
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · Filme
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27 Chs

Chapter 9: A New Lightsaber

Connor and the rest of the clan made their way back to the spaceship. Most of the younglings couldn't stop looking at their kyber crystals. Some had also received blue while others had received green, no special color presented themselves in this clan. Bruce's crystal had turned into a neon green. 'Turns out he was more fitted to studying the force', Connor though to himself and let out a small chuckle. A big burly man unlocking the mysteries of the galaxy, it was enough to make anyone smile.

On the way back to the ship, a giant brownish green lifeform caught sight of them and started to charge. This was a gorgodon. Indigenous to Ilum, these giant formidable monsters had claws that extended from their hands and a hide tough enough to withstand shots from a blaster with ease. Right before the gorgodon attacked them, Yoda raised and simply waved his hand. The beast suddenly became dead eyed and walked away as if it had forgotten about the people in front of him existed. Now this was power! This was a true Jedi, Connor was speechless, the gorgodon was a beast that could kill them without a second thought and Yoda had made it go away as simple as breathing. All the younglings present minds were filled with visions of the future, could they be capable of something so amazing in the future?

After arriving back in the ship, the younglings were brought to the room where they would then construct their lightsabers. The construction process was explained to them. They were expected to form it from scratch, of course certain blueprints and instruction was available to those who were not so confident in their abilities. Connor needed none of this, the information he had gained from [Novice Metal Working] and [Novice Wiring] was sufficient to craft his lightsaber.

Once the lecture was complete, the clan was pointed in the direction of the raw materials and the construction was finally beginning. Connor selected two materials that would be sturdy enough for the hilt but also would look aesthetically pleasing. After all, who wouldn't want their lightsaber to look cool? Durite was to be main material while haysian smelt would create the accents. Durite, which was a deep shiny black color, mixed along with haysian smelt, which was a rich gold color, would create a very fashionable lightsaber. Connor then began his work on the hilt, he began with the durite then inlayed haysian smelt using it to create curved and twisted lines that decorated the rest of the hilt. Once he was done, he then moved onto the wiring and internals. Connor wanted to make sure the emitter shroud, the emitter matrix, the activation module were all a cut above the rest.

Connor finished up the hilt and internals. Now it was time to bring the lightsaber together. The Jedi ritual was to use the force to finish the construction. Connor laid out the material he had already constructed out on the table in front of him. He then took out the kyber crystal, still shining in the same guardian blue, and placed in it's housing chamber. Connor closed his eyes and gradually lifted each part of the soon-to-be lightsaber into the air and began to piece each part together. Once everything was in place, Connor lowered the lightsaber into his hand, pointed the lightsaber into the sky, and activated it. "Psshew", the lightsaber shot out in the most beautiful blue Connor had ever seen. All the other younglings in the room had yet to finish their lightsabers and turned to find the cause of the sound which signaled someone had finished.

When the they turned and looked in this direction, they saw a young man wielding the weapon of a jedi, the hilt formed into a beautiful display of black and gold. "Impressive it is", Yoda suddenly speaking directly behind Connor nearly caused him to drop his lightsaber. 'Darn old man, don't you know sneaking up behind people is rude', Connor swore inwardly. "Thank you, Grandmaster", Connor replied, he then turned off the lightsaber and attached it to his belt. Yoda walked away without saying anything else to supervise the other younglings. One by one, the others of the clan and Anakin finished their own lightsabers. Anakin's looked exactly like it did in the movies which was strange considering his mechanical abilities, maybe their was a specific significance to it's design. Bruce had fashioned a simplistic design that was durasteel inlayed with some sort of red colored metal. Once all the younglings had finished, the ship began to lift off.


[User has completed the quest: Construct a lightsaber]

[User's lightsaber has been evaluated; rewards will be distributed]

[User had been awarded with 100 Exp, 2 FP, and 2 SP]

Connor had no idea if his lightsaber was considered good or bad in the eyes of F.U.S.S., but at least he had received an adequate reward. Connor immediately knew where his current FP should go, at his current strength he could not afford to save point until he needed them and he would not place any points into the dark side, at least not yet. He also didn't want to place too much focus into one aspect just yet, for now it was better to spread them evenly across He placed them into the light side and immediately felt his connection to the Force has been deepened and strengthened.

[User has gained the Force ability, Force Slow]

Connor now had the capabilities to be a formidable padawan, all he needed was a master. The ship landed back on Coruscant and now it was time for Connor to meet his master.