
Zwerver di Mortuus Est

The story follows a person named Kuu, or rather what's he's currently going by, he has no past, wandering from places and places in a fantasy world. Cities, mountains, forests, etc, he wanders, for what reason?

IncrediblyLola · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 21

It's pretty funny whenever I think about that story, like you have this whole rivalry between these mortal enemies, when some guy just exists and proceeds to force them to join sides, and it becomes the first step of peace between races.

Some pretty crazy stuff.

I chuckled quietly to myself, whilst taking turning to a small alleyway.

I myself don't know why I did that, maybe it's instinct, it probably is, but I suppose it doesn't really matter.

As I walked deeper and deeper down the alleyway, the light at the end of this 'tunnel' felt further and further, and then eventually, it disappeared.

"Could it be my imagination?" I muttered as I wiped my eyes, and surprisingly, nothing change.

Looks like a no.

I guess I'll just walk along and see what happens. You know what they say, fuck around and find out. Or at the very least, something along the lines of that.


About an hour has passed since I started walking, not much progress made.

The only information that I had is that this, indeed, is someone's domain, nothing too much, but it does tell us that there's someone here with me, and that this person is highly skilled.

Spooky scary stuff.

As I was about to continue wandering, a voice let out from behind.

"So your the one."

It was the voice of a girl, one that is calm yet mesmerising. A voice akin to an angel, is what I'll describe it.

"Who are you" I asked as I turned around after preparing myself.

It was a young girl with short, golden hair, down to around the neck line. Crimson eyes resembling a rose, wearing a shit eating grin so annoying that only a mother could love.

Weird, I could've sworn that there was not a single trace of a person just a moment ago.

"My name is.... just call me Aly. That's what everyone calls me." She answered.

"So Aly, do you have any idea on why I'm here?"

"I do." She answered without hesitation, almost as if she was waiting for this.

"May I know the answer?"

"Not know."

I decided to play along.

"And why is that?"

"I have to judge you myself."

"And what if I don't comply?"

"Then you won't be able to get out."

This girl... has a really good poker face. Seems like I have to brute force my way through.

"Hey, Aly."

"What is it?"

"Why did you think I won't be able to get out?"

"Because we're in her domain."

So there's another person here.

"So what?" I said, slightly threatening her.

"You pass." A new voice came out from behind, a tomboyish voice this time, but still a female.