
"Eternal Conflict"

In the depths of eternity, terrifying and gruesome entities emerge, instilling fear in the hearts of humans. These loathsome demons take various forms, inducing the greatest terror. These terrifying beings hide and infiltrate the darkness of past ages. These condemned demons, shattering minds, manifest in unimaginable forms. Some take the form of giant beasts, surpassing all imagination. Massive bodies like mountains, covered in torn skins, with limbs twisted like venomous snakes. Others take forms even more impossible and despair-inducing. Ghostly entities formed from dark clouds, shaping and dissipating like mist. They flow mightily through the terrifying space of this world, opening mouths like frightening towers to emit terrifying screams like thunderbolts. As the sun rises on the horizon of life, Its rays reveal a new offspring, pulled from the womb of darkness. That unfortunate child, burdened with the weight of the dark world. Is this true? .........Is Oliver the hero, or is he?

NAH999 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter Five **Five Years Later**

 Chapter Five

**Five Years Later**

Lafiteel pulled a single red essence pill from her storage bag and handed it to Oliver.

"This is what you will rely on for your training,"

she said, looking at him with a pained expression as if she had given him something very precious.

Oliver was moved by her pained expression, wondering how she could easily give him something so valuable.

Lafiteel read the confusion on his face and felt irritated, thinking to herself,

"The fool doesn't realize its worth to me."

Lafiteel, looking at him, asked, "There will be a major event in the sect in five years. Do you want to participate?"

Oliver replied indifferently, "I don't want to. What would I gain from participating? Will I meet my mother through it?" He waved dismissively.

Her irritation grew at his indifference, and she said, "You fool! Don't you know about the riches of the first-place prize?"

Her gaze was fierce as she contemplated how to benefit from this tool if he was so lazy.

"You fool," she said, "the winner of the first place can meet the revered Origin Mystic and ask for anything they want below the seventh rank."

"Really?" Oliver's heart raced upon hearing her words. The revered Origin Mystic, his mother, the leader of the Desolate Origin Sect... "Anything I want, anything I want," he laughed darkly from his childish mouth.

"Alright, Lafiteel, I'll definitely participate," he said, clenching his fist tightly. "I must prepare well," his eyes hardened like burning embers.

Lafiteel watched his expression shift from indifference to enthusiasm and determination. She rubbed her temples hard and said to him,

"Only those under sixteen can participate in the tournament.

I don't want to shatter your wild imagination,

Oliver, but the minimum entry requirement is the second rank. You will face dozens of geniuses at the same level as you,

in the second and third ranks, and I'm among them," she said harshly, aiming to crush his delusions.

Oliver responded confidently, lost in his dreams, "Don't worry, Lafiteel. The competition may be fierce, but I won't give up.

I'll do everything I can to reach the third rank. If I have to face dozens of geniuses for my mother, I'll be ready.

My goal is clear, and I'll strive to achieve it no matter what it costs." Determination was etched on his face. "I can do it," he thought to himself.

### Five Years Later

On a flat rock overlooking a clear lake surrounded by large green trees, sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dancing shadows on a ten-year-old boy.

His shiny white hair gleamed in the daylight, like a silver crown adorning his head. His dark eyes, like bottomless abysses,

revealed a mysterious and terrifying vision, emitting an endless darkness as if they were gateways to another hidden, horrifying world. This captivating beauty was contrasted by his terrifying eyes.

Oliver wore simple but elegant clothes: a light cotton shirt the color of the sky and khaki trousers.

Sitting there, he took a deep breath and whispered, "The time has come.

" Five years had passed in the blink of an eye for him.

He felt a significant change in his strength and character.

Was it because of his powerful personality?

His thought process had become very fast and terrifying; he analyzed situations and considered all possibilities whenever he wanted to do something.

He looked at his status list after five years:


- **Gender:** ??????

- **Realm:** Second Rank, Fourth Step (Transcendence)

- **Bloodline:** Orahara (Unawakened: Can be sacrificed)

- **Talent:** Cursed Tyrant (Extinction)

 - **Intelligence:** +1000%

 - **Training Speed of Extinction Energy:** +2000%

 - **Strength:** +500%

 - **Spirit:** +500%

 - **Demon Subjugation:** +500%

- **Negative Effects:**

 - **Essence is not Human:** ???? Not human anymore ??

 - **Emotional Instability:** +500%

 - **Demon Affinity:** +500%

 - **Increase in ???????:** +500%

- **Skills:**

 - **Extinction Pulse (Second Rank)**

 - **Basic Punch (Rank: Trash)**

 - **Basic Kick (Rank: Trash)**

- **Sacrifice Points:** 50

Oliver looked at the number of sacrifice points. He hadn't sacrificed anything, so how had it become fifty points? Confusion spread across his face.

He had discovered something else in the past five years about his sister,

Lafiteel, and how she had been deceiving him. The little doll had given him only a single cheap red essence pill.

Every week, Oliver would visit Lafiteel's training residence to receive one red essence pill,

which he would absorb in less than an hour. He had suffered greatly because of this.

He hadn't known for the past five years that his sister was deceiving him. His heart ached, thinking,

"Who planted these evil thoughts in your mind, my little doll?"

He didn't blame her; she was his sister, and he had to endure it. He discovered her deceit a few days ago when he found a green essence pill in her residence. He took it secretly and later checked its actual value in the sect,

shocked by its true price. Each green essence pill was worth a hundred red essence pills. His little sister,

Lafiteel, had always used green essence pills lavishly in her training while he suffered from severe energy deficiency due to his powerful talent.

Oliver lamented his luck, thinking, "Well, my little doll is still kind enough to provide me with a second-rank skill at least."

Skill ranks were divided into nine levels, similar to power levels.

He was just a hair's breadth away from breaking through to the third rank. Unfortunately, with the tournament approaching, he couldn't break through now.

From a distance, Oliver noticed a small figure—no, not so small anymore.

"My little doll has grown up now," he thought.

At ten years old, her golden hair flowed like a waterfall over her slender shoulders, illuminating the surroundings with its unique beauty. Her captivating red eyes sparkled like stars in a clear sky, mesmerizing with their enchanting allure and mysterious depth.

Her silky skin reflected the aura around her, giving her face a radiant and breathtaking beauty. Some places had grown larger, and Oliver was moved as he whispered,

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'll pluck out your eyes," Lafiteel said coldly, glaring at his provocative gaze. "Why does this fool always anger me?" she wondered.

What angered her even more was his breakthrough to the fourth step of the second rank. "How does he train? I've only given him one red essence pill every week."

She controlled her chaotic breath, feeling better, remembering her breakthrough to the third rank, Life Destruction.

"Now I can beat him," she thought, though she was unsure and didn't want to face him due to the trauma caused by the monster inside him.

"Tomorrow is the tournament. I'll explain the basics now. Listen well; I won't repeat myself," she said with a lazy and annoyed expression.


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