
[DC] Watch The Fire!

It was a simple day, the people sauntering about their mundane, that is until it shifted to fire and brimstone. Collapsed upon her knees, a young Suyeong watched as the world around her collapsed. The sky was painted in blood, screams filled the air as the world crumbled and shrieked. Fire spiraled into the sky, smoke billowing after it. This was all a forthcoming event, and it was orchestrated by one individual, a spiteful man, a man who took the life of her dearest friend, a man she would hunt for the better half of her life. The hunt after the man had led her to this moment, ascended into the sky, a dragon that dwarfed all present slithering in the skies behind her while her golden eyes glared down on the collective heroes of justice, the Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, and the Caped Crusader stood tall at the forefront, staring her down. Her eyes shook in confusion, but she still roared lightning wrapping around her, "You've decided to stand in my way, so I will do what I must."

Pasithea_Midnight · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

5. The Underground

The sun was setting over Gateway City, and while some businesses were beginning to close, a small cafe on a once-busy corner was still open despite the slow hour.

Sitting at a table in the corner, Suyeong rested her cheek on the palm of her hand, looking out the window, mulling through her thoughts—the smell of coffee, tea, and a wonder of varying aromas assaulted her nose.

But still, the quiet air mixed with the smells brought out a sense of peace within her, peace to think of what to do next. The biggest thought on her mind was: How do you find a mercenary?

When she thought about what she knew of the world, she could only remember what the elders of Solstratos told her. Their wizened words could be of use.

The only thing from them that came to mind was "To find that which is hidden, find the obvious." Perhaps not the best advice for this matter.

Maybe... The crooks and their "wisdom" could be of use. They often spoke of various places having an underworld.

This information is very old, probably outdated, but humans rarely change in all aspects, so she concluded that it might be better to check at least.

Suyeong was broken from her thoughts when a plate and a teacup were placed in front of her. Looking at the slice of chocolate cake and tea, she turned to the waitress in confusion.

With a practiced smile, she placed a napkin down. "You've been sitting here for a while now; I thought you might want something."

Scanning the young woman's face, Suyeong reached for a coin in her bag before the waitress stopped her.

"Oh! No need, it's on the house." She hurriedly spoke, a flash of something unfamiliar to her in the woman's eyes.

Nodding, Suyeong picked up a spoon, and scooped up a piece of cake, tasting the seemingly sweet dessert, she was prepared to be disgusted only to be met with the taste of something bitter.

Seeing the surprise on her face, the woman's smile spread. "What is this?" Suyeong questioned.

"A dark chocolate cake," She happily responded.

Suyeong hummed, "Dark chocolate..." Quickly finishing the cake, she turned to see the waitress still there and decided to pick her brain.

"Tell me, where could I find..."


Wandering down the streets in the dead of night, Suyeong watched the creeping shadows with focus. She was done relaxing and asked the waitress where criminals often gather.

She was told there was an area that most avoid at night, so she reckoned it was the place to go, though she did have to tell the woman that she wasn't going there—a total lie.

Coming up to a large building, a highly active club, a supposed front for a criminal organization.

There was a long line outside, men and women dressed in an assortment of clothing, all waiting to enter.

Walking straight to the guard at the door, Suyeong ignored the complaints of the line, stepping up to the man who was several times larger than her.

The guard glared at her, "What do you think you're doing? Get in line like everyone else."

Not bothered by his glare, she pulled her bag to her front. "I have a business proposal for your boss." She calmly stated.

Crossing his arms, he dismissed her. "Look, lady, I don't know who you think you are but-" Once Suyeong showed the contents of her bag, he was thrown into a lost his words.

"..." Pressing the beeper on his waist, another guard sprung out from within the club.

Whispering to one another, the new guard nodded before stretching out an arm. "Follow me, the boss is busy so let's not waste his time." 

With a blank look, she nodded, stepping into the building first before letting the guard lead the way. 

After entering the music from the club assaulted her ears at full force, nearly disorienting her, but what surprised her the most as they navigated through the crowd was how instead of a club, there were fights taking place.

In the center of the building, instead of a dance floor, there was a large cage that surrounded a raised platform, where two people fought in bloody combat.

"What is all this?" She questioned.

