
"Hear my name KSANTE!"

a world of heroes and villains... no matter for as long as I am here, WE can win!

Nuttela · Anime und Comics
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For disclaimer this my first time ever writing so do please tell me what I could improve on if possible


I died.

Simple as that.

What? Did you expect some tragic backstory? And that I, for whatever reason, wanted to die? While also giving you some deep and thoughtful monolog about society and how unfair it is.

Hell no!


Okay, maybe just a little...

Honestly, I wish I had the confidence to have an edgy monolog without completely cringing. In the middle of it.

Truth is, I am the epitome of average.

There wasn't much special about me, but I was fine with that or, well, I made peace with it. Is more accurate, to be honest. I remember when I was younger, around 12-13.

I tried desperately to stand out, and like most people my age, I thought I was special and that if I worked hard enough, nothing would be able to stop me, I was of course wrong.

Things like motivational videos, anime, and the general dysfunction of both my parents and the school system made me underprepared for the shitfest that is life.

And so, like most people, the reality of the adult world hit me like a trunk to an isekai protagonist.

But I guess that's just life.

So anyway, here I am having a heart attack at the tender age of 17, The Cause, you may ask?

I don't know?! How am I supposed to know?! My head cannon is that all the Pepsi finally got to me.

So as I lay there on the kitchen floor choking on my blood, I couldn't help but wonder how my friends would react if they saw me like this.



("YO! bro thinks he's Heisenberg)

(Bro died first, lmao skill issue)

(I'd still smash)

(Dibs on his organs)


God, I hate those idiots.

And those were my last thoughts before, I inevitably kicked the bucket.


"Yeah, say sike right now," I mutter.

So spoiler alert I ain't dead... Well, I mean, I was, but now I'm not?

To be more specific, I'm in a new body, one different from my original. In every way

First of all, this body seemed to be of African descent, with black hair. skin. and facial features that one would expect of an African.

Of course, that wasn't the only difference.

While I was pretty short for a Danish citizen being 5,7(170.cm), this new body was pretty tall for its age, being around 5,8 - 5,9 while looking to be around 13-14 years old.

I felt stronger, and considering how ripped and muscular this body was, it likely wasn't just a feeling.

Also, why do I already have a full-ass beard?

... African genetics is too broken. Please nerf it!... although do let me keep them.

Also, I don't know why I have to wake up naked, though couldn't I have at least been sent some clothes?


The sound of branches snapping brought my thoughts to a halt and made me really think about my situation.

I'm in a new body

No clothes

No food or water

And I'm in some random forest while having next to no knowledge of how to survive, in the wilderness great just great.


Oh God, I'm going to die again, aren't I?


And that's how I spent like, I don't know 20-30 minutes complaining and blaming whatever god, being, or ROB that sent me here.

Not seriously, though.

I'm pretty grateful to be alive, so I'm not mad just... frustrated with the situation I've been trusted into, I wasn't the type of person who liked to "rough it out," After all.

I liked to relax, and mostly do nothing all day if possible.

Either way, that doesn't matter. For now, I need to set some goals for myself, 1 food and water, 2 clothes, 3 civilizations,

Looking behind me, I can cross out the second objective.

"Oh, thank you, sweet merciful god," I mutter, getting on my knees to give a quick prayer.

I really, and I mean, really didn't want to have to walk through this forest butt-ass naked. It's not a good look to have your privates... floppin⁸g around, either.

Putting the clothes on, I couldn't help but feel that they were... familiar.

I feel like I have seen these clothes before, but from where? I couldn't exactly name it. god, this is annoying. it's like on the tip of my tongue, yet I just can't remember it.

"No point in thinking about it, it's clothes, that's all I need to know for now," I say, shrugging.

The clothes were unique, to say the least.

They looked... well. I don't know how to describe it they weren't clothes that you would see in a modern civilization.

Honestly, they reminded me of the clothes that some tribal men would wear in all those documentaries. Just with a more modern touch with the jacket and turtle neck, plus all these weird symbols on the jacket are giving me that vibe that this is truly something meant for someone else.

Weirdly enough, clothes weren't the only thing I found.

I also found... earrings.

And with that another wave of familiarity hit me, so close, so fucking close, it's at the tip of my fucking tongue.

Then I saw them.

Ntofus? Ntofus....ntofu-

Oh.. Oh, OH.

Isn't this from League of Legends?!

I've only played the game a couple of times since my friends kept pestering me and wouldn't stop until I joined them in their degenerate ways...

So yeah, I eventually joined

Whenever I would play with them, one of the idiots would always pick k'sante, I, while a complete newbie to Leauge.

Knew a lot about Ksante for the simple fact that this dude would not shut up once he heard that I wanted to try out toplane

He wanted to convert me into a quote on quote "giga chad toplaner."

He was what you would call, an "Otp" standing for one trick pony.

