
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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BM:B2 Chapter 9

When I woke up this morning, I felt like four semi-trucks had hit me. I put my legs back on and looked towards the other side of the bedroom. I look at the side table, and I see a note.

'Hey, I had to handle a situation over in Romanian; I won't be back in time to see you off; I will be there for your graduation in May. I love you

P.S I left some pain relievers in the bathroom cabinet. '

I put the note back down and made my way to the bathroom. After I took a shower and popped a few pills, I went to what we call a living room here in the castle. I lay down on a sofa, seeing all of my family there having conversations. Emmett, of course, was watching sports. I used my telekinesis to grab a blanket. I lay there and was watching watch ever Emmett had on. The doors open, and I see Mother(A) and E come in; E sees me, walks over, and plops down onto me.

"Oww, get the hell off, E," I said

"But I hurt all over," E said

"I do too. Go lay down on the other sofa then," I said, pushing him onto the floor.

I look over to my parents, who are all at a table talking; they make contact with me and have worried expressions on their faces. I didn't get their expression, so I walked to the room's mirror to look at myself. I didn't assess the damage when I woke up this morning. I took off my hoodie and looked in the mirror,

There were hand marks all over my body, bruises all well lined my body, but the strange part was I hurt, but from what the damage looked like, I should be in a bed for a couple of days to heal. I went to my parents and sat down in a chair. Mom gave me a soft smile.

"How is everyone this morning?" I asked, throwing my hoodie back on.

They are all still looking at me worriedly. Then Dad broke the tension by clearing his throat.

"We are doing fine, son; we are talking about what we are going to do after graduation, we are thinking of doing a big party for everyone, also we are planning on inviting Bonnie and the rest down at the Rez, so we have a reason to cook a lot."

"Ohh, that sounds nice; Father, how is the research going on our project," I asked.

"It is going well from what your Mother(A) and I have done. We are thinking after your graduation; we can do it."

"Ohh, that will be . . ."


Carlisle P.O.V

We all just stared at our son, worried about how much pain he was in. I need to break this tension in this room. Jane needs to be more gentle with him, I get there, mate, but she needs to realize that he is still human.

"We are doing fine, son; we are talking about what we are going to do after graduation, we are thinking of doing a big party for everyone, also we are planning on inviting Bonnie and the rest down at the Rez, so we have a reason to cook a lot," I said

'Okay, I think that helped for right now

I turn to my son as he is talking to Marcus.

"Ohh, that will be . . ." Drake pauses

He is just sitting there, frozen. Blood starts to leave his nose, and he shakes a bit.

"Drake!!" I yelled

I ran over to him just as he was about to fall over.

"Quickly get him to the medical wing, now Carlisle," Marcus said


(Back to Drake pov)

I open my eyes; I feel stiff; I notice I have an oxygen line around me, I go to lean up, but a hand gently pushes me back down.

"Not so fast, son," Mom says

I look up at her. I see Dad, Father, and Charlie walk into the room.

They all get around me and look down at me.

Mom grabs my hand, "It's okay, sweety."

"Okay, Dad, go full doctor on me. It's what we think it is."

"I am afraid it is, son, your brain is about half an inch away from your skull, and it has started to put pressure on your brain. That's why you collapsed. We say at least nine months, but it should be a problem since you are coming back after you graduate the next day so Marcus and Athena can do the operation."

"Okay, I understand. Can I leave here now?" I asked

"I want to keep you here for another hour or two," Dad said


"So just remember to go easy on yourself, and we will see you at your graduation, okay," Father said

"I will. I love you all," I said

I entered the jet last and sat down in a seat next to Charlie and Beau.

"So, Charlie, how did you like Italy."

"I honestly did not expect it to go the way it did. I mean, it's a bit weird to be in a relationship again. I mean me, and Suplicia is going slowly. I didn't look like an abuse victim after sex, so it's a plus. But it is most just weird it's been a long time since someone looked after my well-being since Renee, but it's nice, Drake, I will say that."

"So how do you feel about the whole you having to become a vampire thing?" I asked

"It's something we talked about; I am okay with it, I was planning on retiring either way soon, and she is coming a month earlier so she can get to know some of the people in Forks, and then I will go with you after graduation and get turned as well. Also, Bonnie wants to meet Suplicia too, and Bonnie is surprisingly okay with the whole thing. I mean, kid, you changed many of the elder's minds on vampires.

I chuckled, "Well, that's what happens when you talk like adults and not be paranoid with each other."


"How do you feel about Beau being turned?" I asked

Beau looked away from his book, "What about me?"

"Honestly, knowing that I have to turn as well, I am okay with it. The only person I feel bad for it Renee, to be honest."

"That's far."

"Now, the whole killing humans is a no-no, and I told Suplicia that, and she is okay with how I feel about it. She just told me to take your pills since they are better than animal blood."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, another customer to add to my client list.

I smirked

"But I mean, we have to tell graduation, I'll focus on that and mass producing pills. Gosh, when did I become a pharmacist."

"Right around the time you started dying, you damn dipstick," E yelled.


(A/N) Welp that was the end of BM:B2, I know it was short but the New Moon chapters where going to be like that because I obviously changed a lot in the timeline for New Moon. I will say this I am going to be taking a break from write for just a bit I am going to work on editing the chapters, fixing mistakes and revising just in general. I also am reuploading the chapters on Wattpad, the story is still under the same name, but there is just more customizable opinions on Wattpad so that's why, I can also do face claims on there so that's a plus.

But writing will start back in maybe a week or two but I am going to be working on editing the story for a bit.