
[(Error Unknown) System]

FYI - Hella slow kingdom building story so stick with it for the long haul and you will see some crazy things!! 19/08/2022: I'm revising and editing the story so new chapters are on hold. Faced with the end of his world and the one person that made him smile as bright as the sun, he sat silently as he watched society collapse, hoping in the back of his mind for another chance with her. After Drifting in the Abyss for eons, a Goddess tried to awakened his hollow soul to instil a 'system' that would 'guide' him on his journey in another world. What the Goddess didn't know was that soul was special, so special it would be her doom and salvation. This is the story of a Prince abandoned by his family for the sake of what was socially correct, to be reborn in a world of Kingdom and Empires, Swords and Magic, the Prince awakens to a system. Many may find a system a blessing in another world, but this system becomes a never ending nightmare for the prince as he desperately awaits to grow up to understand his true purpose. To create a Modern Empire with legendary and Mythological beings by his side. I am putting this novel and everything else on hold while I go through and edit everything. https://discord.gg/mXA8rghNuR Come and have a chat or ask any questions.

PhantomMedjay · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
243 Chs

The World of Ullan (2) (Edited)

As his education continued, Ben's curiosity to explore finally got the better of him and he decided to sneak away at some point during the afternoon.

Ben noticed through his extensive daily training with Kage and Alfred that his body was unusually strong and powerful compared to most common people.

The servants weren't able to keep up with his sprinting speed, nor could some of them pick up the same amount of weight as the young Prince.

Ben had long realised this had something to do with the Systems interference, remembering the time when his body rebuilding itself, by shattering his bones into dust before recreating them anew.

Even his muscles and organs went through the same changes, gifting Ben with his current ability to perform the impossible but made to seem normal by those around him.

Ben thought nobody would be able to keep up with him once he left the Estate, having left without anyone seeing him, however the young Prince had yet to realise he truly was never alone or far away from certain eyes.

Ben planned to travel to the main district marketplace of Alynthn to acquire some items, before heading deeper into the 'Endless Sea of Forests' to find if there were any traces of other races.

His passion to explore and seek adventure could be a result of spending too much time with Roth and Lue, listening to their 'heroic' tales of adventurers and treasure seeking.

He knew they of course were exaggerating most of their stories but nonetheless his curiosity was piqued.

While travelling through the marketplace, Ben was hoping to find some equipment and maps of the city and forest area.

He wondered around for quite some time while he met various venders enquiring alas most considered him a nuisance, since they did not believe the brat could pay.

Ben planned to inspect the markets and see what he could gain for his personal use well before setting off on his adventure through the Endless Sea of Forests.

The young Prince understood he was far from being capable of travelling alone and without people guiding his every step.

He wanted to head over straight away, but his time wandering through the markets made him realise he was far from taking such a perilous journey and instead started to wander around the markets of Alynthn in the hopes to learn more about the area.

Unfortunately, Ben became lost after looking around the markets and being told to scatter, as no one took him seriously, especially after he mentioned his intentions to journey into the Endless Sea of Forests in the future.

Gradually Ben ended up heading towards the towering city gates hoping to find a guard that could lead him towards the right direction.

As he got closer, he could see the outrageous size of the wall that protected Alynthn, similar in design to the medieval castle walls made from stone.

These walls stood tall at close to 20 metres, leaving large shadows across parts of the outer city at certain times of the day.

There was another set of walls diving the area of the Estate to the rest of the city, but Bens believed this had to be done to separate the heavily wealthy and nobles from the rest of society.

The walls separating the noble district were made from marble white stones, which were all handled by a stone mason of the highest level, though there wasn't anything to confirm a mark of the craftsman.

Nobles wouldn't allow someone else to recognise their work, regardless of them having a in actually building the structure or not.


While dazed, blindly staring at the staggering size of the stone outer wall, Ben heard some commotion in the side alleys nearby and found some kids beating a smaller child.

At first Ben felt like ignoring the commotion, but as he stepped to walk away, his eyes caught onto the dire actions of the smaller child.

They were covering a piling of items, guarding them for dear life to not be damaged or broken, regardless of the pain they suffered from the endless beatings.

