
"Whispers Of Seoul Park: Woojin's Hidden Love"

"In Seoul (korea), a famous celebrity, Woojin, finds solace in a evening routine at a park, wearing a mask to escape his fame. His world collides with Soheeka, a charming girl with a mix of Korean and Indian roots. who hates celebrity lifestyle and limelight As love blooms, Woojin grapples with revealing his true identity, risking everything for a chance at happiness. Join their journey of love, secrets, and the enchanting city of Seoul."

Piece_Of_Dream · Teenager
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4 Chs


"Whispers of Seoul Park: Woojin's Hidden Love"

Once upon a bustling Seoul, there lived a famous celebrity (singer,actor) named Woojin. His life was like a busy beehive, buzzing with fan meetings and tight schedules. The company even assigned him bodyguards and a caretaker to make sure he stayed healthy. But Woojin, despite his fame, found his life a bit dull. Why? Because he couldn't do ordinary things like going for a simple walk without a swarm of fans taking away his privacy.

To cope with this, he would sneak out every evening to a quiet park, covering his face with a mask and wearing a cap. This way, he could finally enjoy a bit of peace. In this peaceful park, Woojin had a secret routine - feeding a stray kitten and soaking in the tranquility.

The little kitten became his good friend and he started to come to see and feed her everyday...

Now, enter Soheeka, a vibrant girl from India who had migrated to Seoul for her studies. She was Born in India after her Korean mom married her Indian dad, Soheeka brought the beauty of two worlds to the city. Her personality is cute, kind, funny and childish and anyone can easily fell in love with her.

She, too, loved visiting the same park every day to meet the same kitten. But, since their timings were different, they hadn't met until one day when the kitten brought them together.

As the days passed, Woojin and Soheeka started coming to the park at the same time,to meet the kitten.

And a friendship blossomed.

Sohee, as Woojin affectionately called her. His life filled with laughter and shared memorable happy moments with soohee.

Sohee made many little cute friends in the park her behavior is so kind with all kids in the park when Woojin sees playing her with little kids running and laughing like a baby Woojin couldn't help but fall for Soheeka's kindness, her cute face, and her funny, childlike behavior. Her occasional mispronunciations of the Korean language, a result of her multicultural upbringing, became endearing to Woojin, who found her linguistic quirks utterly charming.

She used to say jagiyo (baby)

Instead of jalgayo (bye)

And he never tried to correct her because he loved the way she miss pronounce the words. And always finds her very adorable.

Woojin, captivated by Sohee's adorable charm, decides to share his feelings with her after they become close friends.

Woojin: (teasingly) "You know, Sohee, you are just too cute for your own good."

Sohee: (blushing) "Stop it,! I'm not cute."

Woojin: (smirking) "Oh, come on! The way you mispronounce words and your little quirks - it's like you have a monopoly on cuteness."

Sohee: (playfully) "Well, if I'm cute, blame it on my multicultural upbringing. I guess I inherited the cuteness gene from both sides."

Woojin: (grinning) "I'm serious, Sohee. Your cute antics are driving me crazy."

Sohee: (curious) "Crazy in a good way or a bad way?"

Woojin: (sincerely) "Definitely in a good way. Your cuteness has this magical power, and I find myself falling for it."

Sohee: (surprised) "Wait, what? Falling for what?"

Woojin: (softly) "Falling for you, Sohee. I can't help it. You're not just cute - you're incredibly lovable, and I enjoy every moment we spend together."

Sohee: (blushing even more) "Oh, you're making me all shy now."

Woojin: (tenderly) "Shyness suits you, my dear. I just wanted you to know how special you are to me."

Their conversation, filled with playful banter and heartfelt confessions, marks the beginning of Woojin's realization that his feelings for Sohee go beyond friendship. The two friends navigate the delightful journey of discovering love in the most charming and endearing moments.

one day, Woojin asked Soheeka about her dream life. She revealed a simple wish - living in a cozy cottage surrounded by her cats, away from the hustle and bustle.

She says..."You know I always imagine myself living away from noisy wold living in place which is surrounded by the nature and animals only, the place which is very Clam and quite every morning I want to listen the birds and floating river Instead of cars and horns, I just want to feel the sunray, and the raindrops not the stress".

To Woojin's delight, it matched his own daydreams. But there was something more; She confessed that she is antisocial and doesn't have friends even at the school she is allergic to crowd of people and the celebrity like lifestyle. Soheeka shared that she doesn't like when people hate her she revealed that she is an introvert and overthinker and can't tolerate anyone's hate towards her and also struggles with social anxiety.

She says..."To Be honest you are my only friend whom I met in this park because of this kitten and you make me feel comfortable when I be around you

Honestly I really don't how does it really feels to have a friend or bestfriends whom we can share how we feel our secrets and tell when we are feeling sad and low I hope we don't lose our this connection between us and meet always you are my really good friend and hope you don't leave me"

Woojin: "you are also my really good friend actually my bestfriend and honestly I don't have many friends too and I promise we won't lose our connection you haven't even seen my face but you still feel this about me and trust me I am happy to know that I am your good friend."

Sohee: I have already seen your kind heart so face doesn't matter for me at all I know you must have your own reasons to hide your face.

