
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · Filme
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27 Chs

Chapter 27: Vision

Connor was amazed at the sight of the temple in front of him. The structure had obviously shown signs of decay after thousands of years of abandonment. Thick vines had begun to almost completely encompassed it while statues and pillars had collapsed entirely. The whole thing had a Gothic feel surrounding it. Bruce and Connor simply gave each other a glance before heading forward into the temple.

Once they had reached the front entrance, they found a large door sealed shut while thick vines covered it. Connor equipped his lightsaber before activating it; cutting down any vines he could reach. Then with the combined effort of the two padawans, the door was forced open utilizing their telekinetic abilities. The sight they were welcomed to was hardly a sight at all. The room was dark as there was no electricity, two winding staircases leading to the second floor. Connor kept his lightsaber on using it as a light to illuminate the dark temple.

"I think it would be better if we split up to scout the area", Connor said to which Bruce agreed. Connor would take the right half of the first floor and Bruce would take the left then they would meet back up and venture towards the second floor. They parted ways as Connor made his way towards the right half of the temple. Connor searched every room he could find but found practically nothing. Connor eventually managed to find some ancient text but sadly these could not be absorbed by the system. He decided to store these as they could still be useful to the Jedi Order. Connor then walked into his next room.

After searching for quite some time, Connor noticed a lever hidden underneath some furniture. He reached out his hand and gave it a tug, but the thing had been rusted for a long time. Connor pulled harder and slowly the lever began to move.


The lever finally snapped into place and as it did, the whole room began to shake. Connor turned around to find a part of the wall opening up. When the wall was completely open, Connor was presented with the objects he was looking for. "Holocrons!", Connor exclaimed as he rushed over to the pedestals that were holding them. Before he grabbed the holocrons, however, he noticed that there were six spots for a holocron to fit into but only two were there. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the empty spots were completely free of dust while the holocrons that were present had a thick layer on top of them. "Someone recently took these", Connor deducted. 'But who?', he thought. Connor figured it was a problem for another time as he grabbed onto one of the holocrons.

[Would user like to absorb for 3 FP?]

Connor quickly selected yes and the holocron turned to dust as the force points were placed into his status. Connor then thought for a moment about where to allocate his points for the time being. He knew that his force abilities were currently well ahead of his lightsaber skill but for some reason Connor could not get over the fact that he should have a full 10 points put into the Force. He decided that in the end power was power and decided to put all three FPs into light side.

[User has learned ability: Force Stun]

[Retrieving memories, Standby]

Before Connor could even question the notification that the system had just sent him, he was overcome was an extreme pain in his mind. Connor knelt to the floor grasping at his head. Then his head looked up to the ceiling, but his eyes were now completely light blue. Connor was seeing a vision, and, in this vision, he saw himself, but it was from his previous life! Connor was staring at the him before he reincarnated. He saw it was night and he was walking home from work. This was the night before he came to this world! Suddenly, a dark purple vortex appeared above him sucking him in. Connor could not be sure, but it looked as if his soul was leaving his body. Then the vortex disappeared, leaving behind a corpse with lifeless eyes.

The vision ended and Connor was left sweating, panting and with a million questions. What was that vortex? Why did it target him? One thing was for sure now though. Someone or something had brought him here; His reincarnation was no accident. Connor rested for a few minutes before he felt that he had recovered his strength. Connor decided to keep the extra holocron to give to the Jedi Council. After all, he had to have something to give back to them.

Connor then continued his search throughout the Temple, but his endeavor did not bear any fruit. He then made his way back to the main room where he found Bruce already waiting for him. "Did you find anything?", Bruce asked. Connor then proceeded to show him the ancient texts as well the holocron he found. He also mentioned how there were places for others, but they were missing. "That is a problem", Bruce remarked.

The two padawans then decided it was time to search the second floor. They both headed up the stairs to continue their exploration. Reaching the top of the stairs, they were greeted by another large door. If Connor's memory served him right, this was the Jedi Council room. There was a possibility of their being valuable knowledge inside so Bruce and Connor once again used their combined telekinetic strength to push it open.

As the door opened, it slowly revealed that Connor and Bruce were not the only ones in the temple. Over a dozen humanoid creatures turned their hammerhead-like heads and stared at the trespassers.

Flesh Raiders, the only sentient life left on the planet. Connor and Bruce readied their lightsabers. Then they simultaneously they charged at the beasts who they know had no intention of being peaceful. Connor internal alarm went off, but he could not tell what was causing it. Then a singular Flesh Raider lifted its hand and both Connor and Bruce felt as if a large hand was pushing them backwards. Connor was able to land on his feet, but Bruce has fallen to the ground. Connor looked to the Flesh Raider responsible who was wearing a mischievous smile. These Flesh Raiders were using the Force.