His body started to well up with immense anger and frustration.

Ben unable to watch any longer, sprinted in the direction of the small scuffle, letting his instincts kick in, and moved fast to inflict precise strikes at the bigger kids, who were bullying the small kid,

The speed at which he attacked caught the kids off guard as none were paying him any attention, with their entire focus on beating the small child, while laughing joyously.

Making sure to hold back, Bens attacks didn't contain the full extent of his strength, as his precise and simple attacks were heavily instilled into his mind by Alfred through their daily training session.

Ben was close to the age of 4, which may have seemed like a disadvantaged against the bullies who were closer to 9 and above, but Bens intense training with Alfred and Kage placed him above others in most areas of combat.

Especially hand to hand combat, Ben moved with great speed as it was his main power due to his lack of size.

Kage and Alfred taught him to be mindful of his opponents' ability before exuding his strength since there could be a significant mismatching in power, just like now with the kids bullying the smaller child.

However, the way in which he attacked was much different as Bens tempered body had gone extensive training with his mentors, somewhat giving him the instinctive ability to watch for the right opportunities to make their attack.

His mind was trained to know the right strike to make to disable his enemies without exerting too much energy, however Ben still had many issues to work on during training, he just felt exhilarated for beating the elder kids without much of a resistance.

Ben left the bullies with bruised and bloodied faces, as they ran away from the alley, leaving behind a young Prince who felt atop of the world, and a small child still guarding their precious items on the floor.


Soon after Ben helped the beaten child up and found out her name was Tia, a 6-year-old girl and she was the daughter of a local blacksmith.

He helped her return home with the remaining goods that weren't badly damaged and quickly replaceable.

While walking with her home, Ben would be lost gazing at her aqua colour eyes that could sparkle and dazzle when she spoke passionately about her fathers' work.

Her light golden tinted hair was covered in dirt, grime and mug, making it hard for Ben to notice the true beauty of her hair, but he still noticed the golden strands of hair untouched by filth.

'She is so cute… 

What a bubbly kid…

Just makes you want to hug and cuddle her…' Ben thought, sighing at the disgust of the world, a poor child at such a young age was working and supporting her family.

Again, his emotions surfaced for a moment, only to be washed away at the sight of Tias bright smile.

Ben felt increasingly annoyed he wasn't able to control his sudden bursts of emotions leading him to be highly vexed.

Soon they arrived at Tias home, as she bolted inside yelling 'Papa! I'm home! Hehe…' giggling as a tall bald burly man with a long braided brunette beard, that fell past his chest walked out from the back of the building after his daughter called for him.


"What you want kid?"

He spoke uncaringly, his mood afoul, looking on at Ben wondering 'Why is this kid carrying some of the goods I ordered…? 

Did Tia ask for his help? 

What does this annoying little fucker want…?' 

Tias fathers gaze stared deep into Bens multi-coloured eyes, trying to understand what the child wanted.

Just from a quick glance of Bens attire told the tall burly man, that the body was from a well-off family.

Ben wore a pair of simple black pants with a plain white shirt, covering up with a dark woolly cloak made by his mother.

Compared to the scuffed clothes of Tia that were close to shredding apart, Ben looked like the finest diamond shining like the sun, only to be hidden behind the finest fabrics.



He saved me from the those mean kids…

Umm I don't know his name.

I forgot to ask…


He's really nice and quiet…

and pretty…"

Tia sheepishly spoke up to her father, standing in between her father and Ben.

Even the last few words she spoke out aloud were beyond but a whisper, only just being heard by Ben due to his heightened sense.

Her father heard too, however his eyes were drawn to the slight blush on Ben's face.

He could tell his daughter was glaring sharply at the back of his head, filled with the determination and resolve to protect her first and only friend, even it meant her father's wrath.


"Argh… Ok pumpkin, Papa will be nice to your… friend."

The tall burly man gently patted his daughter's luscious head of golden hair, calming her down before her mood worsened.

"What's your name Boy…"

Still in a daze, Ben kept staring at the lumbering hulking man, with a large gut that formed from overconsumption of mead.

