
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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369 Chs

Chapter 55: Pick Up

When Xiaoyun woke up and walked down stair, the four of them already downstairs eating breakfast.

"Geez, you guys are so loud last night." Yunyun complained.

"Sorry sorry, we got too carried away." Xiaoqi apologized.

"I bet Yunyun was touching herself when she heard both of us." Yanyan joked.

"Hey, Shut up!" Yunyun face turned all red.

"Can you guys have some privacy? I'm eating here." Xiaomi finally decided to speak up.

"Sorry." All three of them face blushes as they looked down in embarrassment.

"Good morning, why everyone looking so down?" Xiaoyun finally got to kitchen and started eating.

"Shut up, this is all your fault you dummy." All four of them yelled out.

"Okay okay geez." Xiaoyun drank the cup of coffee.

"Anyway I need to go out today again to get pick up survivor to the town. I will probably back later tonight." Xiaoyun grabbed a piece of bread and ran out before anyone could say anything.

"Whatever." The three of them sighed.


When Xiaoyun got to the gate at nine, Renqin was already inside the bus with Yezi and only half of the soldier inside.

"Where Jixi and everyone else?" Xiaoyun asked.

"They went back to Yiming to accept punishment for being disarmed by those survivor." Yezi replied.

"Oh good luck to them then... Wait how why are you here then?"

"Well I'm not a soldier and my position is a civilian position, so he got nothing over me." Yezi explained.

"Okay, Renqin you can start the bus now." Xiaoyun signaled the gate to drop the bridge.

After twenty minute, the bus finally arrived at the hotel. Lili was outside waving at the bus.

Renqin stopped the bus as Xiaoyun walked out.

"How many people is there again?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Around eighty people."

"Wait I thought you said around sixty or so?"

"Well more people joined after seeing us beat up the hotel. I'm sure your town can handle it right?" Lili moved a little closer.

"Yeah, of course. Where are they though?" Xiaoyun moved back a little to looked around.

"They are inside the hotel lobby right now. Let's go inside." Lili grabbed Xiaoyun's hand and walked toward the hotel.

When Xiaoyun step foot inside, he could finally see the people Lili was talking about.

"Um I think the bus max occupation is around thirty people so we might need three trip instead of two."

"Its okay. First group and second group, follow me." The two group stepped up and followed her outside.

After the two group was loaded in the bus, it still have around ten seats left.

Lili walked back in and called in another group to reach thirty people.

"Okay, you guys go to the second floor to wait there. We'll be back." Lili waved goodbye as she and Xiaoyun got inside the bus.

As the bus drove back for five minute, suddenly a entire zombie horde was in the way.

"Shit!" Renqin immediately hit the brake and started reversing.

The zombie hordes started running toward the bus, one of them even throwing a rock at the bus. But fortunately it barely missed the bus.

"Fuck fuck fuck." Renqin was only halfway finishing turning around.

The five soldier started firing their rifles, but it barely make a dent with to the horde as new zombies take their place.

Xiaoyun went inside Lili's backpack to pretend he just pulled several pack of explosive and threw them as far as he can when he lighted it up.

Everyone on the bus could feel the ground shake as the explosive went off inside the zombie horde.

Renqin finally turned it all the way around and floor it as the bus reaches its max speed.

Despite this, there were still around twenty zombies somehow catching up to the bus.

"What the hell... how are they running this fast." Yezi commented

The five soldier moved to the back and started firing back, but the bumpy road and the speed the bus is going is making it extremely hard to aim.

"Fuck, its a dead end! I need to slow down to turn the bus." Renqin yelled out as he slowed down the bus.

Xiaoyun rushed to the back and joined the soldier's firing squad.

Fortunately as soon as the bus slowed down, the soldiers was able to shoot them right in the head, killing them.

"Whew." Everyone in the bus let out a sigh of relief.

"Renqin do you know the way back from here?" Xiaoyun walked back to the front and asked.

"Um... I can try." Renqin started driving in random direction until he saw saw the familiar building and finally got back to the original route.

