
[BL]This young master just wants to be happy!

[Mature Content] Living his whole life in regret and self-loathing, Hirvan took his last breath thinking he had paid his debts by sacrificing his life for his two sons. However, opening his eyes again, he found himself in a young boy’s body. Can he live for himself this time? ******* First day at university: Other students: Ahhhhhh, it's senior Angel! Thank you, God, for letting us attend the same uni as our male god! Hirvan: Oh, My cute little Yuze. Others: ???? During the orientation: Student 1: What’s with our luck? My husband is going to give us a speech! Studant2: Ren MengSheng, my Idol! I can die in peace! Hirvan: Oh, Son, don’t be nervous. Daddy is here! Others: WTF! In a business seminar at the university: Student 1: That's the legend of the business world! Elian Ashford! Student 2: He is the wealthiest man of the year! Student 3: The most wanted bachelor for the past ten years! Hirvan: Tsk, the cheap father of mine. Others: Whaaaattt???

Akina_nass67 · LGBT+
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136 Chs

Why does this new life keep throwing me these curveballs?

Hirvan decided to not care about Fu Yan anymore. After all, it had been a week since Fu Yan had ghosted him without a word. But that resolve was shaken when, the next morning, Fu Yan showed up unannounced at his doorstep.

Hirvan opened the door to find Fu Yan standing there, looking like he had just crawled out of a nightmare. Dark circles lined his normally bright grey eyes, his black hair was a dishevelled mess, and his clothes were wrinkled as if he hadn't bothered to change them in days. Hirvan's initial impulse to lash out softened as he took in Fu Yan's miserable appearance. 

'I'll hear him out first before I decide on his punishment.'

Hirvan thought, his eyes narrowing as he studied Fu Yan's worn-out figure.

"I'm sorry... I lost my phone…" 

Fu Yan's voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper, and laced with exhaustion.