Tias father gave up intruding the young childs path, and turned to head further into the building, leading the young Ben into the workshops as he awaited the answer to his question.

"I-I'm Benedict Khadraazil… sir…"

"Hmm… *Sigh*… You can call me Val…" said Tias father, having reached his workbench and picked up a tool to help with his work on an item that needed to be repaired.

As the burly bald man spoke his name aloud, Ben's mind heard the sharp ring of the System notifications, hopefully the answer to a deep desire of his.



[Hidden Myth/Legend found!]

[Unlocking initial task to activate Hidden Quest and possible Rewards...]

[Host is in the presence of a Legend that has roamed the world of Ullan]

[Legends's name is Val Volundr, known among the world populous as the God of Smithery]

[Host needs to form a bond with Val Volundr to activate Hidden Quest]


-          500 Pia Credits (Current Banked: 1000)]



Ben's mind raced around a thousand miles, once he'd read through the System notification, thinking back to the words spoken by his teacher and auntie, Gloria Byazan.

It was a lesson filled with legends and myths of the world, explaining their meaning to the people of Ullan as well as their relevance to history.

Some stories sounded truthful that even Gloria believed in the Legends however there were stories that seemed to novel, only possible to be counted as the tales of madmen.

Vals story on the other hand, caught him by surprise when Gloria spoke of the Smith, struck down by misfortune.

'There once was blacksmith called Val that was known around the continent for his amazing craftsmanship and black-smithery. 

The first to be considered for the rank of Grandmaster in close to a millennium, unbounded to any Empire, Kingdom or Organisation.

A man known for his indifference to the politics of humankind. 

It was believed he was the embodiment of the God of Smithing in the eyes of the common people and Adventurers. 

Many would chase after him across Empires hoping for a chance meeting. 

They would pray to the Gods and Goddesses; he would create something for them. 

As time passed, he also decided to settle in an Empire with many friends and old colleagues he met during his travels.

He settled down with a family and opened a permanent workshop with a fairly large forge. 

His desire was to teach the next generation of Smiths and therefore opened a small school in the back of his smithery workshop. 

At first commoners and peasants were freely admitted to his school, with many single mothers moving into the workshop premises for work.

However, with time, all good things for the commoners and peasants must come to an end, once they joys are gazed upon by the greed of wicked nobles.

Noble families started to send their children to Vals academy.

Over time it slowly changed from creating the next generation of Smiths from commoners to catering towards bratty nobles who'd failed to join the Knights academy or the more exotic Alchemy academy.

One of those nobles ended up harming Vals eldest son for bumping into him by accident.

In retaliation, the noble burned the eyes out of Val's son, uncaring of the reason why and how Vals son stumbled into him.. 

This led to the noble kid being expelled, in turn angering the noble child further who asked his elder brother for revenge. 

Val went out for a meeting with some friends one night, leading to the shop, the commoner remaining students, their families and his own family were all harmed, killed, and set ablaze. 

Since then, he disappeared, no one has heard of him or seen him, many believing he died or killed himself. 

But I think he is still around, just peacefully waiting for death…

Last I heard… we still lurked around in the depths of a city on the edge of the worlds powerplay… giving himself the freedom he'd always fought hard to hold…'

When Gloria had told Ben this story, he was disgusted at the actions of the nobility.

The Emperor who asked Val to stay within his Empire, even promising his protection, should have done more than the simple action of giving the noble child's a small fine.

Gloria spoke of her own disgust at the Emperors actions to spare the noble family judgement of the Royal Courts.

When the Emperor called Val to the palace, he gave bags of gold as compensation, asking Val if it were enough to cover for his losses.

Val silently left without saying a word or replying to the Emperor, leaving the mountains of gold behind.

His actions were enough for the Emperor to rethink his own actions, but it was too late…


Hearing the story from his aunt of Vals dark background, Ben tried to think of a way to approach the man supposedly known as the 'God of Smithery'.

Tia decided to clean up her own workbench before showing it to Ben, leaving her friend to fester alone in a corner of the smithery, not knowing what to do or say.

Thankfully for Ben, Val had some questions for his daughter's friend, especially if it were a wealthy child with ulterior motives.