The man continued towards a set of stairs with two fully equipped guards at its base. "You came here without knowing?" He asked, "An illegal cage arena, an illegal gambling den. The club is a front for it."

When they got to the stairs they were stopped, "She has business with the boss."

Tapping on his ear, the guard waited a moment before nodding. "Go ahead," He glared at Suyeong. "Watch yourself with the boss, don't go losing your pretty little head."

Crinkling her eye at the comment, Suyeong hid her disgust, ignored the man, and continued following the guard up the stairs.

Going down a long hall it was like they entered an entirely different world. The hall had wooden walls and floors, sparkling chandeliers while each wall held all sorts of paintings and sculptures.

They finally stopped in front of a grand door, larger than the both of them, intricate patterns etched its entirety while classical music escaped from its other side.

"Here. Boss is inside."

"I see... Thank you."

"Yep, just doing my job. No need lady. Hopefully, I don't see your corpse being dragged out-o-here later." Knocking on the door, he went back the way they came.

Humming, she nodded to herself. Observing the nicely decorated halls, she sniffed at the air, taking in the fresh scent of oak and tea, it was relaxing, dangerously so.


Shifting the expression on her face, Suyeong pushed the door open. Behind the doors revealed a large office filled with different artifacts and pieces of art.

A record player played classical music while behind the desk stood a man, wine glass in hand peering down through the window at the ongoing cage fights. 

As she took steps further into the room, the doors behind her were closed by a large man fitted in black armor that covered everything except his face.

Giving him a once-over, Suyeong stood next to the table in the center of the room. Wordlessly staring at the back of the man in a black and red three-piece suit.

Turning away from the window, she finally caught a glimpse of his face, an aged man, slight wrinkles on his face with a head of white hair, and a well-trimmed beard.

The man approached her, putting his glass on the table, gesturing for Suyeong to take a seat as he did the same. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting!?" He grinned. "For a person associated with Wonder Woman, it's a surprise surely."

She furrowed her brows, "Associated with Wonder Woman?... Certainly, news to me."

"News spreads quickly these days, my friend." He simply stated.

The reveal of his information-gathering abilities was surprising to her, It showed he had eyes on her for a while now, it seems. Instead of worrying about this, the revelation made her happy.

If he had such capabilities, he might have the information she needs. Perhaps the ability to contact her wanted person.

Nodding at his words, Suyeong placed her bag on the table causing its contents to clink and slightly spill out. "I'm not here to make friends with you. I need to find someone." She blankly stated.

The man glanced at the coins, "May I?" Receiving a nod from the woman, he picked up a coin, pulling a pair of gold-rimmed glasses from his coat, the man inspected the coin. 

Placing the coin down, he grinned at the authenticity of the gold. "Charle Dubloque, it'll be my pleasure to do business with, Ms..."


"Who do you need to find?" He eagerly questioned.

Suyeong tapped her finger on the table, leaning forward as if stating the name of her target was a subject of utmost secrecy. "A man. A mercenary. He goes by the name of Deathstroke."

Nodding he sent a glance to the armored guard, a glance that didn't go unnoticed by Suyeong.

At the mention of the man's name, the air in the room shifted. Dubloque's smile was wiped from his face, sitting back in the seat, he crossed his legs, taking his glasses off he gave her soul soul-searching stare.

The tension in the guard's movements didn't go unnoticed by her either, he seemed to tense at the name, silently tensing his body.

"And what would someone from your station need to find the Terminator for?" He quizzed.

Remaining calm despite the tension in the room, her eyes glaring at the man. "You know nothing of my station. What I need the man for is between me and him."

He scanned her inquisitively. The silence was deafening. The woman had an aura about her that would make any man uncomfortable simply being stared at by her.

Her pointer finger continued to lightly tap the table, looking at his wine, he noticed how it violently shook, light cracks streaking across it.

Raising a brow, he sighed before raising his hand to his guard. "Enough, Eagle." The guard violently glared in response.

Dubloque chuckled, "It seems we have a rather valuable business venture in our midst, Ms. Suyeong."

Late upload, sorry, had to take a nap. 45% chance of Another chapter later. Quick question, do you guys like image chapters? Like, chapters with images of the characters that appear in the story, or simply an image of the main character?

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