
| Royalties | [BL]

[ Non-traditional Omegaverse ] | Prince Lars and Prince Adrian | Introverted and dreamer Omega, Adrian Alry's, Third Prince of the Southern Kingdom, older brother Mirco Alry, is set to marry rumored ruthless and cruel, Lars Bjørnson, Crown Prince of the Northern Kingdom, against his will, to maintain peace between the two Kingdoms. Ruthless and cool headed Alpha, Lars Bjørnson, First born Prince of the Northern Kingdom, has already accepted his fate, marry and bond the second prince of the southern Kingdom, to ensure peace for his people, despite his own aversion for loveless bonds. Things take another turn, when Prince Lars recognize Adrian instead of his brother as his one true mate, on the night of their engagement announcement. The two mates engage themselves then, on the road of love, battling against obligations, jealousy and hatred. ****** | Prince Mirco and Duke Åsger | Mirco was supposed to marry the first born of Nidarhs, Prince Lars, but on the night of their engagement announcement to the Royalties of the fourth Kingdoms, it was his little brother, Prince Adrian who was chosen. He should have been hurt, outraged even, but he only felt relief, relief to know he had escaped a loveless marriage, relief to know his adored brother was on the road of finding love, and relief to be able to explore his inexplicable attraction for the handsome Åsger. Åsger's only responsibility was to serve, protect and advise his Prince, as both his friend and his right hand. He was not supposed to fall head over heels for the brother of his future Queen, he was not supposed to desire so strongly his Prince's ex-fiancé. Will the two of them be able to fight against their feelings for one another, or will they succumb to the fiery passion that burns in their hearts ?. ****** | Prince Noah and Prince Erik | Prince Noah Alry was a free spirit, not one to be tied down. His opinions on bonds were known of all, and it was not in his plans to ever bond with an Alpha. But when one day, he is cornered in heat, by a man ready to violate and abuse him, and is saved by the handsomest man his eyes ever fell upon, his opinions on bonds start slowly to change. Especially after he wakes up naked, in bed with his savior, a fresh bond mark harboring his neck. Prince Erik was a loner, a man who valued family above anything else. An Alpha who longed for true love, but was scared to find it. He never imagined that saving that beautiful Omega would result in the two of them being bonded for life. Will Erik be able to change Noah's views on bonds completely ?. And will he be able to keep his demons hidden enough to keep the free spirited prince by his side ?. Or will he succumb to his own darkness ?.

Bibbi_Kim · LGBT+
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8 Chs


"I mean, it's not that bad—". Prince Noah Alry, Fourth Prince of Aldora, youngest child of his Highnesses King William and Queen Lia, and my little brother muffled, biting at one of the biscuits the maids had brought earlier.

"Not that bad ?!". Mirco exclaims, outraged and I wince slightly. Mirco's voice tended to go really high when angry. "Not that bad—". Mirco continued, angrily pacing inside his room. "His mighty Highness, our father, decide to marry me off to a brute of a man, and you, my own brother does not find it 'that bad' ". He said, sarcasm dripping off his words. "I am literally being sold off like a vulgar cattle, to a brute of a man, and you dare not find it 'that bad' ?!". He shrieked, glaring at the youngest of us all, and I winced again.

Noah immediately recoiled, hiding behind me.

"Calm down Coco—". I tried to pacify, gaze fixated on my brother. "There's no need to get this angry, you know perfectly that Sunny's words were not meant to hurt, nor anger you". I added, watching as Mirco sighed, before slumping on the sofa behind him.

"I just can't believe father would so easily dispose of me". Mirco admitted, voice quivering. "Does my happiness matter so less to him ?". He asked, lost gaze resting upon his two younger brothers. "He knows perfectly my opinions on loveless marriage, yet he gives me no other choice than marrying a man I know nothing of, a man I do not love. He is forcing me to tie myself to a man I do not even wish to love. How can he exige such thing of me ?". He cried, eyes filling with tears, and my heart ached for him.

I stared at my brother with sadness marking my traits. Mirco had been summoned to our father's study early this morning, and neither of us had imagined this to be the outcome of said summon.

I am hurt broken, seeing my always so smiling and playful dear brother in the grip of so much sadness and despair, but, 

"As much as I understand you feeling angry and hurt by father's choice of actions. I cannot help but understand him". I start, Mirco sending a betrayed look at me. "Please Coco, we are princes of a Kingdom, you are prince of a Kingdom. The wellbeing of an entire Kingdom rest upon our family, not only on father and Harry, but on us as well. It is within our responsibilities, to do everything we can, to ensure the peace within Central Plain. For that, I can understand why father took such decision. And despite your words and feelings, you know perfectly that he is right as well". I finished, waiting for my brother's reaction at his words.

