
Zwerver di Mortuus Est

The story follows a person named Kuu, or rather what's he's currently going by, he has no past, wandering from places and places in a fantasy world. Cities, mountains, forests, etc, he wanders, for what reason?

IncrediblyLola · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 16

In the adventure's dome...

The voices of the people bargaining could be comparable to a warzone, it was a loud constant sound, almost as if a it's a swarm of insects.

In the middle of nowhere in this hellhole of a place, a young looking man, like a butterfly soaring through a flower garden, walked along the crowded road.



Kuu let out a heavy sigh as he walked along the road

__"The stores on the side is either armoury, scrolls, talisman or shit, shit and shit. In other words, tools for war and really, really unappealing food. If he knew that it would turn out like this, he would have planned his trip beforehand, but then again, going in blind is part of what's so unenjoyable so far."

He thinks as he wipes a tear of his face.

Screw getting my money's worth, I'm going to the capital straight away after breakfast. Should've choosen to pay when I leave instead but it's not like it matters.

Kuu continues walking in a straight line.


"Elephant's coffee?" Kuu asked the employee standing outside the store.

The store was a fancy place that was packed with equally fancy looking people.

"Yes, it's our specialty, many people from around the world come here our coffee on daily basis, it is made from the most..."

"Just get straight to the point," Kuu says in a normal tone.

The employee however, did not hear a word of what Kuu said and continued to blabber.

"Our company is most proud with this existence, racking in with about..."

He keep going.

__"He's still talking... did he not hear what I said?" He thought.

"Just get straight to the point." Kuu says again, in a slightly louder tone.

Again, the employee did not stop.

"In 5890, our product suffered a massive decrease in sales, due to..."

__"Motherfucker, he can't hear me over the shit he's spilling, you want it the hard way, you get the hard way alright." Kuu thinks as he grabbed the employee shoulders in less than an instant of a moment, not enough to cause real damage, but more than enough to inflict fear and pain.

In a deep fury and abyssal tone, "Shut the fuck up, just get straight to the point, what does it taste like and how much does it cost?"