
Zwerver di Mortuus Est

The story follows a person named Kuu, or rather what's he's currently going by, he has no past, wandering from places and places in a fantasy world. Cities, mountains, forests, etc, he wanders, for what reason?

IncrediblyLola · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 17

"HIEEEEEGHH!!!", shrieked the employee.

"What did you do that for?"

__"Don't play victim here, fucking annoying bastard." thought a visible frustrated Kuu.

"Listen here, I don't give a single flying fuck about your fucking history, just fucking tell me what it fucking has and fucking offers, you son of a fucking bitch."

"O-okay!" said the panicking man.

"Fucking finally."

"So basically-"


The aroma of a fancy perfume lingers through the air, in the middle of the dimly lit place, lies a black-haired young man, with eyes yellow like fury, sitting in an isolated corner whilst sipping a cup of coffee of his hand, even though he was wearing the same old boring expression he always had, his eyes said something else.

__"I really paid 10 silver coins for this cup of shit! What exclusive taste? The only exclusive taste I'm getting is a one way trip to the afterlife." Kuu complained mentally.

Unlike the normal fancy taste of coffee that even a normal stall has, the elephant coffee tastes like a combination of shit, cardboard, vanilla extract mixed together with 20 teaspoons of sugar as an extra ingredient, in other words, a fucking scam.

"This place gets an easy score of 0/10, not worth even looking at." Kuu said out loud, then proceeded to leave his seat.


"Ahhh... this place sucks." Kuu said while flailing his arms, tired of it all.

As he walks out, he notices the employee has been changed.

This time it was a young looking elf.

"Would you like to have a taste of this coffee? It has an exclusive taste of a life time."

The female employee greeted politely to a passingby potential customer.

"Fucking shit." Kuu thought