
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
369 Chs

Leyan's Worries and Yezi's trip (R-18)

At the dining table, the five of them were eating in silence until Xiaoyun decided to speak up.

"Yueyue, did you get Yiming's offer to be a full-time soldier?"

"Yeah, I did, but I rejected it."


"I can feel my body isn't as it used to be... Almost as if somebody knocked me up, you dummy..."

Yueyue got quieter and quieter until she could only hear herself. Her face blushed red from needing to say it out loud.

"Oh, right... I'm such a silly goose. Haha."

Just as the table shifted back into silence from Xiaoyun's awkward laugh, Yueyue spoke up again.

"I've already told Yiming that I'm planning to quit next week."

"Has he agreed to it?" Leyan curiously asked.

"Yeah, but he wants me to work part of the militia by being the guard for the general store," Yueyue replied.

"That sounds fine to me. It'll make my job so much easier, not needing to make sure someone is shoplifting." Nami chimed in.

"But security guards sound so boring. I don't want to stand there all day," Yueyue complained.

"Well, it's a safe job, thinking about down here."

Xiaoyun rubbed Yueyue's slightly bulging belly, which had barely made a dent as it hadn't even passed the first trimester.

"Yeah, whatever."

As the table resumed silence, everyone could tell Yueyue was unhappy. But nobody spoke up as there wasn't really a better job with the same intensity.


Soon, nighttime arrived.

Xiaoyun had just come out of the shower and was lying on the bed reading a book that he had brought when he was Songming.

After reading it for a while, he got a little sleepy. So he got up and put it away before going back to bed.

But just as he thought he was going to be sleeping alone, the door was opened.

Leyan was standing by the door in a nurse outfit. But it wasn't her normal hospital one—rather, the ones only seen in certain media.

It was a one-piece nurse dress that could barely fit her body, with a black stocking attached through a garter belt.

To top it off, she even had a cute nurse hat and a pair of white gloves.

"I asked Yueyue about this, and she said only this fit me..." Leyan stated shyly as she stood still, not taking a single step inside.

Xiaoyun quickly got up from the bed, closing the door before bringing her all the way to the bed as they sat down next to each other.

"What suddenly got in your mind to make you ask her for all this?" Xiaoyun curiously asked, his voice filled with a hint of excitement.

"A few weeks ago, I saw you and Yueyue did it in her cosplay... I think that's what they call it, right?

So I want to try it out... Do you like it?" Leyan nervously asked. Her face blushed more and more red as she explained herself.

"Babe, you look very hot in this. I love it!"

As Xiaoyun pinned her down onto the bed, Leyan was a little surprised by his excitement, making her start believing what Yueyue had told her before wearing it.

"Really? Is it that good?"

"Yes, I mean it. Let me prove it."

Before Leyan could react, Xiaoyun grabbed her hand and put it over his crotch, stunning her as she couldn't believe how hard it was.

"I haven't even touched it yet..." Leyan thought to herself as Xiaoyun already started removing all of his clothes.

Slowly, Xiaoyun began lifting Leyan's nurse one piece up a little, revealing that her black lingerie underneath was the cloth being attached by the garter belt, not the nurse cloth.

"Hey, Yanyan, Let's play a game. Whoever cums first loses."

Xiaoyun suggested as he flipped her around, putting the two in a Sixty-nine position before moving her undergarment aside.

"Sure... You're going to be the one losing." Leyan agreed as she moved her head up, positioning her lips directly before the erect cock.

"Then ready... set. Go!"

The two immediately went down on each other, not wasting any time.

Xiaoyun could feel Leyan trying her hardest as she swallowed the entire cock inside her mouth, much deeper than she usually allows.

Meanwhile, Leyan could feel Xiaoyun had already stuck his tongue deep inside, trying to reach her weak spot inside before giving up and starting teasing around her clitoris.

As the competition began to heat up, Leyan suddenly started shoving her head forward, grabbing Xiaoyun's leg before moving out as fast as possible to catch her breath.

"Shit, she's so tight! It almost feels like a real vagina." Xiaoyun thought to himself as Leyan used her mouth to perfection.

Not wanting to lose, Xiaoyun stuck two fingers inside her, hitting the weak spot as he continued to tease around her clitoris.

"Hm!——T-That's not fair——Hm!" Leyan started to moan in pleasure as the double simulation was becoming overwhelming.

"We never said there's any rules," Xiaoyun murmured as he started moving his finger even faster.

As Leyan's leg started to tense up, Xiaoyun knew he was on track to win. But suddenly, Leyan started messaging the testicle with her right hand.