Val wasn't completely set on trusting the child, as his past made it difficult for him to acknowledge anyone besides the few he knew well before his days as renown Blacksmith.

"Tell me, Boy…

What made you help my dear daughter?"

Val asked Ben while using his brute strength to disassemble a damaged piece of armour made that was given to him for repairing by an Adventurer.

"… Umm… she was being harmed by some bullies' sir…

I didn't think it was fair and made a choice to stop them." Ben gave a simple answer to the question, skipping over the anger that boiled his blood when he saw the weakened Tia crumpled onto the floor.

It was a problem he had yet to address.

As of late it'd begun to get out of hand, causing Ben to nearly lose control over his emotions before his family members and those closest to him.

"I see…

May I ask… now that you have helped my daughter… why are you still around…?"


Val couldn't help but laughed inwardly to himself at the situation.

His dear daughter was closer to strange boy that she had met today.

A heartbroken that his daughter was growing so far, Val couldn't help but tease his child a little and her new friend.

"M-Mr Volundr… my teacher told me a story about a man with strong conviction, responsibility and trust of those he'd encountered throughout his lifes journey.

Could I speak of his adventurers to you…?" Bens tried to act as coy and innocent as possible, so he wasn't a threat in anyway to the man known as the God of Smithery.

Luckily for Ben, his charm had developed as did his appearance when his body went through the Systems reconstruction process after being birthed onto Ullan.

It somewhat caused Val to be caught off guard to not notice Bens crucial mistake, however it wasn't completely able to avoid the ears of the Smith.


"…You may… but don't think I'll listen to your mumblings…"

Ben could only smile awkwardly at Vals response before retelling an altered version of the story Gloria told him about the God of Smithery.

"A story of a man who by his own accounts, believed his impartial work would serve those caught in the eon war of social station that long plagued those of society abused by the strong and powerful.

While his actions were 'noble' in the eyes of the powerful, they were in fact looking down on the man, taking his 'gift' as their own, leading to his unfortunate downfall and of those around him…"


What are you trying to say…

Your words are errily similar… to a fate of someone… that shouldn't be spoken of…" Val slammed his fist down hard onto the plating of the wrist armour he was working on.

"Papa…" a little frightened and worried for both her father and Ben, Tia could only whisper out to her father, hoping he wouldn't delve into his darkened personality, full of wrath, anger, at himself and the world.


How did you know… my last name…?" Ben froze up, terrified that his unconscious slip of the tongue from earlier was caught onto by the bearded Smith.

"S-Sorry Val sir…

I-I just didn't… umm…" Ben couldn't help but stumbled his words, not knowing how to get himself free of the situation.

Awkward, afraid and confused, they were all the afflictions Ben was stumped with when Val asked his question, leaving Ben worried that he could be harmed to keep the Smiths' location from spreading out.

Ben didn't want to fail the small task from the System either and be left unable to access the Hidden Quest, the young Prince made a last-ditch effort, cursing at his luck for the lack of reward for such a steep task.

"I-I just thought… your resemblance was a little similar to a Legend… I never thought was true…"

"You said, your teacher told you the story…

Yes…?" Val asked, though his voice turned icy cold, instantly turning the sweltering smithery in a icy desert for Ben.

Unable to say a word, Ben only nodded in Vals direction.

Fighting a battle in with his psyche to not fail and succumb to Vals aggression, Ben felt the next question he could either save him with great future rewards or brutally lead to his possible failure at his first true System assignment.

"Who is your teacher, Boy…?" Val stared his cold eyes, directing into Bens, looking down at the young child while applying some of his body's aura to supress Ben.

"L-Lady B-Byazan…" the young Prince croaked out, while fighting to keep himself from crumbling under the pressure exuded by Val.

He'd undergone training with Kage that made his movements harder and more difficult while practising swordsmanship.

Through his sheer will, Ben was able to fight through the strain of the pressure and survive against Val for now, even if he hadn't completely perceived how to utilise his Shadow Energy to release its own aura from his body to protect him in such scenarios.


"You've been taught… by the City Lords wife…" Ben could hear the anger seething in the bald smith's voice.

