
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
369 Chs

Chapter 57: Old Friend Reunion

"I want to asked everyone to respect the co-mayor as she is hard working for everyone. And believe me when I say without her, this town will not function. Can we please give a round of applause for her?" Xiaoyun asked the crowd.

The crowd hesitated for a second, but reluctantly clapped.

Xiaoyun passed the microphone back to Xiaoqi as she walked up.

"Thank you mayor for that speech. Now the five booths at the administration building will be opened. They will give you twenty food stamp as a allowance and a tag for which cabin you are staying in."

"Also, they will ask for your occupation and assign you the job that matches which department."

"The twenty food stamp is enough for a week of food and the cabin you are staying will be free for a week."

"And for people who want to join the town's force, please stay here as Major Yiming will see if you fit enough to join the militia. Thank you everyone for your cooperation." After Xiaoqi explained everything, she finally put down the microphone.

"Good job darling! That was amazing!" Xiaoyun congratulate Xiaoqi as he clapped.

"Yeah yeah, I'm never doing this again. I'm going to write all this down in a book and just going printed it. I could of just hand them the book instead." Xiaoqi took a sip of water.

"Well its a lot of people this time, so its probably better for them to know the actual people in those department... by the way when did all these got changed?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"Well while you were away, we decided we need to re-organized everything. Even Yezi and Yiyi didn't know what department they lead until I handed them the script."

The two looked down at the stage where everyone had already left to the administrative building.

"You sure the booths are ready to handle this? That's a lot of people... Also when did we got enough housing for them?"

"I'm sure the booths are ready. I requested several soldiers to stand guard there. And about the housing... I just hope most of them are family unit instead of lone survivor. It will definitely be enough its the eighty of them are just sixteen families."

"You know that ain't gonna happen."

"Well then they gonna need to double up. Nothing much I can do."

The two noticed the long line in front of Yiming.

"Geez look like a lot of people wanted to join the military." Xiaoyun commented.

"Yeah, probably because they have experience what the outside is like." Xiaoqi predicted.

"Hey what you two talking about?" Yunyun walked over to the two.

"Just talking about crowd that standing in front of Yiming. Anyway where's Yanyan?" Xiaoyun asked.

"I think she was walking home with Lili and another women." Yunyun replied.

"The women you talking about is probably Banli, anyway lets go home now."


When the four arrived back home, Yanyan was already sitting on the sofa talking with the two.

"Hello Miss Lili and Miss Banli." The two girl sat down on the sofa.

"Um, hello." Xiaoyun stood there awkwardly, slightly confused on how to face them.

"This your son? He is so much like his dad. I thought you would never find Xiaoyun." Lili commented.

"Yeah, that hair and height. Look exactly like him almost fifteen years ago." Banli added.

"H-he is Songming..." Yanyan blushes as she spills the bean.

"What you talking about? Isn't his name Xiaoyun? Beside, wouldn't Songming be middle age by now..." Banli still refuse to believe it.

"Well, Yanyan right. You can say my other name is Songming... If you don't believe me. Let me say something that only he will know." Seeing Yanyan being honest, Xiaoyun decided to be honest as well.

"Like w-what?" Lili asked nervously.

"Yanyan, remember our wedding night where they were watching us having——" Lili interrupted Xiaoyun before he can finish.

"Okay! Enough! I believe you now. But why is your name Xiaoyun then?" Lili asked.

"Isn't that your son's name too?" Banli chimed in.

"Here, let me start explaining from scratch..." Xiaoyun sat down and proceed to explain the story without the girls part.

After ten minute...

"You telling me a time machine... You can't be serious." Lili looked in complete shock at Xiaoyun.

"This sound like a fantasy straight out of a book." Banli added.

"Lili, you still remember how I pull explosive out of your bag? Even though your bag have no explosive inside it at all?" Xiaoyun finally brought it up.

"Yeah, how did you do that?" Lili asked.

"Well, you see my hand here right?" Xiaoyun shows an empty hand.

The two nodded.

Suddenly a water bottle appeared in his hand.

"Huh? Where did that come from?" Banli looked absolutely confused.

"You tell me you can create things out of thin air?" Lili realized what Xiaoyun could do.

"Yep, its exactly how you think of it. Here, catch." Xiaoyun used his other hand to make a pen and throws it at her.

Lili catches the pen in her hand.

"This... no wonder why this town is sustainable." Lili realized why the town have such a big population without being in the city looting for food.

"And you guys might wonder why Yanyan looked so young right?" Xiaoyun brought it up.

The two nodded.

"Well, I can do the same to you two since I saw you guys in the past... only if you want of course." Xiaoyun stood up.

