
I need to save them!

'Aah, damn it hurts like hell!'. Jake says this after a few hours of passing out. He sees the Half-eaten rabbit along with his guts and blood.

'No I cannot puke again!', he tells himself. He stands up and walks away.

After a bit of walking, he hears groans along with screams and also clashes of swords.

He then starts to run to the source of the weird sounds. After running for a bit, he sees a dozen zombies attack just 3 humans.

The humans consisted of two males and one female.

The female had two daggers in her hands as she was trying to slash the zombies, for some reason she seemed exhausted as she was sweating and bleeding a lot.

One of the two males had plate chest armor alongside with gauntlets and boots. For a weapon, he had a longsword but it seemed broken with cracks all over it. He also seemed to be bleeding and he was also exhausted.

The third person seemed to be what you would call a mage as he had a staff, several necklaces, and a robe. He was the least hurt of them all although he was a little injured the only thing odd about him was that he didn't really attack the zombies. He seemed like he was trying to help his friends by releasing a weird light.

Jake felt some sort of need to help them, most likely because he was a human not too long ago.

'I got to help them, hey system how can I help them?' Jake asked worriedly.

[Jake is currently stronger than other minor zombies, so Jake can most likely kill them]

'Why am I stronger than them?' Jake asked a little confused.

[Minor zombies usually lack the intelligence to differentiate between zombie allies and zombie enemies]

'So basically I can attack them without them attacking back?'


Jake quickly then jumps out and pounces at the zombies. Much like what the system said the zombies didn't even bat an eye when Jake attacked them. He started to slash the zombies with his claws and also used some human tactics like punching, dragging and throwing them around


{level up}

{level up}

{level up}

Jake ignored the weird sounds that came up in his head as he was punching the zombies.

{level up}

{level up}

When he killed the zombies the 3 people immediately ran away when they saw the bloodbath that was happening in front of them.

'What, not even a "thank you", damn jerks!'Jake didn't even get a thank you as the humans just immidietly ran away.

'By the way, what were those weird noises I heard in my head.' Jake asked after he remembered the weird sounds.

[That was the level up sound that came when Jake leveled up 5 times, does Jake want to see the status screen?]


[ Name: Jake Smith Age:0 Race: minor zombie



Health-13 > 23

Strength-15 > 25

Agility-6 > 16

Stamina-40 > 56

Mana- Locked

Luck- 8 > 10

Titles: Former human, Clutz, Rotten Zombie, Being from another world, kin killer (new)

Skills: Zombie turn LV:1 > LV:2, Intimidate LV:1 > LV:2, Revive from the dead LV: MAX, Poison fang LV:1 > LV:2, Berserk LV:3 > LV:4, Pack leader LV:1 (new).

Passive skills: None

Resistances: poison resistance LV:1, Rotting resistance LV:2 > LV:6, physical resistance LV:1 (new), Pain resistance LV:2 (new)]

[Jake has 25 stat points to allocate, where do you want to allocate it?]

'Put it all into strength!'

[Allocated all 25 stat points into strength]

[Strength is now 50 points]

'Amazing, goddamn amazing. By the way system, there's something that's been bothering me?'

[What is it?]

'Can I like evolve?'

[Yes Jake can evolve into a lesser zombie, minor poison zombie or minor acid zombie once Jake reaches LV:10]

'Oh yes!' Then he hears something rustling in the bushes behind him.

Hey, everyone, it's me again. I'm really happy that you guys are reading my novel, if you got any ideas, please tell me in the comments.

Thanks, and please rate if you like it or give me power stones.

Ahmed_readercreators' thoughts