
[DC] Watch The Fire!

It was a simple day, the people sauntering about their mundane, that is until it shifted to fire and brimstone. Collapsed upon her knees, a young Suyeong watched as the world around her collapsed. The sky was painted in blood, screams filled the air as the world crumbled and shrieked. Fire spiraled into the sky, smoke billowing after it. This was all a forthcoming event, and it was orchestrated by one individual, a spiteful man, a man who took the life of her dearest friend, a man she would hunt for the better half of her life. The hunt after the man had led her to this moment, ascended into the sky, a dragon that dwarfed all present slithering in the skies behind her while her golden eyes glared down on the collective heroes of justice, the Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, and the Caped Crusader stood tall at the forefront, staring her down. Her eyes shook in confusion, but she still roared lightning wrapping around her, "You've decided to stand in my way, so I will do what I must."

Pasithea_Midnight · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

6. Suspicions : Deals

Taking a sip from his glass, Dubloque let out a breath.

"I can tell you where to find the man or I can get you in contact with him. However, If you want to get in contact with him through me, you'd have to wait quite a while."

Suyeong stopped her tapping and mirrored his posture, visibly more pleased with the conversation. "Why is that?"

"He's working a contract at the moment, working with the insane that like to wrestle with the likes of Kryptonians. Wouldn't recommend you join him now." He signaled at Eagle and tapped the piece in his ear.

She shook her head, brushing off his words with a wave of her hand. "That is not important to me. Just tell me where he is, and I will handle the rest."

"How will you handle him?" There was a glint in his eyes, his interest completely piqued.

She shrugged, "In whatever way the situation deems necessary."

Staring her down with a contemplative gaze, he nodded to himself. "... Then how about we form ourselves a deal."

"What type of deal?"

"I will offer you his location and transport, in turn, you offer your services."

"My... Services? I do not have any. Explain."

"Quite simple. I need someone powerful. I need an intimidating bodyguard. You'd be the perfect fit."

"...Very well. I will guard you for a set amount of time, not a moment longer."

Right as she finished her sentence, the guard, Eagle, opened the door, allowing another security person to enter the room with a folder. The man dutifully placed the folder in front of Suyeong with a swift nod before swiftly exiting the room.

When the doors were shut once more, Suyeong opened the folder. In it were reports, photos, names, and locations, all seemingly related to Deathstroke.

"In the folder are several reports detailing the Terminator's location and current contract, though the exact details of said contract are unknown to me. However, I do know who he is working for."

Flipping through the papers, Suyeong scanned every page and word that could be of use. "Intergang."

"Yes, they have a contract with him. He's appeared a few times in areas under their control."

"What are they."

"A crime organization like any other. Dangerous on another level when compared to others since they're armed to the teeth with alien technology."

Suyeong nodded. The man she was told to search for is currently holding hands with seemingly dangerous people. She would need to consider them when she goes to search for him.

"And they are currently operating in... Metropolis, correct?"

"Right. The slimy bastards have been quiet for a while, but with the recent hire of your friend, the quiet won't last for long." Swirling the wine in his glass, Dubloque sighed. "It's bad business down there."

The two sat in silence, Dubloque taking sips from his wine now and then while waiting for Suyeong to organize her thoughts.

"I want to be there tomorrow." Breaking the silence, Suyeong rose from the seat.

Raising his brows at her hastiness, he watched her gather her coins back in her bag before she made her way to the door. "Tomorrow? Why so soon?"

She turned back to him, "We do not know when Deathstroke will move next. The sooner I find him the better." Looking at Eagle, she nodded at him and pulled the doors open.

"Very well. The guard outside will show you to a room down the hall. Everything will be prepped in the morning." Staring at her back as she exited the room without another word, he shook his head and finished the rest of his wine.

Studying the cracks in his glance again, Dubloque couldn't help the wide grin that spread across his face, "Not a single touch." He whispered.


Stepping through the Watchtower, Wonder Woman, Diana, moved through the halls, thinking back to the woman she had just met.

There was a strange familiarity to her that went beyond her to the Dragon, not to mention something divine, she could feel it rolling off of the woman.

A part of her warned to be wary of the seeming young woman, yet another part told her to treat her as gently as possible it was a strange occurrence she had never experienced before. Though it didn't bother her one bit.

What bothered her was that the woman came to the same conclusion about the Dragon's fueled rage. The being behind it was divine.

What she didn't tell Suyeong, however, was that she could guess the one most likely responsible for it, whether it be them directly connected to inciting the chaos, or just them being involved in orchestrating it.

The individual she could think of, if wrong, would be a relief, but if correct, it would be more worrisome than she hoped for.


