
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · Filme
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27 Chs

Chapter 21: Questions

Connor's jacket only extended far enough that half of his lightsaber still poked through, making it visible to everyone. Connor had no reason to hide it; he figured as long as he didn't offend the wrong people like with warlord Hal'Sted, the lightsaber would act as more of deterrent rather than a target painted on his back. This would include the fact that word would probably soon spread of the death of Hal'Sted by a Jedi so people would probably cautious towards these particular force users.

These were Connor thoughts as he entered a cantina located about a mile from the base he had just destroyed, R2-B4 by his side. As Connor entered, he sat directly at the bar and asked for some water. A glass of water was brought to him and Connor slowly began to sip on it. The bartender that handed him the drink was an old Twi'lek woman. "I need information", Connor bluntly said. "You must be new here. Sorry, kid, we only serve drinks", the woman replied. "It's not anything illegal", Connor said. The woman was about to answer when a rugged battle-scarred looking man stepped in front of her. "The lady said no", the man gruffly replied. "I just need to know about any ships that crash landed here in the last couple of days", Connor pleaded. The man looked at the woman then nodded and the Twi'lek walked away from the conversation.

"There were two ships to crash on Rattatak recently. One was only a few miles outside of town the other was about a hundred miles north of here", The man replied. Connor sat in silence for a while. That other ship had to be his master, but Connor also knew his master wouldn't just sit still waiting for someone to rescue him, so Connor figured that heading to the location of his master's ship would not bear any fruit. "Do you know of a man named Ky Narec", Connor questioned the old man. The old man mand looked at Connor amusingly, "You really are new here. That man is known by everyone on Rattatak. Before his arrival, Rattatak was in a state of constant warring and although the warlords still have some power spread across the planet, he has brought relative peace to Rattatak. I think last I heard he was in the city about thirty miles east of here". Connor thanked the man for his information, drank his water and left.

Connor walked with R2-B4 along the streets lost in thought. Connor currently had three things to accomplish: Find his master, find Ky Narec, and fix his ship and make it capable of flight on this planet. Connor only currently could accomplish the second of these three. He headed back to the "Jeep" he had took earlier. Connor then ignited the engine and sped off eastward.

After driving for about thirty miles, Connor had arrived at the city that the old man had mentioned. Connor once again stowed the "jeep" for further use and walked into the city. Connor had come this far but wasn't sure where to find Ky Narec or even what he looked like. He could only ask the locals for any information they knew. Connor soon found, however, that this tactic didn't work either as no locals wanted to talk to a stranger. Suddenly a man carrying a pot bump into Connor causing the pot to fall and shatter on the floor. "You just broke a priceless family heirloom", the man exclaimed. Connor was confused at first then quickly caught on. 'Is this man really trying to use such a tired scam on me?', Connor sighed inwardly. "You bumped into me not the other way around so let's just go about our day", Connor replied. The man was a Rattaktaki, the native species of Rattatak meaning he looked almost human except for his completely white skin. The man grabbed Connor by the collar and said, "Look you just broke something of mine and I expect to be compensated for it".

Just when Connor was about to retaliate, another voice came out from the crowd, "Jahdal, you really back to your old tricks again? You really haven't gotten any better at picking your targets; look at his waist, he's a Jedi". Jahdal noticed this and began brushing the dust from Connor's clothes. "Well Mr. Jedi, I think we should call it even. After all who's to say who bumped into who?", Jahdal spoke nervously before quickly walking away. Connor look to find the source of the voice who rescued him from that con man. What he saw was a human male, the man was balding slightly in the front of his head but continued to grow his brown hair and shape it into a ponytail.

"You must be Connor, come with me", the man spoke. Connor stared at the man briefly before asking, "Who are you?". "I am Ky Narec and I believe you have some business with me". Ky Narec said before walking off and Connor and R2-B4 hastily followed. "How do you know my name?", Connor asked once he had caught up to Ky. "All will be explained once we reach our destination", Ky spoke cryptically. Many turns and twists and streets later. Ky Narec stopped at what appeared to be his home. "Come inside", Ky said as he beckoned Connor with a wave of his hands.

Connor and entered the home and was immediately shocked. The house itself was simple and modest, but that wasn't what shocked Connor. Sitting in front of him were two people that Connor recognized. "Glad to see you are safe, padawan", Plo Koon's voice rang in Connor's ear for the first time in a while. "And this is my apprentice", Ky Narec spoke up motioning to the person sitting next to Plo Koon. "Hi my name is Asajj. Asajj Ventress.", Connor had once again met a key character in the Star Wars universe.

Thanks for all the posistive support these past couple of days!

I had a question for you guys. Would you rather want a constant steady release of chapters as it has been or woud you like a mass release every week or so?

toobadImbatmancreators' thoughts