Basically, he would play k'sante no matter what. He played him so much that even I knew what both his lore(which wasn't much) and abilities were.

Being the newbie, I was, of course, relegated to being the team's support, and I have to say.

Blitzcrank go brr.

Either way, back on topic.

So this was it, huh?

I was reborn as k'sante?

Honestly, the moment I woke up in this forest, I expected something like this to happen.

Dieing check, waking up in some random forest and/or body check, finding out you're in the body of a fictional character? Check,

It's like the perfect recipe for some weird trashy generic fanfiction/novel.

Now I just have to find out if I'm in the same world or not.

Who knows maybe I'm in fucking runetera, pretty sure that's the name of the League of Legends world.

Although I doubt it, you never know.


Patting my stomach, I snap out of my thoughts and focus on the more concerning problem right now.

Food and water.

"Ah... this is going to be a long day, isn't it?" I mutter to myself, patting my grumbling stomach in hopes that it would calm down.

Plugging the earrings in, I noticed that I already had my ears pierced. I wonder when Ksante in the lore got his earrings.

Picking up the ntofus, I absently noticed that they were surprisingly light for their size, I don't know if it's because this body is already used to their weight, or if their just light.

... could be both.


The first couple of hours were spent experimenting, and, getting used to this new body.

Figuring out the limits and strengths of my new body showed the difference between, a human on earth and one on runetera.

I was inhumanly strong, and despite my huge size fast and agile as well


"Hm?!" With surprising quickness, I ran to the nearest bush and hid, something was nearby, and I, while strong, didn't know where I was, I could easily be in a world where my newfound strength would be considered... well, inadequate for protecting myself

Plus, I'm both hungry and thirsty

I am not in any condition to fight, hmm... I probably shouldn't have wasted all my energy "experimenting," which, by the way, just consisted of running around and doing some push-ups.

Was it the most effective method of testing this new body? Nope, did it work? Yep.

"Snap" "crank"

Looking through the small cracks of the bush, I finally see it... a bunny, hopping around, being all adorable, and shit.

"Well, that was anticlimactic." I expected some weird terrifying beast that would eat me alive if I so dared to look at it in the wrong way.

"But... I can work with this." My stomach grumbles once more

The pang of hunger was getting to me, and it was time to feast... wow, that sounded edgy now that I think about it.

Shrugging off these thoughts, I try to think of a way to ambush this adorable little shit, my master plan? Just run at it. What could go wrong?

That sounds like a terrible idea. Let's not do that. Instead, I'll just throw one of my ntofus at it and hope that my accuracy isn't complete shit.

Genius Axel genius.

Winding my arm back, I try to involve my legs and hips in the movement in hopes that it would give me even the slightest bit of strength boost.


The sound of the air being torn was surprisingly loud to the point that my ears started slightly ringing.

I underestimated the strength. This body possesses.

Looking through the cracks once again, I gasp at the sight in front of me, blood... blood everywhere.

"No..nononono," panicked. I ran up to the remains of the bunny, hoping that there would be anything edible.

"Ah.. fuck! There's nothing left!" Frustrated, I kicked the tree next to me

"It's all splattered! There's nothing for me to eat."

I didn't expect the Ntofu to obliterate the poor bunny out of existence,

The crushed meat looked unappetizing. As I watched the crushed intestines still somehow pulsate, the poor bunny's feces splattered around everywhere, looking like some nesqiks cereal.

"God... I can't ever look at those delicious nesqiks cereals the same ever again, " dejected I went ahead and decided to go the herbivore route.

Which wasn't as hard as I thought. There were a lot of easily recognizable and, more importantly, edible fruits and berries.

With one problem solved, another comes to take its place.

I have no idea how I'm supposed to get clean and drinkable water...


So, I don't need to know how.

Why? You may ask? Well, it's simple, I got something called plot armor, and so a river was conveniently placed like... 3 hours away, but hey, it's free clean drinking water. I won't question it.

I'm sitting in a dark cave with my only source of light now gone, as that moon has risen.

It's night.

Sitting there, I can't help but think about what a crazy day it's been... I wonder, is this a dream?

As cliche as it may sound, it feels like a fever dream.



*sniff* I'm not crying... if someone says otherwise, then please let them know that their not safe and they should lock their doors and windows at night.

I grab my ntofus and hug them for both comfort and safety.

They may not be that comfortable to hug, but God do they make me feel safe.


[3 months later]

Zzzzz..ZZZ.. ZZZ




Reluctantly opening my eyes, I instantly freeze as I see the bastard who woke me up.


"You fucking bastard.."


"Did you just shit on me?"

The bird nodded which would have been a surprise for the past me.

"I will strangle you one day... and you know that right?"

The bird made the closest thing to a smug face I have ever seen a bird do.

Let me introduce to you my one and only bastard?...pet?... I don't know, let's just say, acquaintance.

