
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · Filme
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27 Chs

Chapter 24: Special Mission

Connor got his ship fixed up and added the extra module needed to fly near Rattatak. After everything was put in place, Connor took his starfighter and flew back to Coruscant while the others flew back in the ship that Plo Koon arrived in. Connor was not sure why nobody had taken an attempt on Ky Narec's life unlike the version of history that Connor was familiar with. Connor felt that this was the so-called butterfly effect. The small changes he had made so far in history would result in large changes in the future.

Arriving on Coruscant, they were greeted by serval politicians. Connor found this humorous, these people were only concerned about their authority. They simply wanted to probably get a photo op to show their part in the ratification of Rattatak and the rescue of Ky Narec. Connor took as little photos as possible then quickly headed into the temple.

Connor made his way to his room where he unpacked all his things and R2-B4 plugged himself into the charging port. Connor then needed to find his master. He had request for a special mission but the protocol for any padawan's to request such a thing was to bring it to their masters who would then bring it to the council for approval. Luckily, his master was a part of the jedi council so the process could be expedited. As the saying goes: if you can snap two chicken necks with a single motion, why use two motions to snap those chicken necks?

"Master", Connor called out to Plo Koon who walking away at the time. Plo Koon turned around, "Yes, padawan?". "I would like to submit a request for a special assignment", Connor told him. Plo Koon was surprised, it was always a right of a padawan to do such a thing, but it was not very well practiced. "What is your request, padawan?", Plo Koon queried. "I would like to take an expedition to Tython.", Connor got straight to the point.

The purpose of traveling to Tython was simple. Tython was the founding place of the Jedi order. For hundreds of years, the Jedi studied and experimented with the Force. There was a lot of ancient knowledge that was lost when the Jedi were forced to leave Tython. Holocrons! Connor felt that under the guise of collecting the ancient Jedi knowledge, he could also use some of the holocrons to give himself some force points. The only issue was that some of the knowledge was prohibited in the Jedi Order and the Jedi Order did not have the most open mind to receiving new knowledge.

Connor explained all of this to his master. Of course, he left out the part about wanting to gain force points. Plo Koon listened to the entirety of his padawans explanation the spoke, "Hmm. That is quite the request. You must know how the council will feel about this". "Yes, I do", Connor spoke, "but I would like to remind the council that ignorance is not the way of the jedi". Plo Koon was surprised but only nodded at what Connor had said. "Very well, I will bring this to the council, and I will give my support, but honestly it won't be up to me", Plo Koon warned. Connor conveyed his understanding and master and padawan parted ways.

Connor knew that his request might have been a long shot, but Connor felt that with his recent contributions and the looming threat of the return of the Sith, the council might be more inclined to grant him permission. Although who knows how long it would take.

Turns out the council took a week before they had decided on it. In this time Connor continued a regular daily routine. The main focus that Connor had was seeing if the skills in F.U.S.S could be upgraded without spending skill point. Connor had three skills that he felt he could level up here in the Temple, [Novice Mechanic], [Intermediate Piloting], and [Novice Shooting]. During his free time, Connor would head over to the spaceport and shadow the workers there to see if he could learn and improve anything. Other times, Connor would head to the shooting range to try and improve how well he could handle a gun. Connor was not sure how often he would use one but maybe it could end up saving his life one day. The last thing was Connor would continue to train on the flight simulators located in the Temple. Connor knew that come clone wars time; Jedi spent a lot of the war in space, so good piloting is essential.

After the practice that Connor put in, he could feel his skills improving but F.U.S.S. still showed them at the same level. Either he had not improved enough to rank them up or the system only showed skills bought directly from it. Connor was disappointed but he knew it had only been a week, more practice was bound to bear some fruit.

Connor was currently pacing back and forth outside of the Jedi Council room. Plo Koon had contacted him asking him to come here. The only reason Connor could think of was that they had reached a decision on Connor's request for an expedition to Tython. Connor could only hope that it would be granted.

After waiting for almost half an hour, the council doors opened to reveal Plo Koon. "The council has decided begrudgingly to allow you to go to Tython.", Plo Koon straightforwardly said. Connor was pleasantly surprised, but what Plo Koon said next shocked him. "The problem is that I will be unable to accompany you to Tython as matters here on Coruscant have kept me from doing so?", the Jedi master added. "So, does that mean I won't be able to go?", Connor questioned. "Not necessarily, we discussed some things and the council have felt that with the low threat that Tython represents, we have chosen another padawan to go with you", Plo Koon explained. "Who?", Connor was curious. Suddenly a voice rang out from behind him, "Long time no see, bruv".