After an hour later, they finally arrived at the town.

Yezi and the three group got off the bus to tour the town and explain the rules.

While Lili stay behind to be ready to go get the other groups.

"Xiaoyun, the bus is about to be completely out of gas." Renqin warned.

"Just refuel it. What wrong?" Xiaoyun remember he stocked gasoline in the store and in the storage room.

"Well this long distance bus takes diesel. We haven't refuel it for a while now." Renqin explained.

"Oh shit... I got no way of refueling it either. Lili how much people is left?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Around fifty people." Lili replied.

"How about we drove toward a gas station? I remember just down the road there is one." Xiaoyun suggested.

"Okay, lets do that." Renqin starts the bus backup and drove out again.


After driving for three minute, they were finally at the gas station.

The convenience store was completely smashed from the outside.

Renqin parked the car at the diesel pump as the two got off to check the pump.

Renqin tried to put in money but it doesn't take it.

"Shit, there no electricity, the gas pump doesn't work." Renqin tried to pressed the trigger, only to have nothing come out.

"Let me go inside the store to check, you guys come with me." Xiaoyun signaled the five soldier to follow him.

Lili also stepped out of the bus and followed.

"Melee weapon only, rifle is too loud. We still at the city outskirt." Xiaoyun warned as they all switched weapon.

As soon as they step foot inside, they could hear a crying sound.

"The fuck is that?"

"I don't know sir." The second soldier behind the front took out an flashlight to see in the pitch dark.

Just few step in front of them was a skinny figure laying on the floor crying.

"Hello? Are you alright?" The front soldier walked up.

"W-wait!" Xiaoyun felt suspicious and pulled out his pistol.

Just as Xiaoyun predicted, the skinny figure immediately turned around and lunges toward the first soldier.

Xiaoyun immediately opened fire before the skinny figure got to the front soldier.

"Holy shit!" The front soldier fall down in shock as blood splashed all over his face and cloths.

"That zombie was a mutant, we need to get out right now! That gun sound is way too loud." Xiaoyun pulled him back up from the floor.

"Wait the diesel gas is right there." Renqin pointed at the single gas canister on the shelve.

Xiaoyun turned back and grabbed it.

Renqin opened up the gas cap as Xiaoyun poured it all inside.

When its all finished, everyone rushed back in the bus as Renqin started it back up.

Just as the bus drove away, they could see a massive zombie crowd rushing toward the store.

"Shit that was close... how much gas do we have?" Xiaoyun let out a deep breath.

"It's almost completely full. Its enough for at least twenty-four hour drive." Renqin replied.

"Good, let go back to the hotel now."


After driving for thirty minute, they finally arrived at the hotel.

There were several strangler zombies that run towards them, but Xiaoyun just stepped out and killed them all himself.

"Lets go in now." Lili and Xiaoyun went inside the hotel, then walked up to the second floor.

There were still fifty people around.

"I'm not doing two more ride of this. Everyone just load inside the bus. Drop all your luggage and everything that is not important. Don't bring your weapons too. We got everything in the town." Xiaoyun yelled out.

"Anyone who doesn't listen to him will stay here by themselves." Lili warned.

After several grunting complains, the fifty people folded and got inside the bus.

The bus was completely full now, barely any space to move as Lili and Xiaoyun got in the bus. With the five soldier in the back of the bus.

"W-why is there so many people. This is way over capacity!" Renqin demanded an answer as he refuses to start the bus.

"You want to do another trip from the town to here with this bus? At least none of them is having any luggage, I'm sure the bus still can start. Right?" Xiaoyun looked at him in the eye.

"I guess this is fine then." Renqin folded as he started the bus.

One bonus chapter down. New zombies! Totally didn't borrow the witch from the game. Anyway expect more and more new zombies as Yezi will be in charge of going to the city to look for more survivor.

Also old friend finally meeting Yanyan again soon! How will Xiaoyun explain himself? Can the new groups of people assimilate into the town?

Bonus chapter count:16

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