Woojin in mind:(hope I don't hurt her and break her trust I wish she'll be very happy in her life I met a person like her in long time and I am very happy that I met her)

As they started sharing their stories feelings to each other, One day, he discovers Sohee, a girl who loves simple things but carries a childhood insecurity - her hands always get wet specially when she's nervous. Teased by her friends because of that, she opens up to Woojin about her struggle.

Woojin, with genuine kindness, tells her, "Show me your hand." He takes it into his, reassuring her, "in this dry world Your wet hands sprinkles the love" Woojin compliments the softness, making her feel not only special but confident. No one had ever embraced her insecurity with such warmth.

Sohee, because of her mixed culture, never had many friends from both countries. However, Woojin becomes more than a friend; he becomes close to her heart. Unlike others, he never hesitates to hold her hand. This unique connection grows into something beautiful. Woojin finds solace in their special bond, where he can be himself, share his feelings, and enjoy life without the weight of celebrity expectations.

He, in turn, finds joy in being himself around Soheeka. While others treat him specially because of his celebrity status, Soheeka treats him special for who he truly is. Their connection deepens, and in the simplicity of shared moments, both Soheeka and Woojin discover a love that transcends insecurities and societal expectations.

Their shared experiences, laughter, and genuine care for each other deepen their connection. In this quiet park, away from the noise of Seoul, Woojin and Sohee fall in love, realizing that true beauty lies in accepting and embracing each other's insecurities.

Days passed with their park meetings.

One sunny day in their favorite park, Sohee and Woojin were engrossed in a playful game with the adorable kitten that had initially brought them together. The lush greenery of the park served as their playground, and laughter echoed through the air.

As they both chased the playful furball, their paths converged in a delightful collision.

The little kitten, darting between them, proved to be the catalyst for a charming mishap. Sohee, focused on the furry playmate, didn't notice Woojin coming from the opposite direction. Before they could react, her head bumped on his chest. them each other, setting off a chain of delightful chaos.

In a delightful twist of fate, the collision led to a synchronized stumble. As both Sohee and Woojin lost their balance, the world seemed to slow down for a heartbeat. In a graceful yet comical descent, they fell toward each other.

Woojin, quick to respond, extended his arms to prevent a full tumble. In the blink of an eye, Sohee found herself nestled against his chest, his protective embrace ensuring a gentle landing.

Laughter erupted between them, a delightful chorus that blended with the rustling leaves and the playful meows of the kitten. Sohee, looking up from her accidental perch on Woojin's chest, couldn't help but blush at the close proximity.

"Well, that was unexpected," Woojin quipped with a grin, his eyes reflecting the warmth of the moment. Sohee, still giggling, replied, "I guess our clumsy charm strikes again." Their laughter lingered in the air, turning an accidental stumble into a sweet memory etched in the playful chapters of their love story.

Their bond grew stronger, with days and Woojin started developing feelings for Soheeka. He admired her for who she was, not just her appearance. But there was a catch - Woojin was a famous celebrity, and he worried that if he revealed this truth, Soheeka might face the harsh side of fame.

On a whimsical day in the park, Sohee, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, surprised Woojin with a bubble maker kit. The air became a canvas for a multitude of colors as bubbles of all sizes floated around them, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

Woojin's eyes lit up with childlike excitement at the sight of the bubble maker. Unable to contain his joy, he eagerly took another bubble maker from Sohee's kit, declaring, "Let me show you how to blow the biggest bubble!"

As Woojin attempted to blow bubbles with his mask on, Sohee couldn't help but burst into teasing laughter. Seeing an opportunity to witness his face, she playfully grabbed the chance, saying, "I think the mask is hindering your bubble- blowing skills. Let me help you mask boy."

With a mischievous grin, Sohee went close to Woojin, attempting to open his mask. Woojin, sensing her playful intentions, gently held her hand, preventing her from unveiling his face. In that moment, their eyes met, creating an intimate connection that transcended the playful bubble- blowing contest.

Sohee, feeling a sudden shyness, said with a bashful smile, "leave let it be you look more cute with mask on"

Woojin: "sohee have I told you that how adorable your big eyes are"

Sohee: "is it...yeah I got to hear about my big eyes in korea alot"

Woojin: "yeah I wish I had eyes like you

Like honestly I can look into your eyes for the rest of my life"

Sohee shyly: really...then be ready for it🤭

Woojin: w..what what did you say be ready for what??! 😳

Sohee teasingly: nothing I guess you heard something wrong 😅

Woojin: stop flirting with me sohee 😏😂

Sohee: what no I am not flirting 😶

Woojin:yes you are😏

Sohee: i said no it's your job actually

that I am doing 😉

Woojin: whattt....see again you are flirting

Sohee: no..stop teasing me I am just kidding😂

Both smiled shyly

Woojin and Sohee's connection deepened as they shared many memorable moments together Sohee, was still unaware of Woojin's celebrity identity, but She has also started to feel for him without seeing his face, she was in love with the way he treats her and animals.

she had repeatedly asked him to reveal his face, but he hesitated, fearing she might grow distant once she knew the truth. She thought that he is insecure about his face so she stopped asking him because for her his heart and behavior was more important than the face

sohee was known him by the name name jin only. Woojin was asked many times to face reveal

One day, Woojin summoned the courage to unveil his mask.

there is little mistake about volumes so you may open 2nd chapter when you start reading the first chapter is meetings....

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