
"Make it True"

So... I wake up at a white room. Something greet me and told me I died. He(?) give me power give me another life. and here it is.

Hafkey · Fantasy
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5 Chs

4.Mission, Failed?

.... Alright, how should i greet them.

Maybe i can put on a smiley face, or stay with this one....but it world make me look boring.....

Alright i will put a small smile on yep, looks good, now to put on some courage to greet them....or maybe make them greet me? ah, this is ha— and 10 of them is going away somewhere.... great, i have to be fast there is only 5 of them now.


'Why is Noras taking so long? isnt someone his age loves making friends?....'

After waiting for some more time Hansen finally see his son start walking to them.

'Ah! He's approaching them! uh, I can't hear their voice if Iam this far, sorry son I know I will let you do this by yourself but, I have no choice Iam worry about you'

Then some kind of small magic circle formed on both if his ear, sharpening his hearing sense.

'Alright, let's see how you greet them son'

Nora's finnaly get close enough to them for a boy with red hair to notice him, then that boy approach him with a smile on his face.

RH Boy: Hey, I never see you before! are you new here?

Noras: O-uh, hey, um, no I'm not new in this village, but I'm not very familiar with it either, but I'm not new here, I just happen to stay at home everytime so... it's normal for you to never see me before...

'Uh, his way of speaking is not very common for 2 year old'

RH Boy: ..You speak weird.... anyway I'm Rogi, Rogi Hato, nice to meet you!

Noras: Oh, yeah, nice to meet you Rogi, Iam Noras, Noras Vera....

'Cmon say something....'

Noras: ....Hey.

Rogi: Yes?

Noras: Do you- do you mind if I join you guys?

Rogi: Oh, yeah it's fine! but, we are already done playing and we are going to go home.


Noras: oh.....


Rogi: But you ca—

Suddenly a girl with long red hair hug Rogi from the back, making Rogi surprised and losing his balance a bit.

Rogi: Woah! Rua! don't surprised me like that!

But the girl seems to ignore it.

Rua: Lets go home Rogi!

Rogi: Rua, I was speaking to someone, so can you wait.

Rua: Who are you speaking to?

Rogi: I'm speaking to Noras, are you seriously does not notice him? he was right in front of me.

Rua: Who is Noras?

Finnaly the girl notice the boy in front of Rogi.

Rua: Oooh, hey there, hehe sorry for ignoring you.

Noras: it's, it's fine.

Rua: So, you are Noras?

Noras: Yes, I'm Noras, Noras Vera, nice to meet you.

Rua: (Do a peace sign) Nice to meet you too!

Rogi: She is Rua, my older sister!

Noras: Oh, she's your older sister? well both of you have some similarities but I thought she was your younger sister.

Rua: Hey! I might not look older than him but Iam 1 year older!

Rogi: Yeah, she was 1 year older than me!

Noras: Okay....mind if I ask how old are you?

Rogi: Iam 2!

Rua: and Iam 3!

Rogi: Oh yeah! we and the others want to go to Aquisa forest tomorrow morning, do you want to come with us! you say you want to play with us right?

Rua: Rogi, don't tell someone our secret plan!

Rogi: Eh, but Noras want to be our friend!

Rua: hm, he want to be our friend?

Rogi answer with a nods.

Rua: You want to be our friend?

Noras: Y-yes, I.. want to be friend with you guys...

Rua: ....Great! so, do you want to come with us?

Noras: Um, isn't going to the Aquisa forest without any adults is dangerous?

Rogi: Don't worry, as long as Beld is with us we are going to be safe!

Noras: Beld?

Rogi: Yes! he was the oldest of us, he was 5 year old! he was the one that give us the idea of exploring Aquisa forest.

Rua: And he can use Fire Magic! well small fire magic, but it was awesome! he was the strongest in the 5 of us!

'Beld? oh, it's Bulce's son, he can use Fire magic? huh, looks like we have a prodigy at this village, and he want to explore the Aquisa forest? that's crazy, it's was very dangerous even at the daytime. Iam going to speak to Noras after this'

Noras: I'll, I'll think about it.

Rogi: Ok, if you want to come with us come here at the morning!

Rui: And don't tell anyone about our secret plan okay?!

Noras: I will not.

Rua: Promise?

Noras: .....Promise

Rua: It's a promise then! c'mon Rogi let's go home Iam hungry!

Rogi: Woah!

She then hold Rogi's arm and run to their home dragging him with her, leaving Noras alone in the field of grass with his father slowly approaching him.

Noras: (Sigh)

Noras then place a hand in his forehead, seems to thinking for a while before his father finnaly at the side of him.

Hansen: So, how is it?

Noras: I don't know, maybe it's failed? well I made 2 new friend so it's not a total failure, also you hear our conversation didn't you?

Hansen: Y-you know about it?

Noras: Of course I noticed... so, you are going to talk about them going to Aquisa forest right?

Hansen: ...Yeah, it's a bad idea to go to Aquisa forest, even if it's morning it's still dangerous to go there.

Noras: I know, Mom has told me that in her top 5 most dangerous place at this village, and Aquisa forest is at the first place.

Hansen: ....So are you going to come with them?

Noras: Of course Iam, I'm not going to let my new friends die when I just know them, so are you going to stop me?

Hansen: ....No, somehow I feel like I don't have to forbid you but let you go with them.

Noras: Is that so.(Sigh) I just break a promise I created a seconds ago.

Hansen: Really? well I think you haven't break it yet, because I already know it, the promise is about 'Do not let someone else who don't know, know it' right?.

Noras: Yeah, I guess you're right, so can you please not to tell anyone especially mom about this? we can't guarantee that mom feel the same like you.

Hansen: Don't worry about it.

Noras: Good, so let's go home shall we.

Hansen: Yeah let's go, I bet Geisha has already prepared the food.

They then go back to home side by side.


[Hello there. I know this story is not very well written but, please share you thoughts at the comments]