
Zoro in Naruto World

What would happen if our favorite one piece character zoro got transmigrated into the naruto world... Read the novel to know more. Warning: I don't own any one piece or naruto characters they own to their respective owners. Peace

zoro_writer · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


Konoha Village ,Training ground 36

In an huge open field with a small stream of water flowing by, two boys were standing in the middle face to face with each other one has blown hair with square cut face wearing a black shirt, black shorts and shinobi sandals while the other was a short green haired boy wearing a white shirt , black shorts and shinobi sandals, with them there was another person who was standing at a distance and it was a girl. She was none other than Uchiha Mikoto who came with Fugaku to see his clash with Zoro.

"Ready?" Fugaku asked with a rather angry face.

"Whenever you are" Zoro replied with plane face.

"Okay then here I come" Saying this Fugaku ran towards Zoro while he got into a defensive stance. Fugaku swinged a punch to his face but Zoro ducked only to barely avoid Fugaku's kick.

Fugaku's lips curled up and he brought his leg back to attack Zoro's back with his heel but Zoro jumped sideways and gave a punch to Fugaku which he easily evaded and with his dormant hand gave a blow to Zoro's ribs.

"Ughh" Zoro grunted but moved back to avoid further attacks. Regrouping himself he cracked his knuckles and rushed towards Fugaku who had least expected this to happen but was ready. Zoro threw a punch at Fugaku which he easily blocked with his hands crossed seeing this opportunity Zoro gave a leg sweep which he escaped with a jump and now was the perfect opportunity as Fugaku was in the air Zoro landed a direct hit to Fugaku's gut, "Ughhhh" Fugaku fell back and spat some interestinal fluid, the Puch was strong really strong, but not strong enough to end the match Fugaku got up but this time Zoro didn't wait and ran towards him giving him a spinning back kick right to the jaw strong enough to knock him out, Fugaku went flying and fell on the ground causing the dust to rise up and as Zoro was thinking he won a punch to the gut dropped him to his knees and his face was welcomed by a nose wrecking knee causing him to fall backwards but as he was falling he saw who that was only to see Fugaku which caught him by surprise, but he was confused as he thought Fugaku was out cold.


As Zoro fell down he saw that there was a log in the place of Fugaku "Substitution jutsu!!!" he exclaimed "that's right" he saw Fugaku standing above him with a look of attitude on his face as if he was showing Zoro his place.

Zoro smiled and did three hand signs quite fast and boom there was smoked surrounding the place where he was "shit!!" Fugaku exclaimed as he was caught out of the blue by Zoro now there were two Zoro's standing in front of him one was real and one was clone.

"You think I can't do that" Fugaku said with a grin as he went on to make hand signs he could make only one before he was interrupted by Zoro who kicked his hands and gave a spinning kick to him but Zoro's legs were caught by him, Zoro turned pushed himself up and gave a right hand to Fugaku's head causing him to leave Zoro's legs.

Zoro went back a little and had a confident look on his face while Fugaku was angry. "That's it I thought I would save it till I graduate but you forced me now" Fugaku said as he did some hand signs with were foreign to Zoro and inhaled a lot a air then released a huge ball of fire at him as he exclaimed "Fire style : Great fire ball jutsu" seeing this brought Zoro's balls in his mouth but he remembered something and did some hand signs and exclaimed "Water style: water barrier jutsu" while slamming his hands on the ground causing the underground water to rise up forming a huge wall while collided with the fire making huge steam arrise but nullify each others jutsu.

(A.N/ Now before you guys argue with me let me tell you he the no.1 in the class not just for name sake and this jutsu was already mastered by the old Boy)

"huh?" Fugaku was shocked to see that even Zoro could do elemental jutsu and also a strong one, equal to his own.

'Barely survived that if that boy didn't had this jutsu I would have been roasted by now' Zoro thought.


Both Fugaku and Zoro had used a lot of chakra to perform these jutsus and were exhausted by now but still didn't want to quit both ran clumsily towards each other and threw random punches and kicks at each other. Mikoto was watching all this with scared expression as she didn't expect their fight to go this far but things were starting to go ugly as both were continuosly hitting each other till now Fugaku had cracked 3 ribs while Zoro had a broken nose and some damage to his ribs too but still none of them were willing to give up.


Somewhere else a man was sitting in an office wearing a red and white rhombus shaped cap with fire written on it in Japanese. He released a puff of smoke and looked at the crystal ball he had been looking at for quite a while.

"Rat!!" he shouted and a man wearing a black cloak and rat shaped mask appeared before him kneeled down.

"Yes hokage Sama" he said.

"Go and bring these boys here" Hokage ordered and the man instantly disappeared from his place.

"It seems there are some nice leaves blooming" he said while releasing a puff of smoke.


Fugaku and Zoro were still fighting their senseless battle, Fugaku seemed to have the upper hand as he was continuously punching Zoro who blocked most of them but some landed correctly, as Fugaku was forcing Zoro backwards Fugaku thought to finish this and swung his right arm at Zoro who ducked down and gave a donkey kick right on the chin of Fugaku sending him flying back.


He landed harshly and almost passed out, "Fugaku!!!!!!!!!!" Mikoto said while running towards him seeing this Zoro stopped and knew he had won his very long battle.

"Fugaku are you alright?" she asked.

"I-I lo-lost" he barely said which brought an expression of disappointed on Mikoto's face.

Zoro walked towards him but as she saw him she got her guard up and stood up "The fight's over" she said " you won" she added with a disappointed tone but Zoro was happy he still walked towards Fugaku ignoring Mikoto who stood in his way, kneeling down he said "you fought really well I acknowledge you" hearing this he was shocked but then again made a 'I don't care I am Mr.cool' expression.

"I too acknowledge you but be wary of me, I will defeat you one day and that is not much far" he said while looking at the other side not facing Zoro. Zoro extended his hand towards him and he took it and stood up.


A man in a black cloak appeared there right in front of them both.

"you two have been summoned by Lord Hokage" he said and vanished again leaving both Zoro and Fugaku completely confused and shocked.




To be continued

Huge chapter hope you like it do comment it makes me feel good.


zoro_writercreators' thoughts