? They just released a new movie." Asked Chris. "Sure." Said Damian. "Are you gonna go, Moon?" Asked Ella. "I-I don't t-think I-" Said Moon. "It's fine you don't have to." Said Evan. "What if I mess up?!? Or I embarrass myself even more?!? Or or..." thought Moon. "S-sure I'll go." Said Moon. "You sure?" Asked Ella. "Y-yeah." Said Moon.