Grasping things hadn't gone his way, Ben accepted his first choice of words shouldn't have mentioned his aunt.

Val had a deep hatred for nobles and only used the foolish idiots that remained before within Alynthn as a cover to keep his small world free from their control and dictation.

Yet the child before him, a product of the noble cycle of life, dared to intrude on his freedom and safety of his daughter.

Val felt like crushing Ben here and now, however he understood the current situation of the city might have something to do with the child daring enough to stand before him and recite his last name.

"Why have you truly come to my store, Boy…"

"I didn't come on purpose… it honestly happened by chance…

I stumbled upon Tia while lost traveling around the city looking for armour, weapons and equipment that would suit me…

I'm being honest, Val sir… I-"

Before he could finish what else he wanted to say to save himself, Ben brought up his arms to guard his face as a kick came straight for his upper torso, close to his chin.

Ben took on the brunch of the attack, with his body strengthened enough to be only lightly damned, as some scruff marks were left on Bens forearms, scraping his skin.

Pushed back by several metres in the hallway of the workshop, Ben felt a wave of pressure send his insides spurning, leaving him uncomfortable enough to vomit some blood up, catching Tia and Val by surprise.




Go to your room… NOW!

I need to have a chat… with this little… monster…"


"NOW!!" Val repeated, as Tia begrudgingly ran up the stairs to her room, though she hid behind some of the railings, just in case her father went too far treating Ben harshly.

Val looked at Ben, genuinely surprised the kid was able to take his light attack, which should have knocked any other child Bens age out cold.

Staring straight at the little monster, scuffed up by his kick, Val made sure to let the kid know not to both him or his family, while also sending a message to the nobles supporting Ben.

"Listen here Boy… I don't care what you have to say…

Rather, I'll tell you the same thing I told the Byazans…

I will NEVER… align myself with fraught nobles again…"

Val hoped his words would stop the poor kid and send him home, not too disheartened by his inability to secure the allegiance of his smithery.

Instead, Bens snarking reply shocked him into seeing the kid more than a child.

"I didn't think the great Legend, would fail to get revenge against those who've done him wrong after all he'd done right…" Val didn't think twice before swinging hard at Ben chest, making sure to add a light extra weight behind his attack.

Unknowingly it swept Ben completely off his feet, sending him straight into the wall at the end of the hall, which divided the counter from the rest of the store, only accessible for those that worked within the workshop.

Bens body made a loud thump against the wood wall, causing his head to feel a rush of blood come straight up from his stomach, leading to his nosy to bleed and cough up blood again.

'Got you… big man…' the young Prince giggled through the coughs as his winded body tried to draw breath in.

"You really… had to fucking… push my damn nerve, Boy…"

"Well… *Cough*… I want your help…

In return… *Cough* I will help you with your goal…" Ben dusting himself off from the dirt and grime that'd rubbed onto his neat and clean clothes made by his mother.

"And… what would that be…?" Val felt annoyed with himself for harming a young child, especially someone younger than his daughter, however seeing the monster push through as if it were nothing more but a simple scratch, the old Smith became impressed with the young man.

"Revenge…" though the young man's words were startling to hear for the old bald Smith who struggled raised his daughter, let alone organise his war on the world.


"I want to help you get revenge…" Ben said while looking Val dead in his deep brown eyes.

They came alive with the glow of a furnaces fire, reflecting a molten gold iris, making those fortune to watch Val forge led to believe he was the God of Smithery.

"The Empire that swore to protect you… and those you loved… failed." Ben made sure to keep his eyes focused on Val, making sure not to break eye contact.

"The Emperors false promises failed your students and those who you truly wished to help… the commoners and peasants, not even a chance in the world." Val felt the kids' words had some weight behind them, even if they sounded atrocious at best in his mind.

"You weren't the only one to be failed by an Empire…

I am also forgotten… pushed aside, so people are never aware of the problems my existence brings, even though it is foolish to believe I could be a force of reckoning.