Now, this bird right here is my only proof that I'm living in an alternate world.

For you see, not only is this bird extremely intelligent, but it also for some fucking reason has a giant fucking horn on its head!!?

Like what the fuck was god thinking when he made this piece of shit!?

"Alright Ruben get the fuck off me before I turn you into bacon.

The bird looked at me confused but listened to my "request"

And before you ask, yes I did name her after the pig from Minecraft story mode, Mostly in hopes that she would fuck off and die like my poor good boy Ruben did.

God rest his soul


I hope she dies a painful death

.... my irrational hatred towards Ruben aside I gotta say I'm pretty happy about my progress in not only thriving in nature but also in learning how to use ksantes abilities.

First of all, I have learned that all my special abilities come from my ntofus, so without them, I'm just a "normal" person.

Ignoring my supernatural physical abilities aside, of course.

Anyways, so let's talk and give a little context for what ksantes' abilities are.

His passive makes it so that anyone that I hit with my ntofus will take more damage on my next attack, and when I mean attack, I mean anything that isn't my ntofus for some reason.

So far, it only works on living beings, so inanimate objects are safe from this passive

Now, his first ability is called ntofu strikes.

I slam my ntofus at a living being, and if I hit them, then I get a stack at two stacks. My next ntofu strike will create a giant tornado that will both knock up anyone in its range but also pull them towards me.

So it would go something like this.

Ntofu strike punch/kick ntofu strike punch/kick into my third nofu strick to knock them up and beat their ass

Ksantes' next ability is called pathmaker.

I raise my ntofus in front of me in a defensive manner, reducing and blocking all incoming damage.

After a while, I can choose to ram forward and push the enemy, dealing more damage the more durable they are.

Very strong, and definitely going to be something that I use a lot problem is that it takes a shitload of energy. I realistically only have enough stamina to do 3 times a day without a passing.

His third ability is aptly called "footwork"

It gives me a huge increase in speed for like 0.8 seconds enough to dash like 20 meters in an instant, along with giving me a small shield made out of my stamina.

Very useful as well, although it is the same problem as Pathmaker in that it takes a lot of energy to use, although not as much as Pathmaker does.

And for Ksantes' final ability, we have his ult "all out"

K'Sante shatters his ntofos, dealing physical damage and knocking back an enemy champion. Enemies that hit a wall will take a greater amount of physical damage, are knocked back over the wall, and are briefly stunned. K'Sante then dashes after the enemy and goes All Out for an extended duration.

All Out K'sante loses a percentage of max health, bonus armor, and bonus magic resistance. K'Sante gains attack damage, omnivamp, and transforms his abilities.


In layman's terms.

I shatter ntofus. I turn all my durability into damage, and my abilities change a bit.

My Passive Now deals true damage and ignores defense.

My ntofu strikes are faster.

My pathmaker no longer pushes but pierces enemies.

My footwork just gives me an increase to my movement speed burst, but the duration stays the same pathetic 0.8 seconds.

So here comes that problem... I have no idea how to use this ability or even how it would work in real life.

All I have said just before is all speculation with no evidence to back it up.

I've been trying for 2 months now to try and somehow use it.... those poor animals...

But I've given it up for now, I'm assuming that I have to be in some fight with someone who gives me a challenge or something along the lines of that before I can use it, so I've just left it up to the future me to figure it out.

Anyway, it's time for me to finally leave this fucking cave.

I've stayed here for long enough. It's about time that I start looking for any sort of civilization.

Both for my physical and mental health.

I've grown quite tired of only being able to communicate with Ruben.

"CHIRP!!!" Ruben, who has claimed her throne(the top of my head), started chirping angrily.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"CHIRP!" she answered.

"... you do realize that I can't understand you?"

She answered by being a little bitch and furiously pecking my head.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Fucking hell stop that! The hell got you so angry anyway?!" I huff out.

She doesn't answer and just flies out of the cave, leaving behind one last angry chirp.

"...women.." I mutter.

Walking out of the cave as well, I stand there and admire all of my hard work in making this place "comfortable." Well, I mean, as comfortable as nature could get, I guess.

Well, I mean to be fair, I didn't try that hard, I mostly just focused on hunting and practicing. My skills.

I feel kind of sad leaving this place behind. I've kind of gotten attached, I will, of course, still leave, I haven't gotten that attached.

Plus, I don't think I could handle another month of no human interactions

Grabbing my "canteen," (which I made, by the way, from the bark of a tree)

I filled it up with enough water to last me for approximately...2-3 days. Along with that, I have also brought a shit ton of berries and fruit, all contained in my backpack, made of once again the bark of trees.

" But first," looking downwards on my shirt, I notice that the shit Ruben left on my has dried out.

"I gotta clean this,"


"Fuck you too!"


Sigh....God I both hate and love that dumb bird.