Being broken from her burrowing thoughts, the Amazonian turned to the source of the call out, smiling as she spotted a man dressed in a black tailcoat suit. "Zatanna! Great to see you. Did you need something?"

"Great seeing you as well. Have you just come back from a patrol? Were you in Gateway City just now?" The man quickly questioned, not wasting a second, his eyes beaming with barely withheld expectation.

"I did, why?"

"I caught onto something incredible! A flare of magic more ancient than anything I've ever seen!? I must get to the roots of this as soon as possible. Do you have any idea what the cause of this magic could be?!"

"...Perhaps, but why is this magic making you so anxious to get to it?"

"It's beyond simple magic, Diana. Not only is it ancient, but it might also have been magic thought to be lost to the world. Even more so, something even more ancient could be holding onto!"

Raising a hand, Diana chuckled. "Alright, alright, I get it. No need to ramble on. I know where the magic came from, but I recommend not bothering them for a while."

"Them? So, you've spoken, is it a human, an animal of sorts? Is it of clear mind? Why shouldn't I bother them?"

"They're currently grieving. It'd be best to not upset them with your curiosities."

"Oh, I see..." Quickly collecting himself, Zatanna, readjusted his tie. Sighing, he nodded. "Well then, I will be on my way, Diana."

"Before you go, I need to ask a favor of you."

"What is it?"

"I have reason to believe something big is bound to happen soon. Countless parties could be involved. I need you to look into what Circe and the Duke of Deception have been up to."

"I'll see what I can do."

She smiled in response, shaking the man's hand with a tone of gratitude. "Then I thank you." 

Nodding, he went down the other side of the hall, leaving Diana alone. Now that she could trust half the task to Zatanna, she could focus on what was at hand. 

Keeping an eye on Suyeong, and another open for the God of War.


Sitting on the floor in an expansive room. Suyeong held her eyes closed, in a meditative state. Moving her hands through the air, golden light shifted after her fingers forming symbols.

Stopping the movements, she put her hands together, speaking in the Draconic tongue. Reciting the same sentence repeatedly for hours.

Once she finished, the symbols congregated, forming a rift in the air. The rift shifted different images, showing various places and people as if in search of something.

Halting on the image of a bright city made of high-rises and beautiful buildings, the likes of which she had never seen before. 

Opening her eyes, she gazed at the image, "Metropolis..." She muttered, her voice almost a whisper. This was her next location, she didn't know what to expect, but this world was filled with wonders, and seeing the flying figures through her rift; she knew to expect something spectacular.

The rift shifted in images once more, halting on the image of a man in a mask, half black and orange with a singular eye slit, stalking the city from the windows of a high-rise.

She could recognize the man from the photos, Deathstroke. It seemed the man wasn't one for sleep.

Watching the rift for a while longer, she shook her head with a sigh. She would speak with him soon. There were too many people she needed to speak with to search for her target and she had to force her annoyance at the fact down.

If it was necessary, she would talk to who she needed to. And that was that.

On her feet, Suyeong glanced at the bed. She was as restless and unable to sleep as she'd always been. So, she needed to keep herself busy.

Focusing on her Hanfu, she shifted her scales, a long sword sliding from under her sleeves into each hand. Nodding at it, she pushed the two together, turning them into a greatsword.

Altering them once more, it turned into a polearm with a thick blade at the end, a Hyeopdo. Noting how it could turn into whatever she wished, the scales slid back under her sleeves. Feeling a shift in the room, she let out a breath.

Not turning around, she spoke to the intruder, squinting her eyes in barely held-back annoyance. "What do you want, Circe?"

A haughty chuckle reverberated throughout the room. "Oh dear. You could speak kindlier, can't you." She spoke, feigning sadness at Suyeong's tone.

Turning to face her, Suyeong looked the woman up and down. She looked the same as she did those many moons ago. She reminded her of memories she wished were not just memories.

She was a beautiful woman, with freckles spread across sun-kissed skin, and vibrant red hair, while she donned light wear that was easy to move along in. The air shifted around her every move as if magic.

Suyeong clicked her tongue; she pressed her fingers at her temple. "No. What do you want," she mumbled.

Moving in front of her, Circe put her hands on Suyeong's shoulders. A small grin on her face. "I just wanted to see you, Su. You and your little Dragon friend hid quite well after the attack. I couldn't even find the island.

Looking the woman in the eyes, "Again. What do you want?" She repeated herself.

Not removing her grin, she dropped her hands from Suyeong's shoulders before moving to sit on the large bed, flicking her hair behind her. "There is something you must know."

Correcting myself here, I told someone in the previous chapter that Gotham was in New York, I had a slight slip up. Gotham is in New Jersey, while Metropolis is in New York.

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