
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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BM:B2 Chapter 4

(Entry 398)

Been a minutes since I wrote in this but I figured I need to write it down.

During me and E's first month into Volterra we did quite a lot, we did a lot of shopping thanks to Heidi and Jane, weirdly Mother (A) came too. We did a lot as a family too, we went out to dinner a few times, who knew other Vampires could make good food too. Apparently Father owes a lot of business that are very well known. Some restaurants too, we went to the movies a couple of times but it was a fight for a few, mainly Father and Mother (S) they really ain't into the new stuff like movies and technology's, I had to set him up on Gmail.

Me and E also played a lot of video games they build me and E a game room. Demetri and Felix play games too. The last week into are first month E did turn, I have been eating my pills like candy tell he can get some what of a bit of control but it has been well so far. Me and Jane went on a few dates it was a great time. I have been tinkering on some of my prosthetics doing upgrades, my eye one now lets me like zoom in with it and see things close even as I am far away. Umm what else I upgrade my legs too, no liquid can get into them now and I made a new material out of some Vampire skin, its more like a liquid that I brushed over my prosthetics so they now have more durability. Mother (A) helped me with it, I haven't been doing a whole lot lately, I have been working on my special project. Its been having its ups and downs but I think I can get it done.


I lit a cigar as I stared at my computer screen, I took a puff then saved it. I got up then jumped as I heard a knock on my door. "Come in"

Father walked into my room, "What's up Father, everything alright."

"It is my son."

"What's on your mind?" I asked

He sat down on my bed, he smiled at Jane who was listening to music on her iPod. She smiled back, I got her a iPod as a gift.

"Well Son I have been thinking about a few things and wanted to hear your input."

"Okay throw it out."

"I think your Mother's (S) mate is someone you know."

I was confused a bit but his gifts is very unique, so he had to have a reason.

"Why do you say that Father."

"Well with different Bonds I see a line the is attracted to each other, mate bond I see Red, our parental bond I see Blue. I have seen a few times where one who has not met there mate but someone else has and the two meet, I see a green line between the two. A few days ago a green line has mixed with our blue one. So I am thinking someone back in Forks that you have met is your Mothers mate."

"Ohh I see, I'll have to think about who I all know in Forks, did you get those necklace made?" I asked

Father pulled two box from his pockets, "Yes, I know this one is E's but what is the other one for, you already have yours."

"It's for a friend I know, and No he doesn't know about us but I want to give one to them just incase. I don't want them to get hurt when they are around me."

Father pat my back, "That's very thoughtful of you."


"You ready to go E?" I asked as I gave a worker my bags

"Yeah just let me say goodbye."

E walked back to Mother (A), then Jane came to me.

She gave me a hug and was not letting go, "It's not like I ain't coming back, trust me its like only one more year, then I'll move here and trust me." I said, I then gave her a kiss and got onto the plane.

After we took off E came over and have a evil smirk on his face.

"What E?"

"Soo . . . since your mom is my mate am I your dad." He said laughing

"Like HELL am I calling you dad and you know that's not how it works dude."


A/N Sorry I know small chapter just wanted to release a filler and a little bit of story stuff.