

"We should be getting closer to the back door," Antonio informed the team.

They walked carefully through the passage leading to the back door of the hotel. Jake and Adam were watching their back, just in case, any zombie showed up. Not that they wished or prayed for a zombie to show up. They wanted to make sure they were safe before getting to the back exit. While walking, Peter glanced at the others before settling his gaze on Sonia. She was also looking around with her gun close to her chest. She too turned her gaze on Peter and met him staring at her. Sonia raised her brow at him.

"What?" she asked in a low voice.

Peter couldn't respond. He just smiled at her and turned his attention forward. Sonia smirked and did the same. That's when she heard Peter's voice.

"When...when we get back to the city safely, I'll like to see your little girl Abby. Hope she won't be scared of me when we meet," Peter requested.