
Zombiettack! The Game Diary

Touya369 wakes up in a dusty shed and was roped off to fight zombies! What the heck!? It looked like the game he designed! What's happening? He was supposed to be dissecting a game but seems like the only way to go back to his world is clearing this game. Wait, Beach and Limo are here too but they don't seem to recognize him! What's going on?

Yukichi69 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Touya369’s Game Diary 02-Beach

During the supply run today, well, Tent almost got bitten by a crawly but Limo smashed that little bastard fast enough. I am glad he is safe. Wouldn't want him dead since I haven't settled my score with him.

Today's entry, I think I'll write about Beach so I pray by the time Beach ever read this, I'm already dead. Because yeah, Beach will be Beach.

There are two Beaches. The reality Beach and the game Beach. Reality Beach, well actually, her name is Michelle but for some reason she insists that people call her by her shorter name which is Mich but she can be really mean sometimes. Since she is still a lady, a lot of the other colleagues call her Beach behind her back, much more polite than a certain species of female animal I think. Then again, Beach deserves it, she has a foul mouth. When she found out people call her Beach, she said she doesn't mind. So eventually, everyone forgets her real name and just call her Beach.

Reality Beach is only 2 years older than me. She joined the company just a few months before I did. Prior to joining, she worked for another cheapo game company which we will not speak off because she said she doesn't want to remember her dark past, I wonder what that was about. She loves playing games of course. Her favorite game is an ancient game about farming and chasing after chics, marrying them and having babies with them. When we were working with Attack Of The Zombies, she insisted that we put all these elements in. I really don't know how appealing it is to have a zombie spouse or a zombie baby. Moving on.

Reality Beach doesn't do make-up, she is always in jeans, her hair always boyish short and she doesn't smell like she washes her hair a lot. Then again, it's not her fault since we often time have to work over time and we just sleep off in the company instead of going home. Beach claims she has a boyfriend whom we have never met before but she swears he exists. Also, did I tell you she is a rotten fu-girl? Let me explain. Fu means rotten in Japanese so rotten means fu. So when you are a fu-girl means you are rotten girl. A rotten girl is a term in Japanese for girls who ship two guys together, usually romantically.

"I'll never ship you and Limo, you guys totally do not have the couple feel, eww," Beach used to say when I asked if she ships me and Limo.

"Plus I can't imagine you guys having sex, so nope," ok, that's too much. Moving on.

Reality Beach was in the team with Limo and I developing the Attack Of The Zombie title and the moment we heard the opposition is releasing Zombiettack, she went ballistic. We had to stop her from storming to the company and punching someone. I don't think our cheapo boss will appreciate that. So that's about it for reality Beach.

Game Beach however is totally a different person all together. First off, game Beach has boobs and she isn't scared to flaunt them since she is in well, singlet all the time. Reality Beach only wears bulky shirts. Game Beach has on thick make-up. Where on earth does she find them in a zombie apocalypse situation, I don't know but yeah, her lips are usually red and her foundation and blush compliments her. Even her eye-liner is perfect. One time, we started our supply run late because we had to wait for her to finish drawing her eyeliner.

I first met game Beach when she offered me food and asked me to eat. I remembered I didn't say much still because everything was still foreign to me. I was pretty shocked to meet game Beach offering me food.

"BEACH?" I blurted out there and then. She frown and let go of my hand and moved into combat ready position. Shit. The next thing I knew, the plate of food disappeared from hand, landed on the ground while I was made to kneel on the ground, both my hands held steadily by Beach behind.

"How do you know my name's Beach?" she commanded in a tone I have never heard before. I couldn't move under her deadlock.

"I..I…," how do I explain this? LIMO!

"LIMO! Help me!," I shouted for Limo who made no attempts to stop eating. He did however walk over to where Beach was holding me in deadlock.

"Wow, you know my name too? He is something Beach," LIMO you ass!

I saw another pair of legs. The soothing voice dude standing beside Limo. He bend down to look at me. Wow, his eyes were blue!

"Are you a spy?" he asked, not stopping Beach who tighten her grips on me.

"Ow, ow, ow, NO!" the pain of my twisted arms.

"Then how the hell do you know Limo and Beach?" he asked but I struggled to get my words out. Beach tightened the grip on my arms and I winced in a lot pain.

"Beach and Limo, we are friends! That's how!" my arms were released the moment I answered. Beach bend down and pulled my hair to face her. Stupid Beach.

"I never met you before. You Limo? Know this dude?" Limo laughed and came closer to me. Oh my god, I smell the burger sauce.

"Nope. Never met anyone as wimpy as him in my life, what do you want us to do with this one then? Let Doc have him for experiments?" What the heck!? Limo looked at the dude with soothing voice.

"No, Boss instructed us to keep this one alive so we'll continue to monitor him. Let go of him Beach," Beach was hesitant.

"You sure? He claims to know Limo and I but we have no clue about him," Beach said suspiciously, the dude with the soothing voice nodded. I was relieved when she let go of my arms. Shit, my arms were sore.

"He's been tagged anyway and I have the access code. He does anything funny, I'll just blow him up," What the…I checked my body for any signs of bomb, he saw me rubbing and feeling my body.

"Don't bother. It's embedded in your body by nano-bots, you can't find them," he stood up and started to walk away. Wait, what am I supposed to do now?

"Wait! What am I supposed to do now?" I blurted out my mine thoughts.

He stopped and turned, "Do nothing stupid. Limo, he is yours now,"

"Ok," Limo stood up, grabbed my hand so I am up on my feet as well. Beach retreated but she still looked at me suspiciously and then to Limo.

"Beach, look, I-,"

Beach grabbed my collar, "I don't know you and let me warn you, don't get too close to me," and released me with a push. She walked away to the other side of the table. Limo patted me on the back.

"Limo, please, I'm telling you the truth, you and Beach, are my friends. Believe me, please," I tried to get Limo to understand. Limo laughed. What?

He grabbed me by the arm and stood me up, dragged me nearer to the table. I completely forgot there were a whole bunch of people who were watching the entire thing.

"Yo folks, this is the new pick-up. His name is Twoye," Limo introduced.

How on earth can he butcher my name like that? I looked at the bunch of strangers looking back at me. So many pairs of eyes.

My arms still hurt because Limo's grip on me were kinda tight as well.

Ok, I'll stop here since Limo is calling me for dinner. We are having steak tonight. Thank god it's not burgers. Don't ask me how they got the steak and if it's expired. I don't know.

Signing off,