"Of course I know he is right in taking such decision !". Mircos exclaimed, surging up from the sofa. "But knowing he is right does not stop it from hurting Ady. I've always—I've always dreamt about meeting the perfect Alpha, falling in love and having a beautiful wedding, like Mother did. I've always dreamt about bonding with the man I loved, and never about engaging myself in a loveless marriage, with a man I knew nothing of". Mirco brought both his hands up to hide his face in, and my heart broke a little bit more at the sight.

I  could totally understand the crushing pain my brother was feeling at this moment.

It was within my dream as well, to meet and to mate with the perfect Alpha, the right Alpha for me. An Alpha I would learn to love with time, an Alpha who will match perfectly with me, my other half, my soulmate, my one true mate.

True mates finding each other, was an extremely rare thing, practically unheard of.

And even if I knew it to be practically impossible for me to find such Alpha, I couldn't help but dream, for there was still a thin possibility of it happening.

I could understand my brother's sorrow at having the chance to fall in love with someone he chose himself ripped away from him.

"We know Coco". Noah intervened, taking in the pitiful look of our brother. "None of us actually want to end in a loveless marriage". He agreed, my eyebrows raising at his words. "What ?!". He exclaims, offended. "I want a marriage of love as well, and a strong and handsome Alpha to take care of me". He pouts, glaring at me.

I chuckles, "I never said the opposite Sunny, I am merely surprised you want to marry, and bound yourself to someone at all, you've never expressed such desire. You only talk about fooling around after all". I reminded him, smile soft as his pout seemed to deepen a little more, and I couldn't resist pinching his adorable baby cheeks.

Noah slaps my hand away giggling, "Not expressing such desires, as often as you two do, does not mean that I do not wish for it as well". He scolded, and I simply nod. "And who said anything about bonding with my future Alpha ?. It is not because Mother and Father bonded, as well as Harrison and Alexandra, that we all have to do the same". He adds, and my nose immediately scrunched up in disgust.

I could never understand those who chose to marry, but not to bond with their partner.

How could such relationship even fonction ?. Not to be able to fully claim your partner as yours, for the rest of your life together ?.

I could understand why people chose to act as such back in the days, when wars between the Kingdoms riped many of their bonded, and especially Kings or Queens, who lost their partner and heir, and had no means anymore to produce a suitable heir for the throne.

Bonding with someone meant so much, it meant that you were willing to be, and to have them, as your one and only for as long as you lived.

For bonding with your partner means that, you could never fall in love with another, nor lay with them, and even less conceive a child with another than your mate, and such even after their death.

I could somewhat understand Kings, such as King Maxwell, and King Henry, who both choose to not bond with their partner, as Central Plain was still in war when they both became Kings.

But, now was a time of peace, there was no needs anymore to choose such way of life.

"Can we come back to my problems now ?". Mirco interject, pouting as well, snapping me back from my thoughts.

And both Noah and I burst out laughing.

"What is there more to say ?". I questioned, still giggling. "You do not agree, nor do want this marriage, but you will either way comply to father's wishes, because you know it to be the best thing to do, not only for the people of Aldora, but also for all the inhabitants of Central Plain. You will marry that Alpha, whether you like it or not".

"Ady is right Coco". Noah agreed. "Whether you like it or not, you will have to marry the first born of Nidarhs. There is no need for this discussion anymore, can't we talk about something else ?. Like the big feast for the announcement of the engagement. I heard all fourth Kingdoms nobility were invited". He adds, shoving a biscuit inside his mouth.

And I sigh, "Mind your manners Sunny". I scold him, handing a napkin to my little brother. "And where did you even hear such things ?. Father has not even announced the engagement to you and I ?".

Noah brought the napkin to his mouth, "Well, I have my ways". He grins, yelping as Mirco throw a pillow at him.

"What ways hmm ?". Mirco huffs, throwing another pillow at him. "You were eavesdropping again, weren't you ?". He accused, eyes narrowing at Noah.

"What !?, Me !?". Noah exclaims, looking offended. "I don't eavesdrop, nope!". He refutes, shaking his head.

"Huh huh". Mirco snorts, not believing him a sole second.

"Please Sunny—". I intervened then. "Everyone in this castle knows you, no need to act so offended".

"Okay okay, I admit that I may eavesdrop sometimes, but—". Noah concedes finally.

"Only sometimes ?!". Mirco exclaims in disbelief, while I chuckle.

