
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

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BM: B2 Chapter 8

When we landed in Volterra a couple of the lower guards greeted us at the landing strip. There where three black SUV's with tinted windows, E, mom, dad and me went in one, the others where Edythe, Beau, Charlie and Emmett, and finally Alice, Jasper and Rose and a lower guard where in the other. Dad and I sat there and talked for about how things may go down.

"I know Marcus to well they ain't going to kill Beau or Charlie not if they want there bond with you Drake, and of course your mate bond as well E." Dad said

"I agree as well dad, from what father sounded like on the phone he was not mad he was just upset that we didn't tell him." I said

"To be honest son, you and E are our best bet out of this situation, and we may have a third option."

"What is that son."

"How we may not have to do anything, when we arrive let Emmett and Jasper know to hide Charlie behind them."

It took dad a second to put two and two together, "Ohh so its like that son?"

"I am like 92% sure that its correct but there is always that 8%, but if I am all correct I can get there changing to be pushed at least by like two years."

"Okay I'll let them know when we stop."


When we enter the castle I see whole upper guard there, Felix, Heidi, Jane and Demetri all there waiting for us. Me and E walk over there to meet up with them. The moment me and E get next to them, we both fell to the ground in pain not like horrible pain but more like someone pinching us really hard over are body, this was obviously Jane. I looked up to her, and gave her a warm smile, I don't think she liked that.

Jane had a newspaper in her hand she rolled it up and hit the top of E's and my head.

"Really you two, just really, you two are sooooo lucky that you have bonds to the leaders because if you weren't y'all would be die just so you know."

She went on a rant for at least 8 minutes about how stupid we are, after 8 minutes I just got up and hugged her and pulled her in for a kiss.

"It is going to go fine with Mothers and Father trust me."

"What are you getting at Drake?"

"Just watch."

After I let Jane go I greeted the other three, "Hey y'all going to give me a lecture too."

Felix walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder, he then pulled E in too, "I don't need to lecture you two, since after these talks are done and we come to a agreement, y'alls future wives will deal with you." He said with a smirk

I looked over to E, "I can handle Jane to a degree but you with Athena" I just shook my, "It was nice knowing you bud."

I looked back to Jane, "Says you I promise you Drake you will hurt in the morning, you Father already said I get to do your punishment."

'Shit . . . . Father you traitor'

E put his had on my shoulder, "Well it was a honor brother."

From behind us I can her Edythe and Alice laughing, I turn around I see all the vampires excluding Mom and Dad laughing at us, Mom and Dad I thank you for at least hiding your laughter.

Beau and Charlie where confused, I walked back to the group and Charlie pulled me into him, "He you okay, is everything alright, Why is everyone laughing at you and E."

I smiled a bit, knowing Charlie cares about my well being, "Everything is alright Charlie my future wife and our friends where messing with me. We are going to be fine." I said

Charlie looked to Jane and Felix and the rest of the group of four, they just smiled at him. He then looked back down to me, "We maybe be fine but are you going to be fine, I was married once too and I know that look Jane is giving you, you are screw once we are good."

I could her Jane and the rest laughing now, "Ohh thank you Charlie for those wise words that really helps me."


The laugher was interrupted by a human servant coming to let us know we can enter the throne room. Our group of 12 entered the throne room and Emmett and Jasper told Charlie to stand behind them, and not to show yourself untell, I say something. I really hope that 92% is correct.

When we entered I could feel Mother(A) stares at me and E. My other Mothers and Father where neutral, Mother (s) and (D) get up and give me and E hugs. Then Mother(A) clears her throat and the both go to sitting down in there thrones.

"So son how do you plea." Mother (A)

"I plea guilty, I did what y'all know of, But let me plea my case."

Mother (A) had a smirk but kind of a smile hidden in there.

"Okay son let us know your side of the story." Mother (S)

"Okay Edythe and Beau please step forward."

They both came to the front, "Father as you can see they have a mate bond, so they are mates, they are soulmates so at least for them they are safe to that degree we cant hare a mate with out hurting the other correct."

"You are correct son." Father said

"Yes, the other question I bet you want to ask is then why is he not turned, we to put it simple, Beau is still in high school and can't exactly just leave and disappear without it causing question in his town so I propose a agreement."

"What kind of agreement son." Mother (D)

"My agreement is let Beau finish high school and give him a year after he finishes high school, and plus they will have to leave forks to do the changing since per there treaty with the Quileute tribe, they can don't bit anyone in forks, the additional year well give them time to put everything in order for him to disappear while he is a newborn."

Mother (S) and Father look to each other, "That sounds far son, I'll talk to Bonnie per our agreement." Father said

"Beau would you please let me take your hand." Mother (S) asked

Beau looked to me and I nodded my head, he walked us to Mother and she removed her glove and took his hand. Everything was silent for a second, then Mother looked to me, "Can I meet him."

I nodded, "Charlie can you please come up her." I said

I see a nervous Charlie start to leave behind Emmett and Jasper, Alice put her hand on his shoulder, "You got this Charlie." she said. Charlie came forward and Mother eyes where on him the entire time.

I looked to father and he just nods.