More so I endangered the power wielded by a few men who believed themselves capable to dictate their will…

No matter though… there will be a time for me to find my justices…

But to do so… I need your help… if I want to be more than just Benedict Teukros… a banished Royal, instead befitted with a radiant name not to tarnish my true status in the world…

I want to help them and those around me who hope for my very best…

All I could do is hope that being known as 'God of Smithery' could fight and aid me.

Do you wish to find and enact your own justice too…?

I know there are many who wish to see a world more at peace and order… a place I will to bring about with your help.

For that I ask, please become my master and help me expand my knowledge, so together we can change the world…"

Val thought over Bens words, replaying the same words in his head, closing his eyes to contemplate the future he should take for himself and his daughter.

They both remained in the same positions for 10 minutes, standing a couple of metres apart.

Neither said a word, but only stared coldly at each other.

Tia was watching on from the stairs, frozen still, not knowing what she should do.

Val suddenly walked off towards the back, leaving Ben standing by the wall, dusting off his dirty clothes and cleaning up the blood on his face and some of the splash marks on his shoes.

After an hour of standing around not knowing what to do, Ben finally watched Val return with a specifically designed and marked hammer that appeared to be engraved with certain coats of arm.


"This prick took a long time to find… *Sigh*… lets get this underway… *Cough*

From now on you will be my last student Boy, I will teach you everything I know.

If you stray even an inch from your goal of to provide revenge and change the world, I will kill you myself.

If you wish to follow this path, call me Master.

Do you understand Boy…"

As he knocked the hammer on the top of Bens head with slight force, sending a shockwave through the body.

Ben was unresponsive for some time, which ended up worrying Val as he thought, 'Agh crap, I think I hit him too hard? 

Agh screw it if you can't beat this then you're not worthy'.

Soon Ben replied confirming his resolve with a stern, "Master…"

After calling Val his Master, Ben slowly stood up and meet the gaze of the newest teacher, a legend known as the 'God of Smithery'.

The small shockwave piercing through Bens body made it a little difficult to stand tall against the towering mountain before him, making the young Prince clench his fists at tightly as possible to maintain his composure for the Smith.

Val watched the little banished royal struggle, even silently chuckling at the childs fate before yelling out to Tia to come out and clean him the final disciple.

Tia rushed over to Ben with watery eyes as she tried to comfort and bandage him without breaking down herself.

She was deeply sorry for not intervening earlier, however Ben reminded her it wasn't her fault since he suddenly asked for her father's aid and support.

As the two quietly chatted away, Val walked to the back storeroom, slight tears were falling down the edgy of his grimy face as he tightly grasped a bright golden cape, breathing in the faint rosey fragrance that remained just lingered on the cloth.


"Revenge huh…

I swear to help that annoying brat with everything I have… then… we can be together again my love…"

While Val remained in the storeroom for a while, Tia started showing her new friend around the store and tools, apologising softly every so often for her Papas actions.

They moved around unaware of the small mouse hidden in the shadows, lurking around the workshop ever since His Highness had entered the premises.

The little mouse gradually returned to the shadows, fading away without anyone noticing.

A couple of rooftops away from Ben's current location stood several figures as they glanced towards His Highness direction.

A small black mouse appeared from the shadows before climbing onto the shoulders of a man covered in darkness of his shadows.

The little mouse informing the man in black about what occurred inside the store, forming a broad smile appeared across his face.


"Mmmm I see… so it seems His Highness has found a Master to teach him smithery…"

"Is that all?

What about the little rat His Highness saved?" one of them replied.

"Ohh, well let's see…

SHE may be our future Queen one day…haha…" unable to comprehended what was said they remained quiet as if 'confirming' they understood, that was until one of them spoke up.

"Goddammit, you Withering Roses are a group of useless morons".

"Hey! Who you calling us morons Alfred!

You mope about when the prince does not spend at least 2 hours per day with you, you fucking nutcase!"

"Roth I will beat you into the earth you scum.

Even your own mother would not recognise you.

Yet again why would she acknowledge such bastard like yourself!" Alfred wasn't about to back down before a bunch of rough and brawny adventurers.

"Hey! That was too far Alfie, I cannot believe you would go so low.

You should never have mentioned another person's mother so carelessly, especially an argument between us.