To push Xiaoyun even more over the edge, Leyan sandwiched his cock right between the nurse uniform's cleavage, moving her breasts up and down as she continued to lick around the tip.

In the end, the two both climaxed at the same time, swallowing each other's load before letting the other go.

"I guess it's a tie," Leyan murmured as she scooched back up to the pillow, with Xiaoyun turning back around to lay down next to her.

"Then there is only one way to settle it."

Xiaoyun was fully ready again, positioning himself on top of her, not giving her a single break.

"You're going to lose this time——Hm!"


After two hours, the two called it a day as they cuddled on the bed, with Xiaoyun's cock still inside her to prevent the semen from leaking.

"What's wrong? You seem to be worrying about something since you are at the dining table... Is it about Yueyue?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"No. I am just worried about the two of them... Pregnancy is really hard to deal with for the first time, especially with all the possible complications."

Leyan spilled the beans, but Xiaoyun could tell she was worried about something else. Still, he chose not to pressure her to say it.

"I'm sure it's fine. We are building a hospital already, and we have all the doctors and equipment needed. Don't worry about it."

Xiaoyun gently patted her head as he held her closer, making her blush a little as the half-erect cock shoved in a little deeper.

"But I am still worried... what if our baby is... not right? We're all related——"

Just as Leyan started to spill the other half of her worries, Xiaoyun interrupted her from finishing.

"Come on, Yanyan. Do you think the three of them are fine? Just look at Qiqi and Yueyue or even Mimi.

They are all perfectly healthy... Besides, that kind of thing you're worrying about only gets bad if it happens multiple generations." Xiaoyun comforted as he brushed her hair with his hand.

"Maybe you are right. It does take several generations in a row to have any major issue."

Leyan started to remember her lessons at medical school, with a faint memory of a study showing that it would take much longer for something bad to happen.

"Yeah, so don't worry about it. As long as our children don't do anything crazy, it will be all fine——"

"Yeah, that if somebody can control their urges to not mess with our daughter." Leyan interrupted as she moved her ass down, making the cock go deeper inside.

"I didn't know that before I did it, okay? I swear I won't have anyone else besides you three." Xiaoyun promised.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say—Nami's right. Men's word can never be trusted... Why don't you prove it to your mother?"

Leyan taunted Xiaoyun as she lifted herself back up, leaving space for Xiaoyun to push inside again.

"You gonna regret this."


By the time the two were finished, it was already six in the morning.

"Fuck, how long have we been doing this?" Xiaoyun murmured as he lay on the bed, looking completely exhausted.

"The whole night... my belly is already bulging so much... Geez, did you really have to unload so much inside me?"

Leyan lay down next to him, with all three entrances having white stains. Not to mention a gaping hole that remained open as her anus still couldn't close itself correctly.

"Somebody shouldn't have taunted me like that and wearing all these."

Xiaoyun picked up the fabric of the nurse's outfit, which had been completely ripped to pieces.

"You better make a new one. I still have to return it to Yueyue." Leyan gently punched Xiaoyun in the chest as a protest.

"Yeah, yeah, here it is."

Xiaoyun handed the same clothes over to her before pulling the blanket back up and turning off the light as they finally got ready to sleep.




The next day...

When Xiaoyun and Leyan got to the administrative building, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Geez, what took you two so long? Did you two pull an all-nighter?" Yuqi complained as she was already working in the office.

"Not my fault." Leyan innocently responded as she sat down.

"Yeah, yeah, it's my fault," Xiaoyun admits his fault as he joins in and starts working.

After a few hours of working, someone suddenly knocked on the door. Xiaoyun went to open the door, revealing Yezi standing right outside.

"What's wrong? Something urgent?" Xiaoyun curiously after noticing his serious-looking face as the two walked inside.

"No, but I want some resources and a few people to go outside with me... It's going to be more than just a scouting mission." Yezi replied.

"Why? Didn't you just married with Huayi for less than a month? You sure you want to go out now?" Yuqi asked.

"She knows I ain't the type of men who want to stay in a nest. I want to go out and take risks.

I am rotting here, staying in this town all day. I can't live like this anymore. I need to go adventuring——"

"You got a plan to go where?" Leyan asked, interrupting him.

"I can go scout the path to the casino since I know where it is at... It'll be a fast back-and-forth mission."

Yuqi and Leyan both turned their attention over to Xiaoyun, who nodded in agreement after thinking for a few seconds.

"Fine, how much resource do you need? And how many people?" Yuqi asked.

"A few boxes of canned food and water should do. I want to bring Jixi and four people with me.

It's only going to last less than a week. I'm also going to need a car." Yezi listed his demands.

"Sure, you can get the food down the store, and for the people you want, you need to go ask Yiming if he lets you," Yuqi replied.