Noah pouted in response, "Hey !, Don't act like my eavesdropping skills had not helped us many times !".

"Eavesdropping skills !?. Eavesdropping is a skill now ?". Mirco mocks loudly, chuckling.

"Okay, I may concede that it helped us sometimes, but—". I admit, laughing as well.

"Only 'sometimes' ?". Noah snorts. "Remind me who told you about father's plan to visit Kors's waterfall with mother, so we could sneak out of the castle and visit the town ?". He reminded us, arms crossing on his chest. "And, who informed you about father and Harry's discussion about Prince Cassius arriving from Clairance, days in advance so we could totally pretend getting sick to avoid that douchebag for days ?, Or who—".

Mirco cut him off abruptly, facial expression, morphing into one of total disgust, "Okay okay, your eavesdropping skills helped us many times, happy ?".

"Happy !". Noah smiled all toothy.

"So please, don't ever mention that pervert's name again". Mirco grunted, disgusted. "I still can't believe that he is related to the literal angel that is Alexandra".

"A disgusting pervert, related to a literal angel". Noah laughed.

And I slap Noah's arm, "Stop being dramatic you two, he's not that bad". I said, grimacing as I said so.

Okay, I was maybe lying a little to myself there, Prince Cassius was honestly, the absolute worst exemple of an Alpha I ever had the chance to encounter.

"Not that bad ?". Coco snorted. "Do I need to remember you that we, including you, do everything possible to avoid him, every single time he comes here ?". He adds, one eyebrow raising.

"And do I need to remind you of why exactly we avoid him ?". Noah, intervened, folding his legs on the sofa, and I grimace once again, I really didn't need that.

"Because he keeps making sexual allusions to all three of us whenever he comes here, and because he has wandering hands". Mirco responded nonetheless, Sunny nodding at his words.

"How that pervert can be the brother of our dearest Alexandra, still surprise me". Noah snorts, going for another strawberry.

"Half-brother". I correct, mindlessly. "They are half siblings".

"Thanks heavens !". Mirco exclaims, grabbing a pillow, holding it tightly against himself. "Everything depraved must come from that half, I mean have you met Queen Annabelle ?. A menace, I tell you". He grunted.

I rolled my eyes, both my brothers, younger and older were unbelievable, "Can't you two stop for a second ?". I scolded them. "And you Coco, you are talking about the Queen of Clairance, may I remind you, show her a little bit more respect".

"You are seriously no fun Ady". Mirco grunted. "And I was only saying the truth, not disrespecting her". He said, Noah nodding at his words, still chewing on his strawberry. "She is a menace". He repeats once again, and I sigh, shaking my head.

These two were really something.

"We are seriously going to miss you, when you'll leave after your wedding". I smile softly at Mirco.

And immediately, a veil of sadness envelope the whole room.

"Hmm—". Noah adds, at lost of words, the bowl of fruits completely forgotten.

"I—". Mirco starts, voice quivering. "I really don't want to go". He sniffles a little, and I chuckle lightly.

"We don't want you to go either, but—". I reply, squeezing his hand into mine.

"I have to, I know". He cuts me off, sighing. "I am really going to miss you two, and the Sunflowers". He chuckles softly.

I hum, "I know that it will be difficult for them to survive in Nidarhs but, you can always bring a bouquet with you". I suggest, and my brother smiles at me, nodding.

"Can we please talk about something else ?, You both are going to make me cry". Sunny intervene, Mirco and I chuckling afterwards.

"Since a feast is to be held, many of our friends will surely attend".

Mirco was right, friends of ours, who lived in other Kingdoms would certainly not miss such opportunity to come visit us.

" Prince Leo and his husband Marquess Basil, as well as Lady Adelaide will surely attend". Sunny nods.

"And with Prince Leo and Marquess Basil coming, Princess Victoria is sure to be coming as well". Mirco grimace and I chuckle.

Because, while our dear friend Prince Leo was an absolute angel, polite, courteous and easy going, his half-sister Princess Victoria was the complete opposite, the perfect epitome of a spoiled and bratty girl.

"And on top of that, Prince Cassius will surely be coming too". Sunny groan in pain.

"Do not focus on theses two—". I start, trying to cheer my brothers. "Sunny, you and I could possibly find a suitable Alpha during the feast, don't you think ?". I finish, Noah's attention switching on me.

He nods smiling, seemingly rejoiced by the idea.

"Who knows, maybe the three of us will end up with an Alpha at the end of said feast". Mirco jokes, and Sunny and I laugh.

And maybe Mirco was right, maybe I would end up finding an Alpha for myself at the feast.

Who knows really ?.

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