
Zombiettack! The Game Diary

Touya369 wakes up in a dusty shed and was roped off to fight zombies! What the heck!? It looked like the game he designed! What's happening? He was supposed to be dissecting a game but seems like the only way to go back to his world is clearing this game. Wait, Beach and Limo are here too but they don't seem to recognize him! What's going on?

Yukichi69 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Touya369’s Game Diary 03-Dinner Party  

I don't think I have much time to write tonight because Doc wants me help him at the lab. I don't mind going to Doc's. I don't get why everyone said he is weird. Ok, maybe because he talks to himself or laughed by himself too much. Doesn't everyone do that?

So where was I? Yes, Limo introduced me as Twoye. Really? How difficult was it to pronounce my name as Touya? Never mind that.

"This kiddo is the new pick-up. His name is Twoye. Sanitized and checked by Doc, certified safe FYI but still under suspicion as a spy," Limo introduced between chews of a new burger he grabbed from the table. He was talking about like I'm some sort of pet, petting me on the head with definitely unwashed hand. Thanks Limo for confirming me a suspected spy.

Sitting around the table were 6 other people. They all look like those supporting side characters who are important to a game. 1 middle aged uncle with a hat and overalls, 2 younger dudes who look my age, 2 other girls, one with bob cut and one with ponytail, probably sisters and then Beach at the end of the corner. The dude with the soothing voice, well, he walked off somewhere.

"Well, what are you doing standing there like an idiot? Take a sit then. Scoot over Juice and let the new suspected spy sit. Hand him a plate," the middle-aged uncle commanded the younger dude with blue highlights scoot over so the uncle could scoot over so I could sit beside the uncle. He looked a lot like my Uncle Jiro. I'll tell you about Uncle Jiro some other time. Uncle Jiro's my pop's older brother and he used to tell me ghost stories. Uncle passed me a plate and started to scoop what looked like mash potato on my plate.

Everyone else resume eating. Limo took his seat opposite me beside the two girls who giggled every now and then after glancing my side, giggling, whispering, giggling, repeat.

"Eat," uncle commanded me after he loaded my plate. Only then I realized how hungry I was. What the heck. Since when I last ate? Breakfast? Yeah, probably since I was busy finding information about Zombiettack till I got the game from that weird dude and ended up here.

I picked up a fork, not sure if it's used or not and dug in. Definitely mashed potato. Yummy, buttery mashed potato. I took a bite and as the potato melted down my throat, flowing and warming up my stomach. Damn the potato is too good. Then I saw bread, and then corn, and then grilled chicken. I eyed them, uncle must have noticed because he went, "You want grilled chicken?"

He didn't wait for me say yes because he grabbed two and put in on my plate. I devoured the chicken. I heard snorts and giggles. When I looked up, everyone were watching me eat, even Limo who is chewing like cow. You know how cow chew? Very slowly while silently judging you. I feel judged.

I slowed down my eating.

I still don't know anyone there by that time and the atmosphere was getting pretty awkward. I decided to break the ice.

"Um…hello. I'm Touya. Not Twoye," I introduced myself. Felt like some kind of student orientation.

"Hello Touya, I'm Sze Sze," the girl with the pony tail waved to me. Her voice was pretty squeaky. Think energetic anime girl squeaky voice, yeah and she was holding something like a teddy bear. I bowed a little and waved back. I don't know why I was waving to someone sitting across me. My eyes met the girl next to Sze Sze. She gave a smirk.

"I'm Nova. You're pretty cute. How old are you?" the girl with the bob hair cut asked me. Wow. I don't get called out cute often.

"Uh, I'm…25," I stuttered out my real age. I don't think I should lie in that situation.

"Oh he is legal then, good for you Sze Sze," Nova elbowed Sze Sze who started to giggle. Limo laughed out loud too. What exactly does that meant, I didn't know it then. Sze Sze's nickname is 'Fresh Meat Lover'. I didn't know I was the potential new meat. Nova has scar at the side of her left cheek. I'll tell you about it one day. She told me how she got the scar way later on.

"Boys, why don't you introduce yourselves?" Nova passed the baton to the two guys who looked my age. One of them stood up and gave me a salute. He was really tall, taller than me. Tallest among us in fact. It was Yunjae.