"I'm sure Yiming wouldn't mind," Xiaoyun commented as he handed the paper with his signature on it.

"Thank you!"

As Yezi left with the paper, the three went back to work until Xiaoyun broke the silence.

"Maybe I should go with him——" Before Xiaoyun could finish talking, the two of them interrupted him.

"Hell no! You can't leave the town. The food situation can only last three days without you, and the farm is not even close to supplying enough food.

And you are the mayor. You can't take a risk like that... Yezi is different. He's been to the city multiple times."

The two of them pushed Xiaoyun back down on the chair, locking the door to prevent him from ever thinking of leaving.

"Fine, fine, let's get back to work."

Thirty minutes later...

Yezi was back with five people, all standing before the three with their gear and food ready.

"They are the ones I want," Yezi stated.

"You guys know the risk you are taking to go with him, right? This mission is much riskier than just a scouting mission." Xiaoyun warned.

"Yes, sir! We know the risk we are facing." The four of them replied at the same time, with Jixi staying silent on the back.

"Jixi, Yiming agreed to this?" Xiaoyun asked.

"He said it's a good idea not to lose track of the outside world."

After a short silence, Xiaoyun raised his one last concern to the four soldiers.

"Fine, then you guys are all set to go. But have you said your last word to your family members yet?"

"I picked them because they are all alone," Yezi answered it for them.

"Very well... Don't worry, we won't forget your contribution... Godspeed, soldier!"

Xiaoyun saluted to the soldiers, who saluted back before leaving the office, along with Jixi and Yezi, who left after them.

"Geez, you guys don't have to make it as if it is the last time you guys see each other..." Leyan commented.

"It's hard to tell if that is going to be the last time we see them... so many people have lost contact with their friends and family," Xiaoyun murmured as all his friends were back in university.

"You're right."

As Leyan looked out the window, she thought back to her two best friends, who hadn't called since the outbreak started.

"Let's not get all sad. Just because they lost contact, it doesn't mean they're doomed. Maybe their phones had no battery left.

You know electricity is hard to get outside. How is anyone supposed to change their phone?" Yuqi comforted the two.

After a short silence, the two felt a little better.

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe they're still out there... Let's get back to work." Leyan murmured.

Just as the three got back into the zone of working, the door was suddenly slammed open.

It was Huayi standing there, her face full of anger as if she was about to break a desk or something.

"Where the hell is Yezi?" Huayi asked in anger.

"Um... he just went outside on a mission for a week. He didn't tell you?" Xiaoyun curiously asked as he felt something was off.

"That bastard! I shouldn't have pushed him so hard in bed... I'm so sorry." Huayi suddenly started crying.

"Don't worry. He had five people protecting him as well. And he had a car with him. I'm sure he will make it back fine."

Leyan got up and brought her to the sofa, gently patting her on the back and comforting her.

"I was even surprised he stayed at a desk job as co-mayor for an entire month. You know, he's an arms smuggler for a reason.

He wants to live life with risk... um, he will be back soon, don't you worry. If he doesn't come back, I'll go look for him."

Xiaoyun tried to reassure Huayi, but it only made her cry even harder as she knew how dangerous the city was.

"Babe, you really don't know how to comfort people," Yuqi commented.

"My bad." Xiaoyun sat back down and stayed silent.

"Huayi, what do you mean you pushed him so hard in bed?" Leyan curiously asked as Huayi slowly calmed down a little.

"I-I heard that Nami said you guys are all already pregnant, so I wanted to have a kid as well.

But Yezi didn't want to have a kid yet and kept avoiding me. So I tried to beg him to do it raw one night."

Huayi started sobbing again as she spoke, showing zero signs of embarrassment despite the thing she had just said out loud.

"Oh..." Leyan went completely silent as her face blushed.

"Nami needs to shut her damn mouth... I'm teaching her a lesson in privacy." Yuqi's face blushed as she left the room.

"Don't worry, Huayi. I will talk some sense into Yezi when he comes back. He's almost forty. He's going to want to settle down." Xiaoyun reassured.

"Thank you. I guess I just need to wait for him to come back."

With Huayi leaving the room, the two girls turned their attention to Xiaoyun before letting out a hmph sound.

"So Yezi wasn't telling the full truth when he went out... I guess men really are a bunch of liars," Leyan commented.

"Yeah, who would have thought, saying she would be fine with it when she never agreed to let him take a risk like that," Yuqi added.

"Hey! That's his issue, not mine, okay?"

Xiaoyun pushed back before the three went back to work, as there wasn't much they could do with everything set in motion.

Edited as of 7/5/24, applied name and grammar change

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