
Zoro in Naruto World

What would happen if our favorite one piece character zoro got transmigrated into the naruto world... Read the novel to know more. Warning: I don't own any one piece or naruto characters they own to their respective owners. Peace

zoro_writer · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


As Zoro was about to sleep someone approached him and caught his attention and he was none other than Uchiha Fugaku, Zoro was actually surprised as he least expected Fugaku to come to him.

"You think you are the best among us all?" Fugaku shouted slamming his hand on the desk.

"What's there to think I am the best and everyone knows it" Zoro said looking him directly in the eyes shaking Fugaku's confidence. Fugaku grinded his teeth in anger and frustration as he could not deny the fact that he was surely the best his grades were better than anyone else but there was one thing that stroke Fugaku's mind.

"Fight me!!!" Fugaku said with anger while in his mind he was laughing cause we knew that this was one thing we're he was better than Zoro.

Zoro knew that this was coming but he was not like the past now he was no kid he had fought with very very strong opponents and in comparison Fugaku was nothing but there was one thing that was bothering him and that was his body, right now he was a 7 year old small brat not that 21 year old muscular man.

Nonetheless he still had all those fighting skills in his (A.N./ He doesn't remember about his haki and some of his major sword attacks) mind. So not wasting much time he stood up got face to face with Fugaku and said

"Whenever you are ready"

Fugaku smiled and said "Today after academy in the training ground" 'I am gonna destroy him and show everyone what the Uchiha are' he thought.

"Today you will learn why people don't mess with Uchihas" Fugaku said while leaving.

Zoro didn't care and sat down as it was time for him to sleep. He slept the moment he lied down.

The door of the classroom opened and a blonde boy came inside and sat on the second last seat just before Zoro and looked at Zoro to be surprised.

'I have never seen Zoro sleep in the class what happened is he alright?' he thought but then he didn't want to disturb him so he sat down on his seat ignoring him. He was none other than Namikaze Minato.

A little later a girl with red hair entered the class and many boys had shivers running down their spine she went on and stopped where Zoro was sleeping.

"Hey you" she said but there was no response from Zoro.

"Hey wake up" she said a little louder than before but it still had no effect.

"Get up you!!!" she shouted and slammed her hand on the table but Zoro was still sleeping, he was getting on her nerves she thought that he was messing with her and got really mad.

"He's done for" a boy sitting in other corner said to his friend.

"For sure" he replied laughing but then stopped after he remembered what happened to him and started to sympathise for Zoro.

'Poor guy' everyone thought.

Now the girl was so angry she clenched her fist heading it straight towards his head but just at that moment Zoro woke up and removed his head causing her fist to land on the desk and mark a print of her fist. Zoro's eyes opened wide as he just witnessed what was happening and if he had not woken up what would have happened. He quickly traced back to face of the attacker and found she was none other that the most violent person in his class Uzumaki Kushina he got scared as the past Zoro knew how dangerous she was and looking at her face he learned that she was damn mad he was about to die.

"Wha-What happened?? What d-d-do you want??" he asked scarily.

"You are sitting on my seat dattebane" she replied angrily.

Now this pissed off Zoro he came first so he can sit where ever he wants she can't just order him around.

So he started looking up and down on the seat which confused the young Uzumaki so she asked "What are you looking for?"

"Your name" he replied straight to her face but she was still confused and so were all the students who were enjoying this show.

"what do you mean by that?" she asked in confusion.

"well you said this was your seat so there should be your name or some sort of signature here to prove that this is yours" he replied savagely which pissed her off but she he was right.

"s-so what I sit here daily and I will sit today too dattebane" she didn't have a strong point so said whatever was in her mind.

Zoro sighed and shifted to the other side and patted the empty place next to him.

"If you want to sit here so badly you can sit here" Zoro said with a plane face there was no playfulness in his tone indicating that he was serious and not just flirting around with her.

Still she blushed a little but quietly sat there and Zoro didn't give a shit about that and again went to sleep.

The whole class was in deep shock as they witnessed what they thought was impossible Kushina left him without beating, he argued with her , she agreed to sit with him!!!!, and above all he went to sleep AGAINNNN!!!!!

Today was a weird day for everyone as Zoro was not behaving like his usual self and was like someone completely different.

After a while the teacher came in he was just average looking with brown hair , blackish brown eye and simple face wearing a traditional chunin shinobi outfit. His name was Umio Izumo.

"Good morning everyone" he said cheerfully.

"Good morning sensei" students replied.

His eyes gazed around the class and saw that one student was sleeping so he went to wake up that spoiled brat. As he got close to him he took out his book and slammed it on his head not too hard but more than just a tap.

"Huh Morning already?" Zoro said as he woke up from his deep sleep rubbing his eyes.

Everyone laughed at this except for one person who seemed to be more pissed off and that was his Sensei but he was shocked to see that it was Zoro as he was always a bright and good student.

"Are you sick Zoro?" he asked him with concern in his tone.

"No why would I be sick" he replied.

"Cuz I have never seen you sleep during class time you are a very good and obedient student" he said.

"I was feeling a little sleepy as I didn't sleep quite well last night but I am fine now -- Sensei" Zoro replied but it was a lie as he didn't want to ruin his old image.

"Oh I see that's why okay okay no problems but now please be attentive okay?" he said relieved with the answer.

"Yes Sensei" Zoro replied and the teaches went back.

The rest of the day went on with not much happening as today they were having only study classes and no training. But as the class ended Fugaku came to Zoro's seat and said "you better not run away"

"say for yourself" Zoro replied.

"1 hour from now at the training ground 36" Fugaku said and left leaving a confident Zoro and a confused Kushina behind.

Before Kushina could ask anything to Zoro he got up and walked away, as he got out of the class he remembered something and ran towards the staff room to meet his home room teacher.




To be continued.

Another huge chapter hope you enjoy and forgive me for delays. Do comment.


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