"Yo, I'm Yunjae and this is my younger twin, Jaeyun," I nodded back.

Just so you know, Yunjae and Jaeyun are twin but they look nothing alike. For one, Jaeyun is way shorter. Heck shorter than me. Jaeyun gave me a smirk and went back to eating. Yunjae stepped out the bench to offer me a handshake. I wiped off my greasy hand and shook back. Ouch, his grip was really powerful.

"Welcome to the survivor camp. Beware of Doc," he warned with a wink and went back to his seat. What? What Doc?

"Who says he is welcomed? He is still a suspected spy y'all," uncle sounded. He looked up from the seat to stare at me. I sat down back pretty quick. I respect my elders.

"And you would be…,"I asked as polite as I could. Uncle smirked.

"People call me Pob. You call me sir like the rest of them, get?"

"Yes sir," I answered immediately. Everyone else laughed. Limo laughed the loudest. Uncle joined in the laughter seconds later. What?

It was Sze Sze who said, "Aww Pobby, you are mean. Don't you mind Uncle Pob. He's just messing with you. He looks all scary but he's the biggest softie around here, am I right Uncle Pobby?" Uncle Pobby smirked back at me. I swallowed. I can't differentiate what's a joke and what's not.

"You call him Uncle Pob like the rest of us or Pobby if his mood is good" Yunjae said between his food. I think people should eat with their mouths close.

"So kid, where did you come from?" Nova asked, and all attention on me again. Before I could answer, a siren sound filled the air. Everyone stopped including me stopped in our tracks.

"Again? But we are just done?!" Sze Sze whined but everyone said nothing, got up and quickly took their last bite of food before reaching for their weapon piled up by the side, which I just noticed. Some weapon these people carry. Sze Sze has on this laser-like gun, Nova has this gun and a huge spear like baton which could shrink itself, I know because I saw. The twin strapped on their swords and heavy looking guns. Uncle Pobby strapped on heavy ammos for his guns. Even Limo is prepped with his huge gun. The siren sound gets louder. What the hell is going on?

Uncle Pobs started barking out his instructions, "Limo, you take the suspected spy. The rest of us, we are back to the front line. Beach, you check with Tent and the Boss on what the hell is going on. And you Jaeyun, you-,"

"I'm coming along with Yunjae, I'm fine," Jaeyun said as he struggled a little to stabilize. That's when I saw he had a bandaged tie. That looked kinda hurts.

"Fine, we'll see the situation out there. When I say you leave, Yunjae, you take your brother and leave, clear?" both twin nodded their head, "Good, now go,"

Everyone left. I looked around, only the main 6 people left, leaving Limo and I. What now…

"Come on, I'll take you to my spot," Limo started jogging. I ran along.

"Where are we going?" I asked. The rest of the soldiers around me started forming march formations while some other are busy loading and unloading whatever they are loading.

"To the kill spot. The siren means a horde of zombies are coming our way," Limo said as they jog pass more soldiers running about in complete gear. Everything was getting really excited.

"Sho-shouldn't we stay and help?" I asked. Limo stopped, turned to look at me, "you know how to kill zombies?" Umm…. yes? Only in computer games. That counts?

"Never mind, you heard Pobby, you stick me, you'll be safe," Limo said and stopped. We stopped in front of an automated gate. Limo shouted "open up" to a soldier up the lookout tower who did as he told. Probably he needs to bring me somewhere safe to observe.

"Are you bringing me to some safe zone or something?" I asked as the gate open to reveal wilderness. Huh?

"Safe? AHAHAHA," Limo laughed as he dragged me out. The gate started to close behind me. From a distance, I thought I saw a bunch of moving things. People with distorted bodies, who were walking really weirdly, who made eerie moaning noises, who were heading our way,

Limo took a few pack magazines of ammo and a gun.

"Ok, this is a weapon, and these are the bullet reload. If you run out, you push this hear and push that in, then click this one and then you aim and shoot ok? Try not to shoot me. Stand in this spot and don't go anywhere until I come back ok?" Limo gave me the brief briefing and ran towards the bunch of moving bodies without waiting replies.

What the fuck?

He left me all alone! I swallowed as I watch Limo start to battle the undead.

SHIT! A few is making their way to me! Oh my god, how do I work this damn gun, here goes….

That's all for the day. Time to visit Doc.

Signing off,
