
The Ring Part 7

One of one,each stuffs were thrown out over the floor hastily until the entire floor had turned into a mess. Rummaging through the stuffs, Eric repeated his words anxiously

" It should have been here. I didn't leave the room for the entire night. Have you seen it somewhere else?"

Lilianah was little surprised after watching his turbulent expression and had found the perfect chance of teasing him the more. Unknown about the next outcome, she made him more anxious using her nonchalant tone,

" No,Eric. I haven't seen it on your finger till last night. O my god! Don't tell me that you have lost it?"

Eric's expression darkened more as if his entire soul had left the body. Gulping down, he muttured disbelievingly while jumping around the corner of room,

" It shouldn't be. I have been always cautious regarding the ring, Lilianah. Please help me find it out."

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