You know, I heard from this guy in town that said you shouldn't get angry because it can caus- "

"Shut up Lue, your just as fucking helpless…

We still remember you screaming like a bitch wh-"


Lue roared as he dashed at Alfred, leading to Zio and Drav, who had been silently observing the ruckus all this time.

They were ready to interfere now that they were afraid wouldn't be able to stop before angering the 'demon commander', however it was too late.

"Enough…" Kage said, even though his voice carried through the air in a gentle and soothing manner, it was sharp enough to reach the ears of everyone standing atop of the city rooftops with besides the man shrouded in black.


'Fuck you Lue!

Every damn time you have to trigger the demon commander… argh I just want a day of rest.'

'Why the hell do you idiots have to fight Alfred, he does it purposely to make us train you dumbasses!'

Zio and Drav cursed in their minds as everyone focused on Kage, while he slowly began to smile in the creepily manner that they all remember and hope never to be in the receiving end of.

"His Highness has begun his conquest to change the world today…"

Kage spoke with a firm tine as a broad smile appeared across his face, surprising everyone.

Alfred spoke up as he reached beside Kage.

"What do you mean Kage?"

Kage slowly removed his hood as he turned to face the rest of the group before he spoke. 

His tanned skin glistened under the moon light as he faced Alfred.

His alluring purple eyes were calming and soothing.

It was a stark comparison to his deadly charm his body radiated.

Taking in a deep breath, the purple eyed Kage continued speaking his peace.

"His path for a better world will be fuelled by revenge and justice for the people.

A path of a bloody war and misery…

But he has found his light that will lead him through the blood and gore, he just needs to make it shine as bright as the sun.

Even though it must be forged by his own two hands…"

Puzzled by Kages words, they silently stood their glancing in the direction of His highness for some time before scattering.

As the evening passed, Val helped lead Ben in the right direction home.

As he waved goodbye to the pair, Ben started picking up his pace as he wanted to rush home as quickly as possible. 

As everyone greeted him on his arrival home, Ben rushed back to his room, with a massive, crooked smile across his face, lightly wincing from the pain he experienced from some of the damage that'd yet to be healed, he quickly opened the system interface.



[initial Task Complete!]

[Rewards issued!] [Pia Credits: 1,500]

[Hidden Myth/Legend Hidden Quest Activated!]

[♚ Bittersweet Revenge ♚]

[Host has found Val Volundr, the being known as the 'God of Smithery']

[As a being of great reverence and respect, Val has been loved and adored around the world]

[That love was the fuel for his creations, therefore elevating his work to another level as his legend grew]

[However, the injustices he and his family faced from noble's greed and power, his desire and ambition to craft and create were shattered]

[It left him feeling like he was a hollow Smith without any other desire than death left]

[However, the Hosts proclamation to get revenge has awoken a passion deep within Vals heart to work on smithery once again, even if it is half-heartedly…]

[Host task is to turn those embers within Val into an active volcano that will reignite his passion to craft]

[Host must receive training in blacksmithing and metallurgy from the so called 'God of Smithery']

[Host must achieve suitable results from training and has helped Val reignite his passion for smithery]

[Completion Time: <Error Unknown>]


[<Error > Host Body Affinity to blacksmithing, Metallurgy is non-existent]

[Please stay on hold while we fix this issue 😊]


[Please stay on hold while we fix this issue 😊]



[Please stay on hold while we fix this issue 😊]






The moment Ben saw that smile he freaked out, the last time he saw it was the endless smiles in his notification list which sent him into a coma for nearly 9 months.

He dug his fingers deep into his bed, biting down hard on his lips to draw blood, he patiently waited for the outcome, as the string of notifications filled his mind and vision.





[System has found a solution; host will be gifted affinity of the <Error > of <Error Unknown>]

[<Error > Affinity too great for host body, system will improve body affinity to accept <Error >]

[Please stay on hold while we fix this issue 😊]





"Ahh fuck….

Not again.

Fuck you syst-"

Ben cursed as he passed out from the agony of his body breaking and tearing itself apart again and again.





Updated 8/11/2021

Final edit 23/01/2022

PhantomMedjaycreators' thoughts