
"Make it True"

So... I wake up at a white room. Something greet me and told me I died. He(?) give me power give me another life. and here it is.

Hafkey · Fantasie
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5 Chs

3. Finally 2 and World Info

Finally it's all done.

So I finally reached 2 years old, after waiting for so long, so let's talk about what I do in this 2 years time skip.

Let's talk about my family and myself

My name is Noras, Noras Vera, I have a gray hair, brown eyes and i am a boy.

My Mother name is Deisha Vera, She has a brown hair and eyes, her body is very good If have to say, beautiful face, good personality, overall a pretty good mother. A tier by me.

My Father name is Hansen Vera, he has a gray hair and eyes, his body is tall and toned he was strong, he is a good guy with good personality but he was kind of pervert, okay very pervert . B Tier by me.

Anyway enough for my family for 2 year I finally mastered [My Desire] somehow, I don't need to say it, I just need to use it with mind and sometimes it can active subconsciously when I need something.

I use it to increase my physical power to ridiculous level, and what I mean ridiculous is very ridiculous. I can choose my Strength, Speed, and Endurance level from weak to very Ridiculous. I also enhance my reflex and senses into ridiculous level. my regeneration is also ridiculous. And about my parents sucpisousness, I reduce it with [My Desire].

About this new world, it has your typical middle aged fiction isekai and novel world, Mana, Sword, Magic, Adventure, Monster, etc. This world is a lot bigger than Earth, approximately 23x larger but somehow the gravity is the exact same, currently i am living on the only known Continent named Asce, think of Asia Continent but bigger, the reason why this is the only known continent is because it's distance between other continent is very far and the ocean is very dangerous. Here is why, in this world there are 4 types of main living creatures, 1. Human, 2. Faunas(Humans with animal features, think of Faunus in RWBY show and animals), 3.Florus (Plants living being like Mushroom and other) 4.Demon(Monsters and Demons, don't know why they are on the same category).

Most of those.... let's call it Types. Have their own capabilities and specialities and the Monsters can be called dangerous and Florus cannot be Underestimated either because some of them have special ability, take an example of Giant living tree. but not every plants can be categorized as Florus.... Actually there are more categories on Types like Faunas Cat race and Dangerous Florus, and etc.

In Asce continent there is 25% Human, 25% Faunus, 25% Florus, and 25% Demon. it may be small if you count them by percent but it's actually more, because Asce continent is a lot bigger than Asia and the amount of them is increasing everyday.

Anyway, enough talking about this world, I need to do something outside this house. But it will be a problem since my body is not fully developed yet, I may have ridiculous physical abilities but I still need my body to be fully developed first, the reason why I don't use [My Desire] because it will be weird and I want some progress, my parents don't know anything about my ridiculous power, I always hide it from them.... or maybe they hasn't seen it yet, anyway let's meet them shall we.

Noras get up from his chair on his room and reach to the door and open it, he stepped on the hallway of his small 2 story house and get down to the kitchen by the stair.

I've been a quiet boy since I born, maybe because I don't have someone to talk to other than my parents, it's kinda hard to socialize with having a mature mind inside a 2 year kid body, when I see another kid playing outside by the window in my room, I feel like it's going to be hard to be friend with them, i can just use [My Desire] but somehow I just don't feel it right. Well I will try to get outside and take a walk after this.

When he finally got to the kitchen he sees his mother preparing dinner for her family and his father on her side.

Huh, father is not going out today? well maybe I miss something. let's ask what is the dinner and ask them if I can go outside.

He approach them but before he can let out a sound, he see his father gropes his mother ass.

.... Really? right now.

Noras:Ehem, Dad, Mom?

Hearing their son's voice Geisha quickly shove Hansen's hand and quickly turn around to face her son while Hansen quickly turn away from him.

Geisha: Oh, Noras? What is it son? is there something you need?

Her face is still red because of the previous incident.

Noras: Yes, there is something I want to ask.

What's the dinner, and can I go outside?

Geisha: We will have chicken, and did you just say you want to go outside?

Hearing that his quiet Son wanted to go outside, Hansen quickly turn back and sit down on a chair close to them.

Hansen: Oh? so our Introvert son finally want to go outside?

Noras: Yes, i am father, also how do you know the word introvert? ..... whatever.

Geisha: Oh, that's great! I thought you will never go outside until you are 5, but that's a relief you want to go outside, I'm afraid you won't get a friend when you are 2.

Noras: I was planning to get to know someone mom, I see kids around my age playing outside in my room by the window everyday, so I want to give it a try if I can get to know at least one person.

Geisha: That's great son, I hope you can get someone to know. Alright, I allow it, you can go outside. Can you accompany Noras honey?

Hansen:(Excited) Of course I can honey! let's go son, let's get you a girlfriend!

Noras: Whatever Dad, see you mom.

Geisha: See you son!

Hansen and Noras get out from the house and Noras see a wide farm field around his house and several house around his. Hansen and Noras step on the street and start to walk around the village. They meet several people that recognized Hansen on the way, mostly are women but there is a guy too.

Hansen: So son, how do you feel about walking outside for the first time?

Noras: It's feel better for my eyes to see a beautiful scenery on the way. Far better than reading a book everyday.

Hansen: Hehe, you should walk outside more often to know your village more.

He waved to a man on the farm.

Noras: Yeah, maybe.

Hansen: Oh, cmon dont say 'maybe'. If you know more about your birthplace you can make many good memories and make you love this village more!

Noras: And making greater pain when I lost it.

Hearing such word from a toddler make Hansen flinched a bit. God, how can his 2 year old son think of something like that?.

Hansen: Ehem, now then, let's get to our main objective. Getting you a Girlfriend!

Noras: Too son dad.

Hansen: Oh, cmon if we don't try, we won't know. Anyway, I know a place where you can get to know to another kids.

Noras: And where is that?

Hansen: This is why you have to get to know about your village, oh here we are!

They arrived at a wide grass field and see 15 kids playing around with each other, thier age is about 2-4 year old.

Hansen: So, how about you go to know them?

Noras: I will try that dad, I will try to get at least 1.

Hansen: I believe you can do it son.

Noras: Yeah, thanks for bringing me here. I will take care of the rest by myself. You can take a rest and observe me below that tree over there.

He point at shady tree close at them.

Hansen: Sure, good luck!

Noras: Yeah, thanks

Hansen go to the tree and sat on its shadow.

Noras: Alright , Here we go.

He approach the group of kids.

Will Noras get a new friend, or a new enemy?