
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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369 Chs

Chapter 87: Three on one (R-18)

"Sorry honey, but you really make us jealous." Yanyan got on top of Xiaoyun as the two surrounding Xiaoyun's arm with their body.

"I-I am sincerely sorry about that. I just can't control myself." Xiaoyun apologized.

"That what you say every time. We'll help you change it." Yanyan started grinding on the rod with her entrance still being covered by her lingerie.

"W-what do you mean by that?" Xiaoyun nervously asked.

"You know what I mean... you want me to put it in don't you?" Yanyan can feel Xiaoyun was getting fully erected.

"I do..." Xiaoyun admits it.

"Too bad, I'm not going to." Despite saying this, Xiaoyun could feel Yanyan was turned on as the lingerie was slowly getting wet.

Xiaoyun wants to move forward, but the two adamantly refuse to let go of Xiaoyun's hand.

"Can you stop teasing me." Xiaoyun started to get annoyed.

"You know, we were planing to let you do whatever you want with us for the new year celebration. But you're the one who lost the chance." Yanyan stopped moving.

"How can I make it up?" Xiaoyun finally changed his tone.

"It's okay, you don't need to make it up. We'll take our compensation ourselves." Yanyan herself seem to finally unable to hold it as she moved her lingerie aside to reveal her entrance.

Yanyan moved up a little as she held her entrance open, then let Xiaoyun's tip in just a little.

"Hm!" Yanyan moaned a little as she continue moving in and out at the tip only, teasing Xiaoyun even more.

"Please, I can't hold it anymore." Xiaoyun pleaded.

"Aww, you look a little baby when you beg like this... if you call me mommy, maybe I will let you." Yanyan moved forward and caress Xiaoyun's face with her hand.

"Mommy... I said it, you happy?" Xiaoyun gave in to her demand.

"What do you want mommy to do?" Yanyan whispered into Xiaoyun's ear as if she isn't satisfied from Xiaoyun saying it.

"Mommy I... want to put it inside of you." Xiaoyun face looked extremely embarrassed.

"Your eyes can only look at mommy okay? It will make mommy sad if you look at other women." The two holding Xiaoyun seem to disapprove of what Yanyan had just said.

"Yes m-mommy." Xiaoyun face blushes as he said it.

"Then I should reward my handsome little boy." Yanyan finally moved down and let the entire thing go inside of her.

"Hm!" Xiaoyun could feel Yanyan just climaxed from having the whole rod inside of her as she started twitching.

"Mom... don't you think you are a little selfish for saying that?" Xiaoqi and Yunyun both suddenly let go of Xiaoyun.

"Hm?" Xiaoyun realized he can move again.

"Qiqi and Yunyun, I didn't meant to exclude you two. I-I got too carried away." Yanyan noticed the two let go of Xiaoyun as she was still recovering.

"W-wait I just ca——" Before Yanyan could finish speaking, Xiaoyun immediately started moving as he held Yanyan's thighs.

Yanyan instantly climaxed again as she is still extremely sensitive inside. Xiaoyun could feel Yanyan tensing up inside.

Still, Xiaoyun is still not satisfied with her yet as Xiaoyun sat back up and started suckling on Yanyan's pairs.

Suddenly Xiaoyun felt a little liquid that just came out of the tip as Yanyan moaned out loud.

"W-what this?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"I-its y-yellow c-colostrum... w-we are already in t-third trimester its common to s-start producing this for b-breast milk." Yanyan embarrassingly explained as Xiaoyun could feel Yanyan about to climax again.

"I see..." Xiaoyun suddenly had an idea.

"Hm?" Yanyan noticed Xiaoyun had completely stopped moving.

"Mommy! I-I love you! I-I love it being able to go inside again to feel where I was once born." Xiaoyun embraced Yanyan as he started moving again.

"W-why are you s-saying this." Yanyan face blushed in embarrassment as if she couldn't handle the role play anymore.

"Mom, do you like your son going inside you like this?" Xiaoyun could feel Yanyan was about to reach her limit.

"I-I do..." Yanyan fell silent from the embarrassment.

"Come on mom, I want to hear you say it." Xiaoyun decided to tease Yanyan as he slowed down.

"Fine... mommy really love it when you go inside me." As Yanyan said that, she could feel Xiaoyun had finally reached his limit.

"You love having your two daughter watching you do it with your son, don't you?" As Xiaoyun said this, Xiaoyun could feel Yanyan immediately tighten up inside.

Xiaoyun couldn't hold it anymore and unload it all inside. He could feel Yanyan suddenly becoming extremely tight inside as if it want to squeeze every last drop from him.

Yanyan could feel all the hot liquid being sprayed at her inner walls as she twitched uncontrollably from the climax. Even squirting all over Xiaoyun's crotch.

As Xiaoyun pulled out and gently put Yanyan on one side of the bed to let her recover, Xiaoyun looked at the other two who had been watching the whole time.

"Um... who want to do it first?" Xiaoyun scratched his head.

"Qiqi y-you can go first." Yunyun suggested.

"N-no you can go first." Xiaoqi refused.

"Y-you are older so you should go first." Yunyun pushed Xiaoqi forward.

"F-fine." Xiaoqi nervously approached Xiaoyun.

"H-how do you want to do it?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Um, how about i-if you just t-treat me rough? I-I kind of miss it." Xiaoqi looked down embarrassingly as she got quieter and quieter.

