
| Royalties | [BL]

[ Non-traditional Omegaverse ] | Prince Lars and Prince Adrian | Introverted and dreamer Omega, Adrian Alry's, Third Prince of the Southern Kingdom, older brother Mirco Alry, is set to marry rumored ruthless and cruel, Lars Bjørnson, Crown Prince of the Northern Kingdom, against his will, to maintain peace between the two Kingdoms. Ruthless and cool headed Alpha, Lars Bjørnson, First born Prince of the Northern Kingdom, has already accepted his fate, marry and bond the second prince of the southern Kingdom, to ensure peace for his people, despite his own aversion for loveless bonds. Things take another turn, when Prince Lars recognize Adrian instead of his brother as his one true mate, on the night of their engagement announcement. The two mates engage themselves then, on the road of love, battling against obligations, jealousy and hatred. ****** | Prince Mirco and Duke Åsger | Mirco was supposed to marry the first born of Nidarhs, Prince Lars, but on the night of their engagement announcement to the Royalties of the fourth Kingdoms, it was his little brother, Prince Adrian who was chosen. He should have been hurt, outraged even, but he only felt relief, relief to know he had escaped a loveless marriage, relief to know his adored brother was on the road of finding love, and relief to be able to explore his inexplicable attraction for the handsome Åsger. Åsger's only responsibility was to serve, protect and advise his Prince, as both his friend and his right hand. He was not supposed to fall head over heels for the brother of his future Queen, he was not supposed to desire so strongly his Prince's ex-fiancé. Will the two of them be able to fight against their feelings for one another, or will they succumb to the fiery passion that burns in their hearts ?. ****** | Prince Noah and Prince Erik | Prince Noah Alry was a free spirit, not one to be tied down. His opinions on bonds were known of all, and it was not in his plans to ever bond with an Alpha. But when one day, he is cornered in heat, by a man ready to violate and abuse him, and is saved by the handsomest man his eyes ever fell upon, his opinions on bonds start slowly to change. Especially after he wakes up naked, in bed with his savior, a fresh bond mark harboring his neck. Prince Erik was a loner, a man who valued family above anything else. An Alpha who longed for true love, but was scared to find it. He never imagined that saving that beautiful Omega would result in the two of them being bonded for life. Will Erik be able to change Noah's views on bonds completely ?. And will he be able to keep his demons hidden enough to keep the free spirited prince by his side ?. Or will he succumb to his own darkness ?.

Bibbi_Kim · LGBT+
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8 Chs


"Prince Adrian—". A soft voice called behind me, and I turned, moving my gaze from the pages I was reading, to rest it upon the maid who had just interrupted me.

"Yes Callie ?". I inquired, frowning.

Calliandra 'Callie', had been at my service since both of us were still young children. We were as close friends, as a prince and his maid could be. She knew not to bother me when I was reading, and especially if it was this early.

"The breakfast had been served—". She answered, and my frown deepened even more. "I conveyed your wish to remain alone, and to have breakfast served in your chambers, but his Highness the Queen request your presence at the table". Callie informed me, and I couldn't help but sigh.

My mother, whilst understanding and encouraging, had always detested my want to remain alone most of the time. As an Omega herself, she couldn't comprehend the nearly visceral need of her own Omega son to stay away from the crowd.

Omegas were a tactile sub gender, they tended most of the time, to adore spending time with their fellow.

But, as much as I loved my family, and loved being an Omega, I couldn't find it in myself to feel as much pleasure as the other Omegas, at spending time surrounded by a crowd. May it be, surrounded by other Omegas, or being in the center of a few Alphas attention, I hated mingling with people.

And if my dear parents, the King and Queen of Aldora, as well as my brothers understood my need to remain alone most of the time, my mother could never tolerate me missing, what she deemed as moments in family.

"I see". I sighed, closing softly my book, depositing it with utter more care, on the petite table in front of me. "I shall eat breakfast with my family then". I conceded, lips pressed thin. "You may leave Callie". I added, and I could see her hesitation at doing so, but she finally decided against probing me.

She bowed one last time, before walking out of the room, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

I was still in my night clothes, a gold pink silk nightgown hugging perfectly my soft curves, and I would have to change before rejoining my family for breakfast.

Sighing again, I rose from the comfortable sofa I was sitting on, petite feet and toes slipping comfortably in the soft and white rug fur lining the floor of my room.

I undressed, silk nightgown sliding delicately off my body, and falling onto the floor of my bedroom.

Grabbing a bathrobe, and a large towel on my way, I pushed the bathroom's doors open, stepping quickly onto the marbled floor of the bathroom.

Quickly choosing between a bath and a shower, I decided for the shower, and stepped inside.

Taking a bath would take too much of my already short time, and my mother would probably send another one of the maid to fetch me, what I would absolutely love to avoid.

I never really liked maids, or any of the castle employees to enter my room, for it's was my personal space, my safe place, and where my nest was located.

I only allowed family, close friends and a few employees of the castle I trusted with my life, to enter my sacred place.

