
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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BM:B2 Chapter 5

(Entry 413)

We have been back for about a month and everything is alright too fine to be honest. I did find out that Bonnie did let Charlie in on are little secret and honestly he took it pretty well, I mean really well. We all as a collective agree to let the Volturi know of there existence after we all complete high school. I told Charlie about the necklace and why to wear it. I didn't get one for Beau mainly because Edythe is always with him so I felt it wasn't necessary, but I moving along, I gave Charlie one of my custom pistols and tasers, I mean I made two of each so why not. I gave him some bullets but I told him to hit his mark if he meets another Vampire. Beau has his birthday next week so me and E are going out with Beau to Port Angeles, so signing off.


We all hoped out of my vehicle, we planned on going to see a movie and stop but a games store, and then go to Beau's house for the night.

Beau huffed, "So why didn't we take my truck?" he asked

I grinned, "Because Prosthetic or not, I want to make it home in one piece."

"Fuck you man I love that truck."

"If you love it you should let me or Rose mess with it to have fun." E said

"Ain't neither of you two touching my truck, only Julie can." Beau said

While E was buying the tickets to the movie me and Beau where getting food and drinks.

"So how is Julie I haven't talked to her in awhile." I asked Beau

"She is doing good, but I think she has a crush on me thought."

"Really? . . . What gave it away." I said sarcastically

"Screw you man, I would if she will turn man."

"She probably will man its quite literally in her blood." I said


E came back and we went and sat down and watch the new movie called

The Dukes of Hazzard, never watched the TV show but Johnny Knoxville was in it so we all agreed to watch it.


We had finished the movie and we where walking out, "Honestly good comedy movie, it was weird to see Johnny in something other than Jackass, what about y'all" I asked

"It was good movie I mean I definitely had a good time, what about you Beau?" E asked

"I liked it."

We stopped and picked up a few games for our Xbox we had, " Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory", "Tony Hawk's American Wasteland" and "Star Wars Battlefront 2"

We where walking through a ally way to get back to my vehicle when we hear a sound behind up, we turned around to see a man he looked 6'2, Sandy blond hair and black eyes, and a stubble.

"Well well what do we have here." He said

All three of us looking at each other kind of trying to hold in a laugh.

"A Vampire and two humans, sounds like the start of a bad joke don't you think." He said

At that point we couldn't hold it in, the man looked at us weirdly and we just laughed harder.

"What is so funny."

I cleared my throat and stopped laughing, "Sorry about that." I uncovered my necklace so he could see it, E did the same and showed his.

The mans eyes went wide, he looked at me, "Which one are you under the protection of." He asked

"All of the Leaders, I have a parental bond with all of them, plus Jane is my mate." I said

If vampires did sweat this man would be sweating bullets right now.

"And Athena is my mate." E said

What happened next I didn't expect mainly because it has never happened before. The man got on his knees and bowed.

"I am so sorry my lord I didn't know, please don't report this word has not spread to me yet."

E was grinning, I hit him and then shake my head, I was over to the man, "Get up, you apologized and that's what matters, can I get your name."

He tilted his head up to me, "Garrett my Prince."

"Okay Garrett first stop with that Prince bullshit and next when was the last time you fed?" I asked

"Last week" He looked over to Beau, "Who is the other human?" He asked

"He is a mate of Edythe Cullen, and here take this, it is a blood supplement that I created, Jasper is actually on these does wonders for him."

He took the pill, his eyes slowly went red, "Thank you, Cullen's huh, I haven't seen Carlisle in awhile or Emmett. Where are they over at?"

"There in the town over called Forks."


"Follow me Garrett we can talk, I'll tell you my story its a very complex story and my name is Drake."

Garrett followed the three of us to my car and I lit a cigar and started to tell him my story.


"Damn, man you been threw a lot huh." Garrett said


I took another puff, "Garrett you ever though of staying in one place and relaxing."

"I mean y'all but I can't do that animal shit." He said

"I ain't talking about animal, I could supple you with my pills you only need one per like two weeks they are that strong."

"I mean y'all on the pills sure but I don't think the Cullen's would want me here I could slip up to be honest."

I smirked, "How do you fill about snow?" I asked

"I mean snow doesn't bother me why?"

"I have cousins in Denali, Canada, they live up in the mountains so far from humans, you could go up there."

"I mean sure, but I wouldn't want to show up unannounced."

"I'll give them a call."

I tossed him a pill bottle, "There are about 50 pills in there you should be good for a good minute just don't eat them like candy."

"Thank you Drake."

"No problem mate."

Garrett started to walk away, he turned to me, "Thanks again my Prince." he said giving me a smirk

He then blurred out of where he was.


We where driving back to Forks, E and Beau had been quiet.

E turned to me, "You handled that very well."

"Thank you, Garrett was a good person, you can attempt to save someone, but not everyone deserves to be saved."

A/N https://discord.gg/w9vHKuea

Discord Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!