"Y-you sure? Your——" Xiaoyun looked at Xiaoqi's pregnant belly.

"Its okay, I can handle it." Xiaoqi interrupted Xiaoyun and reassured him.

"Fine then." Xiaoyun voice changed deeper.

Xiaoyun lifted Xiaoqi in the air, then shoved the entire thing without any foreplay. He could feel inside a little wet, most likely from just watching the whole time.

Every movement was extremely hard as her inside was so tight. But slowly Xiaoyun could feel Xiaoqi getting wetter as she moaned in pleasure and pain at the same time.

"Harder! Daddy please, use me like a toy!" Xiaoqi moaned out as Xiaoyun changed position and moved Xiaoqi to be facing him.

Xiaoyun started suckling on Xiaoqi's tip, even occasionally biting it a little to leave a mark behind.

Every time Xiaoyun hit the inner entrance of Xiaoqi, he could feel Xiaoqi getting tighter inside.

"You really are a sick masochist." Xiaoyun suddenly carried Xiaoqi to the window, where they could see the outside as people's houses are still light up celebrating new year.

"Y-yes I'm a sick, I-I need punishment f-from daddy." Xiaoyun could feel Xiaoqi already climaxed twice in a row just from having her body being exposed to the window.

Xiaoyun moved Xiaoqi away from the window and back to the bed as he turned Xiaoqi around and started squeezing Xiaoqi's pair with his hand.

"Hm! It hurts I-I love it! Please punish me more!" Xiaoqi kept begging for more.

Xiaoyun suddenly had a idea as he moved as fast as he can while gently choking Xiaoqi.

He could feel Xiaoqi completely tensing up inside as she held Xiaoyun's hand.

Xiaoqi started pushing Xiaoyun's hand to held her neck tighter as she struggle to breathe.

As Xiaoqi's face started turning pale and gasp for air, Xiaoyun finally lets go of his hand.

Xiaoqi immediately climaxed as she can breathe again, even squirting as Xiaoyun couldn't hold it anymore and unloads it all inside.

After a short moment, Xiaoyun finally pull out as Xiaoqi still panting for breathe.

Xiaoqi still moved her body to clean up Xiaoyun's rod with her mouth despite still recovering.

"D-did I do good?" Xiaoqi looked at Xiaoyun as she finished cleaning.

"Yes you did perfect..." Xiaoyun gently put Xiaoqi next to Yanyan to let her rest.

Xiaoyun turned around to look at Yunyun who looked extremely nervous and shaking.

"Um... you know how Xiaoqi is like." Xiaoyun lift up the mood.

"Y-yeah I-I'm not feeling well to——" Just before Yunyun can turned around, Xiaoyun held Yunyun hand.

"Come on, I-I won't be aggressive. I promise."

"Y-you promise?" Yunyun looked at Xiaoyun.

"Yes, you know these two have their own feti——"

"Shut up!" The two yelled out laying on the bed.

Xiaoyun held Yunyun back to the bed.

"You want to take the lead or me?" Xiaoyun asked.

"I-I will take it." Yunyun replied instantly as if she scared of Xiaoyun suddenly will go aggressive on her.

"Okay then, no need to be so tense." Xiaoyun laid down on the bed.

Yunyun noticed the rod has lowered a little so she started rubbing it just like Yanyan earlier.

"Why is it not working?" Yunyun curiously asked.

"I-I done it so many time, it need a bit of stimulant." Xiaoyun acted as if he is having trouble.

Yunyun hesitant for a second, but eventually moved down to use her pair to squeeze the rod between it.

The rod was slowly getting back up a bit but still not the same.

Yunyun moved back a little, then hesitated much longer this time. But eventually made a decision as she stretched her feet to stroke the rod between it.

Immediately the rod was fully erected again.

"Y-you were lying weren't you? Y-you were just holding it on purpose." Yunyun felt as if she just got set up.

"What? That not true." Xiaoyun shook his head.

"Whatever." Yunyun got on top of Xiaoyun and started rubbing her entrance with it to stimulate herself more first.

Yunyun finally moved down as the rod slowly enters it inside. She then started riding it herself without help at all as her stamina was much better than the other two.

Suddenly Xiaoyun got up and started kissing Yunyun's lips as Yunyun's innocent face was just too much for Xiaoyun to hold back.

"Hm!" Yunyun looked surprise by Xiaoyun's action.

As Xiaoyun played with her pairs in his hands, Xiaoyun could feel Yunyun climax already.

"I-I love you Xiaoyun!" Yunyun moved back a little to catch a breathe.

"I love you too Yunyun!" Yunyun finally reaches climax again but Xiaoyun wasn't finished yet.

Xiaoyun started moving himself and took control as Yunyun didn't object to it.

Soon both were about to reach climax as Xiaoyun passionately kissed Yunyun.

"Hm!" The two climaxed together as Xiaoyun unloaded all inside of Yunyun while Yunyun squirted from climaxing so much in a row.

"It feel so much nicer just having it all normal with someone." Xiaoyun caressed Yunyun's face.

"Shut up!" The other two finally got up from the bed.

Okay, this was suppose to be one chapter, but it might extend to one more chapter as my *bonk* brain just kept writing it longer and longer. But I swear the main story is going to progress soon.

Anyway we are back to 80 powerstones so one more bonus chapter.

Bonus chapter Counter: 5

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