"Hell yeah I'm doing that! My back hurt so much from sitting in the office." Lili stood up and grabbed Xiaoyun's hand in excitement.

"M-me too..." Banli nervously replied back.

"Okay, let me do Lili first then." Xiaoyun closes his eyes as he started to imagine what she looked at in the past.

All four of them can see Lili started to change as she aged backward until Xiaoyun let go of her hand.

"Whew, I think that same thing now right?" Xiaoyun sat back down slightly exhausted.

"Yes! Thank you so much!" Lili gave a hug to Xiaoyun and sat back down.

Xiaoyun walked over to Banli and does the same to her.

As Xiaoyun finishes with Banli, he suddenly felt as if his head just got struck by a truck.

Yanyan held Xiaoyun back up before he collapsed to the floor.

"I-Is he okay?" Banli looked extremely nervous.

"He's just a little tired. Can you two lift him back to his room?" Yanyan asked.

"Sure." Xiaoqi and Yunyun supported Xiaoyun back upstairs.

"You guys can stay for the night, you guys can sleep in my room. Oh my, I almost forgot, no one had eaten dinner yet. Let me go cook dinner right now." Yanyan left and went to the kitchen, leaving the two in the living room.

"Lili, do you really believe what he said?" Banli asked.

"Well, he really made us both looked back when we were still babysitting his kids... Time traveling doesn't sound that crazy as just making things out of thin air." Lili replied back, but then added another.

"Do you notice Xiaoqi and Yunyun is a little bit too close to Xiaoyun? You know what I mean right?"

"Well they are brother and um... father. Yeah... I still can't believe someone can give make their own mother pregnant and give birth to themselves. Aren't those two technically inc——" Just before Banli can finish, someone knocked on the door.

Lili went to opened the door only to see a girl standing in the door.

"Um, who are you?" Xiaomi looked confused at Lili.

"I'm Lili, your mom's old friend. You must be Xiaomi?"

"Oh hello Miss Lili. I'm indeed Xiaomi, where mom?"

"She's cooking dinner right now." The two walked to the sofa.

Xiaoqi and Yunyun finally came back downstairs.

"Oh hey Xiaomi, how's work today?" Xiaoqi asked.

"Busy as hell. I was suppose to leave work an hour earlier but I had to kept going to the storage and restock everything. I even had to call Mr.Yezi to help me carry things to the store." Xiaomi stretched on the sofa.

"Well, you gonna be busy for a while. Those new people are probably all going to the store tomorrow as well." Xiaoqi brought the bad news to Xiaomi.

"Oh my god! Yunyun you got to come to the store and help me. You retiring from the militia soon right?" Xiaomi held Yunyun's arm as she pleaded.

"I-I still got like three days before I'm retired from active duty. I-I still have to patrol the street." Yunyun replies crushes Xiaomi's hope.

"Qiqi! I know you always love me the most. C-can I hire someone to help me?" Xiaomi ran to Xiaoqi's chest and hugged her.

"Fine fine, you can go hire someone. Just make sure they are trustworthy and bring them to me tomorrow." Xiaoqi folded.

"Thank you!" After Xiaomi finish speaking, she ran upstairs immediately.

"Geez, does she ever learn any manner?" Xiaoqi facepalm in embarrassment.

"Its okay, she still very young. You can't expect a high school student to start acting so professional." Yunyun replied back to her.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Xiaoqi and Yunyun sat back down on the sofa.

"Miss Lili and Banli, can you guys tell what um, dad wanted to say earlier? I-I am just a little curious." Yunyun asked.

"W-we can't tell you that. That would be invasion of their privacy." Lili nervously replied back.

"Y-yeah, you can asked them instead if t-they wanted to t-tell you. B-but its probably the best not to a-ask that." Banli got even more nervous than Lili.

Well well well, we really hit over 300 collection already. Over 100 collection in three day... Damn is the novel recommandation is that strong? Or am I just writing better? Or is it because everyone's support? I don't know anymore. All I know is there's more of you guys! Thank you all for the support! Love y'all <3 (Can someone tell me how you guys find this book? Maybe leave a comment how you find it.)

Anyway someone left an review, now the bonus hasn't change with this chapter upload. Oh balls now its 30 powerstone instead of 29. Well then it goes up by one instead of even. *Cries internally*

(My plan of going premium may be delayed, but it won't be stopped. In a week I should be finished with 4 chapter a day speed. I don't see people winning this battle... Man I should stop jinxing myself like this. Anyway Happy birthday to my sister!)

(Thanks god my family doesn't read this...)

Bonus chapter count: 16

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