Callie, my long time maid and the daughter of the castle's chef, and Sir Frederick Elsei, one of the most loyal and competent knight of Aldora.

I had known Callie since both of us were old enough to talk.

Wandering inside the castle's kitchen one day, I stumbled upon young Callie helping her mother in the making of the royal family's breakfast.

As we grew older, the two of us became close, as close a maid and her prince could be. And she became my somewhat confident in the castle. I trusted her, more than I should actually, Callie was a little untamed as a person. She reminded me a lot of my little brother Noah sometimes, with the sharp tongue the both of them shared.

I met Sir Frederick much later, as I reached adolescence, a few years before my blooming.

The young Alpha Sir Frederick was at the time, had just recently joined the knights's training camp.

We met one day of spring, as I ran out of the castle, upset after a particularly tedious fight with my father and my oldest brother. Sir Frederick was the one to find me, hidden inside the sunflower's garden.

He stayed with me, offering his ears and his comfort, escorting me back inside the castle, only when I felt better. We grew closer after that incident, and I went as far as encouraging him to court Lady Adelaide Kane, a close friend of my brother, Prince Mirco, when it became clear for me that Sir Frederick held feelings for her.

I stepped out of the shower, my body glistening with droplets of water, and grabbed the large towel I had brought with me inside the bathroom.

My petite feet clicked softly on the marbled floor, as I reached for my bathrobe, which I quickly dressed myself in.

I exited the bathroom, drying my hair with the towel as I walked slowly to my dressing table. Sitting myself in the white oak chair, I grabbed one of my favorite comb, gripping at it with one hand, the other finishing to dry my hair.

I combed my blond hair quietly, discarding the pale blue comb as I finished doing so.

I stood up, and walked to my dressing, picking a lacey white underwear out of it, followed by a fitting black trousers in cotton, a white shirt with ruffle cuffs, and black leather moccasins.

I closed my dressing with one hand, and walked back to my bed. Opening my bathrobe, I let it fall to the floor, at my feet, and started dressing myself up.

Contrariwise to my brothers, and to most of unmated Blueblood wolves, I truly despised letting maids dress me up. I had always believed my nudity to be sacred, and believed my future Alpha to be the only in right to see, and touch my naked form, aside from myself of course.

That is why, right after my blooming, I exempted the maids from their bathing, and clothing duties. Sole my future mate, would be within the right to bath, and to dress me, if he obviously wished to do so, no one else.

Once I finished clothing himself, I walk up to the dressing table, admiring myself in the mirror facing me, I smile at my reflection, bending down a little to open my jewelry box, and picking two beautiful rings out of it, one set with rubis, and the other with an onyx stone in its center.

I put the ring set with rubis on the middle finger of my right hand, and the one with the onyx stone in its center, on the ring finger of the same hand.

My other hand's middle, and ring finger were both occupied by the ring proving my status as a prince, for the middle finger, and the ring my father offered me the day following my blooming, for the ring finger.

That peculiar ring would be removed, and replaced by the one my future Alpha would give me, the day of our engagement.

I stroke the ring softly, a dreamily smile on my lips.

I couldn't wait for that day.

Shaking myself out my dreamy stupeur, I bend down on last time to pick the earring of the same set as my ring set with rubis.

A few knocks on the doors, bring my attention from the jewelry box, "Yes ?". I inquire, admiring myself in the mirror, as I lock the earring in.

"It's me my Prince, Callie !". I hear from behind the doors, and I sigh.

"What is it ?". I ask her, even if I already know why she is at my door.

"My Prince, his Highnesses the Queen your mother, is asking for you again". Callie answers me from behind the doors, and I sigh once again.

I glance at myself in the mirror one last time, smiling as I find himself perfect.

I ruffle my blond hair one last time, before walking up to the door and opening it, coming to face Callie.

"I am ready, let's go". I reply curtly at her, stepping out of the room and closing it behind me.

Callie rolls her eyes at my dry tone, "It is not my fault his Highnesses the Queen, asked me to drag you out from your mighty cave once again".

"It is a bedroom, and not a cave". I grunts, glaring at her. "I am not some kind of animal, to live in a cave". I finish, succeeding in making Callie huff out a laugh.

"You are so easy to tease Ady". She chuckles, walking close to me.

"Prince Ady, please". I snort, and Callie burst out laughing at the seriousness with which I said such words.

"Yes yes, of course Prince Ady". She laughs softly. "More seriously, have you heard about that new maid ?. The one who started working in the castle a few days ago ?". She asked me, laughter having died down, and one of my eyebrow rose at her words. "Okay okay, I know you don't really listen to all the rumors going around, too busy that you are in your cave". She continues, grinning as I shoot her a dark look. "Well let me tell you that she is absolutely gorgeous !". She exclaims. "A beautiful dark haired Omega beauty, with sky blue eyes and milky white skin. I swear she is the most beautiful girl in all Central Plain, and I can't handle it". Callie finishes, smiling widely, seemingly remembering the maid in question.

