
Zwerver di Mortuus Est

The story follows a person named Kuu, or rather what's he's currently going by, he has no past, wandering from places and places in a fantasy world. Cities, mountains, forests, etc, he wanders, for what reason?

IncrediblyLola · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 20

"Inconsistency, all of it" I thought.

Unlike in dimbell or whatever it's called, the capital has a completely different layout. There's no patterns to it, unlike the clearly divided pattern in dimbell, which puts a possibilities into perspective, maybe the capital doesn't follow these rules, or rather, traditions, after all, this is a pretty ancient country, with around 11 thousand years worth of history, factoring the time where the district rules were applied, which was about 8 thousand years ago, they might simply just not want to give up on that 3 thousand years worth of history, or maybe they just switched it back a few hundred years ago, which is the last time a new king took the throne was around that time frame. Wait why am I thinking and trying to find where to go around here? I should've just walk around blindly and see whatever interest's me.

With his trusty trash sense of direction, Kuu strolled around the unpredictable streets of the capital.

After roughly 10 seconds of walking randomly in whatever direction, he came to a stop.

"Deez Donuts, huh?" I muttered.

It's been awhile since I had some Deez Donuts, quite an incredible coincidence that I past by this chain after what happened the other day at the diner, even more so that I happened to just start feeling hungry. Anyways, that guy, what was it? Alus? was it? Really did quite a number on the big guy over there, he blew his brains out, literally. Kinda funny when you look back it, since it was so ridiculous and stupid, then again, that's what's a bar fight is anyways. On a completely unrelated note, I'm hungry.

So I decided to go in and take a bite.


As expected, Deez Donuts never miss, every single bite is a sugary explosion, just the way I like it, too bad Deez nutz weren't in the menu this time, for some odd reason, they were never available, probably because that it's always sold out. I only got to eat it once but the nut flavour was pretty nutty.

Kuu continued wandering the labyrinth known as Elizuof, it didn't helped that sea of lifeforms made it all the more difficult to navigate.

The races are pretty diverse in the capital huh? Elf's, orcs, humans, beastmen, dwarfs, trolls, and basically every single humanoid species you can thinking off, pretty surprising stuff considering how riled up beings can be just by a different appearance, maybe it's the nature of wanting to not be alone that causes that, oh well, these lifeforms seemed to be pretty familiar with one and another, maybe they grew up with eachother, I mean, it's not every other place that you can see demonkind and humans & subspecies talking to eachother like your average friendly-neighborhood-dave. Maybe the arrival of a new king caused something like this, after all, hatred doesn't disappear so easily, especially instincts from the beginning of time. After all, they are pretty much natural enemies to say the least, after all, demons were simply superior in anyway compared to humans with a huge gap, well, anything other than intelligence that is, which the demons are aware, and ultimately scared of, and so the demonlord took action and ordered the slavery of the entire human race, apparently he didn't ordered the extinction of the human race because he saw the potential of the human's intelligence, so it'll be better to just simply crush their confidence, make lose hope. Because of that decision, an all out between humans and demon begun, though, it was more of a child and adult fight, with humans being the child. At that time, because of that one decision, humans had no time to make progress, since every single one of them had to fight in the front lines or supply, or else they will be slaves along with their future generations, although it didn't matter anyways, atleast to the demons, because it was only a matter of time for them, only after around 40 years, they have already degraded 100% of human race, or so they thought. It was almost a simple checkmate, really, but there was one mistake, just one single yet quite unavoidable mistake, the demons only took out around 96% of humanity instead of 100%. Due the laws of natural selection, the 4% were natural the smarter and stronger parts of human race, it didn't help that all of them shared a common goal of the destruction of the demon race, generations came and past, demon celebrated for getting the perfect tools, while the humans kept on advancing, of course, the human slaves also advanced they're own way in magic technology, but, since the demons just killed whichever slaves that they didn't like, which ultimately resulted in the slaughtering of most of the smart people, because they simply just can't stand it, the fact that humans were superior to them in a single way hurt their feelings apparently, though naturally, the smart demons opposed this, but instead of solving the problem, it only created infighting, lots of it, it was the only natural outcome. Of course, luckily for the humans, at this time frame, they coincidentally had just finished creating spying technology, which possessed unparalleled "magic detection reject energy", or MDR for short, which gave them this information, and so they took advantage of it. During the time where all nobles were invited to discuss about the manner, which conveniently the demonlord is not attending because the nobles wanted to settle it between themselves, which the demonlord will cooperate and simply wait for the results, during this time however, the humans will assassinate the demonlord, this was the plan. This was by no means an easy task, if the plan goes wrong, the existence of the humans will be known to the demonkind, since this was still the same demonlord as the one who enslaved the 96%, the demonlord will surely enslave or kill all of the outside humans. But, if the plan goes well, it will be the first step for the freedom of the human race, and let's not forget that the fact that they need to assassinate the literal demonlord, which was a being above all demons. The discussion was in 4 days, but the humans had not even gotten an idea of a force powerful enough to be able to scratch the demonlord, let alone assassinate him. The clock was ticking, seconds past, minutes past, hours past, every single moment 4 human beings which later known as the 4 Eeorhs were standing in a room, desperately coming up with ideas to create that force, it was until a single deciding factor at day two, where they finally made a breakthrough. You see, when you usually can't close an alternate space whenever there's an object fitting halfway through, however, if you use teleport, which works by breaking down your body to magic particles and transporting it though a crack in spacetime, you can close it, as it is technically a completely different object. The time that takes to teleport is around 0.00034% of a second, in other words, they need to time it frame perfect in order for it to work, a single mistake will cause the mission to fail as they need to cut an exact atom of the demon lord in order for it to not regenerate immediately, but for them, the 4, this was the easy part. Now all they need to do is calculate and build a scroll canon. At the very fateful day, the mission started, all they needed to do it to delete the seven hearts of the demonlord the moment his body shows up and leave the head at the throne in other to plunge the demonkind into confusion, during that time, the people maintaining barrier should eventually stop it, in order to attend the demonlords funeral and at that opening, all the humans will be teleported out of the demon place. Weirdly enough, no information regarding the information about what during the mission was revealed to the public, but apparently the mission was a success, the once slaves were freed and joined up with the rest of the humans to fight the demonkind. With their new enhanced gear, the humans and demons were in equal strength. Their fight continued for thousands of years, until one day, a single existence forced even humans and demonkind team up in order to even stand a chance against it. People called it, The devil.

The devil was a being so powerful that it posed a huge threat to even all life in the world, as such, every sentient lifeforms begun to team up no matter their differences to defeat the devil, apparently they failed but greatly wounded the devil. Then the devil disappeared into the shadows, never to be seen again.

After that incident, the tension between the humans and demonkind begun to slowly die down, but only a little bit, after all, you can't simply just stop thousand years of hate in one incident. After that, the rest is history. Or so I heard. So racism between the two races are usually pretty common.