When Charlie go to the front, he just stood next to me and E, he didn't know what to do.

"Hello my dear." Mother said

Charlie stumble a few words then got them out, " Hello Ma'am."

Mother got down to him and notice that he was wearing a necklace, Charlie noticed this as well he pulled it up from under his shirt, "Ohh your son gave this to me as a gift, its very pretty."

Mother looked at it, then looked to me, "Ohh long have you know son?"

"To be honest I was like 92% sure, I kind of to a guess after father told me that I had bet your mate."

Charlie was confused a bit, "Mate . . ." He looked to me then to Mother then back to me.

"Ohh thank god I ain't going to die." Charlie said as Alice grabbed him a chair, because he looked like he was about to fall over from worrying so much. Alice gave him the chair, "Thank you Alice." Alice smiled, "No, Problem."

The Cullen's worry went down too, mainly because once they found out Charlie was Suplicia's Mate then knew everything was going to be alright.

"Felix and Demetri can you guide the Cullen's to there guest rooms." Mother (S) paused "But Son, E and Charlie stay please."


After everyone left, it was E, Charlie and me, and of course all my Mothers and Father and Jane had stayed as well.

Felix and Demetri had gotten a huge table out and chairs and we all sat at it. They had gotten me and Charlie some food."

"Mhh human food?" Charlie said

This comment had made Mother (S) giggle.

"Why of course silly, we do have human servants here."

Before Charlie could answer with another question I answered for him, "They want to be a vampire, and Jane don't say that stupid joke, or they will be desert crap." I said while I was eating my steak.

I heard Jane huff a bit.

After everyone had eaten a bit we got down to business.

"So Charlie dear, you do know what it going to have to happen right." Mother (S) said

Charlie looking nervous didn't help him right now, "Umm I guess I will have to become a vampire too."

"Correct dear"

"But from what Drake said I will be a newborn and I can't do my job when I may attack a criminal."

I interrupted them, "I have things to help newborns, look at E he is a newborn but he still acts like he was when he was human, I just didn't want to let Beau and Edythe to know I could give them that same help, I mean I will but not tell Beau is change."

"Why, Drake?" Charlie asked

"Because Edythe never wanted to change Beau, Yes they are mates but she had this whole I don't want to damn your soul crap going on but she does love Beau deeply but doesn't want to change him. But she is okay with him growing old and dying then she would kill herself and all that but won't turn him so, I'll help Beau all the way when he turns but Edythe needed a wake up call."

"Ohh okay so what now?" Charlie asked

"Son how many months tell your graduation." Mother asked

"About three months why."

"Do you think you could stay for a month while we help my dear Charlie, get used to his new life."

"I mean sure I can do that."

"Then after a month you two can go back to forks and then we will be there for your graduation, what do you think dear." Mother asked

"I am okay with that, I don't know how this whole mate thing works but I will do it, but my job and the whole Bonnie things has this all confused for me."

Father stood up, "Ohh don't worry about that we will get something back to your station about a family emergency going on and as for Bonnie we can give her a call."

"I think everything is in order." Father said and he and Charlie left together.


My Mothers and E and I and Jane of course where sitting just talking.

"So can I stay for a the month as well." E asked

"NO you may not." Mother (A) said

"Why don't?" E said

"Because it is apart of your punishment and trust me there more later tonight." she said

I just pat him on the shoulder.

Jane gets up and speeds to my side, "I hope you haven't forgotten about your punishment to Dear?" she whispers in my ear

I turn to her. Here is the thing ever since Jane took those serums I gave her she did age but she also grew taller Jane used to be 4'8 she is now 5'4 she is way taller then me know and it can be scary at times, she already manhandles be but now it got ten times worse after she took those serums, but what can I do really.

Jane and Mother (A) left after a few, my guess is so they can plan there punishments for us.

I looked over to Mother (S) who looked all happy.

"I am happy for you Mother."

"Thank you son, it has been a long time since I felt this happy the last time I felt this happy was when I met you, and now from the looks of it, I have a adult you now."

I laughed a bit, "Yeah, Charlie can be a shy one, he and Beau are the same really, Charlie love Beau and I know after you two get to be alone, you both will be fine together, just go slow with Charlie the last time he was in a relationship he was divorced by the women."

Mother was taken a bit back by that, "Why was he divorced?" She asked

"You will have to ask him that." I said

We talked for awhile about just daily life and how my schooling was going. They asked what was graduation.

During are conversation I felt a par of hands on my shoulder, I look up and Jane was there.

"Time for your punishment." She said

I looked over to E and Mother had him too, 'Shit'.

Next I was out of my chair and in Janes room. She looked at me, "Remove you legs."

"But why?"

She had a sinister look on her face, "Because I like it when you look hopeless and plus if you don't have you prosthetics you can't run, sometimes I like to remind people why my nickname is The Witch"

After I removed my prosthetics, Jane jumped on to me and kissed my neck.

"Don't worry I be gentle . . . . enough to not break anything."

"Yes, Ma'am."


(A/N) I don't give a fuck what you think about the ending I really don't, but to those who enjoy it thank you and remember I do have a discord.