"Callie—". I sigh, as we round a corner. "You say that of every new maid, or new kitchen's help, or new knights that comes to the castle".

Callie pouts in response, "But, that's because they are all so beautiful".

"Calliandra—". I start, and she glares at me.

"Please, don't call me that !". She exclaims, grimacing. "You know how much I hate my full name". Callie grunts, still glaring at me, and I giggle.

"Callie—". I correct, and she smiles nodding. "You find everyone in this castle beautiful, and you manage to flirt with every newcomer. Don't you think that maybe you should try to settle down, you are getting old after all".

I yelp softly, giggling as Callie slap my forearm, "Who are you calling old ?!". She exclaims outraged, and I chuckled. "We have the same age, may I remember you !". Another glare is thrown at me. "And what is wrong with flirting with people ?. I am not like you Prince Adrian, I don't firmly believe that one day, out of nowhere, I will find the perfect wolf for me, may it be an Alpha, an Omega or a Beta like me. I don't believe in true mates like you do Ady. The existence of a wolf out there, matching perfectly with me, I don't really believe in it. It is just a legend anyway". She says, as we reach two immense double black oak doors, the guards guarding the door bowing to me upon seeing us.

"We should probably report this discussion to later Callie". I tell her, one hand posed flat against the door, ready to push it open.

Callie nods, "Yes my Prince". She respond formally, before bowing to me, and walking away.

I watch her retreating back for another few seconds, before sighing and pushing the big oak doors open.

"Adrian !". My mother, Queen Lia of Aldora exclaims smiling, as soon as she spotted me entering the room.

"Fucking finally !". My little brother, Noah grunts, yelping immediately right after, mother having swat his forearm.

"No cussing young man !". She scolds him, and he grumbles a little, before nodding.

"Took you long enough". Mirco, my second older brother commented, and I glared at him, taking the seat next to my sister in law Alexandra.

She smiles softly at me in a sign of greeting.

"I hadn't planned to have lunch with you today". I reply curtly, still glaring at him, before politely returning Alexandra's smile.

"You spend to much time inside that room of yours son". My father intervened, as the maids start bringing in the foods.

I could understand Mirco and Noah's slight anger towards me, for they were waiting for me to start with the breakfast. But they needn't be this hostile. After all, I never asked to be summoned for breakfast.

"I enjoy being alone father". I tell my father, watching as he shakes his head softly.

"Ady is a loner, don't you know father ?. He usually lo—ouch !". Mirco yelped loudly, as I kicked his foot under the table, smiling sweetly at him, when he glared at me.

"Coco ?". Mother inquires, frowning.

"It's nothing Mother". He replies, smiling through the pain, before sending a glare at me.

I replied by showing discreetly my tongue to him.

Contrariwise to our currents actions, Mirco and I were really close, but sometimes, my big brother choses to be an enormous pain in my life, so I have to retaliate as well.

"Boys—". Mother scolded us. "Do not think me blind. I am well aware of your little games, and I advise you to keep them away from the table".

"Yes Mother !". We both replied at the same time, and he glares immediately at me afterwards, making me chuckle.

"Rejoin me in my study after you finish Mirco, I have some things to discuss with you".

Father said as he stood up, kissing Mother's cheek.

Mirco nodded at Father's words, before resuming back to his food.

We ate in silence after Father's departure.

And as soon as I finished eating, I stood up, bide everyone around the table goodbye, and left.

I wandered a little through the castle, I could go to the castle's library but, I wasn't really feeling the nearly visceral need I had some times, to just go hide between the shelves of our Kingdom's biggest library.

I knew I had some errands to do for Mother but, they could always wait another day.

The sun was already high in the sky, when I decided on going back to my chambers.

I nearly reached my doors, when a maid came across me, "My prince—". She said bowing. "My prince, your brother Prince Mirco is asking for you to meet him inside his chambers". She informs me and I frown. "And he insisted that it was quite urgent". She adds immediately after, and my frown deepen.

"Thank you Myrtle, you may leave". I reply, still frowning, she nods, bow a second time and leave.

I sigh, as I let my feet drive me to my brothers room.

I don't bother to knock as I reached his chamber. I simply push open the doors, letting myself in, closing the doors behind me.

My eyes immediately caught on Noah, sitting in one of the room's sofa, legs folded beneath him, stretching his hand out to grab a strawberry from the bowl before him.

What was that gremlin doing here ?.

My eyes fall upon Mirco next, pacing angrily in the room, and muttering words I could not decipher this far from him.

"What is happening Coco ?. Why did you request my presence ? And why is Sunny present as well ?". I question, frowning as I walk closer to him.

"Father is 'asking', another word for forcing, Coco to bond and marry the first born prince of Nidarheimr". Sunny responds before Mirco could open his mouth, and my head immediately whip towards my older brother.

Eyes widening, I stare at my brother in utter shock.

What ?!.

Hello guys, first chapter of this new story of mine, I hope you guys liked it, and that you'll stay for more.

And remember to comment, and vote if you want more chapter.

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