
Acient bloodlines Awakening holder of 4 elements part 1

(Old Man Sage ) " Ah yes welcome to your coming of age ceremony where your element magic will be awoken and you will be Accepted to Oakwood Academy of Magic and Sword where you will be going to student with the other 43 races of the Land of Gods The Oakwood family was the ones who found Oakwood Academy. shall we start the coming of age ceremony."

As everyone looked to see who all showed That when I Saw Jason Light Phoenix of the Light Phoenix Clan got up and strutted over toward me. I saw the Sage looking at me with eye that went from brown to Light blue. Before I knew it Jason pick me up by the collar and yelled in my face.

(Jason) "What the Fuck is human trash like yerself doing in town square?" He pulled his fist back and threw in to my face causing my face to bleed out from mana cut that he cause. Everyone began to laugh at me until the Headmaster Oakwood then spoke up and said in a grave voice.

(Oakwood) "this boy is not a human so back down while you still can." Jason look from me to the Sage looking guy and then he laugh so hard that tears came to his eyes and shook his head no, "I tried to warn you don't blame me if you die from his true strength." Jason's father stood up in Fury looking at the Sage and shouted

(Jason's Father) "this boy is just a mere human that is raise to serve us Magi Beast he has no mana and no strength what so ever he is just a hobby for that sterile Bitch know As Lalup the daughter of Matarch Lupa a useless clan that should be wiped from the face of this pla..." I cut him off by slip out of my linen shirt and appearing behind him with a dagger to his throat and quietly said next to his ear "I can easily slit your throat Patarch Light Phoenix for disrespecting my mamma but I won't right now scum nobody disrespects my mamma in front of me, and are you willing to bet your son life and your family riches that I have no mana and strength if so can we get on with the Coming of Age ceremony?"

(Patarch light Phoenix) "Yes I am willing to bet my sons life, and with all our riches that you have no mana and strength very well let continue with the Coming of Age ceremony." I the remove the dagger from his sweat drenched throat with a smile I continue to speak "by the way you stink of fear and possibly urine remember the bet and if I lose the bet you can kill me in front of everyone." with them final words everyone began to sit in their places waited for the Headmaster to start talking, when the headmaster started to talk everyone became quite.

(Oakwood) "As you can see on both sides of me are two different types of crystals, on my left is the is the Crystal of Magus a rare crystal that was unearth 30,000 years ago that ended the war with the Angels Harpies a race that can only birth females 99% of the time. Um back on topic, to my right is the Crystal of Mana power it will reveil what rank your mana ocean is. Now let move everyone come up one at a time please and tell me your name." Thrust began the Coming of age ceremony.

"3 hours later"

I looked around seeing all but four of us had went to awaken our elements that would officially mark our Adulthood. The four people that waited to go until now was Jason Light Phoenix son of the bastard that I made him piss himself, Ranga Earth Wolf mamma's niece, myself Zile Lightwalker, and my childhood best friend, the one that I have a crush on Azura NyxHeart she was that of the wood Elf clan her eye where a colbolt grey, her hair was light brown, her height was a little shorter than mine and many people in the kingdom of the Magi beast asked her to marry them, but she turn them down.

(Jason) "prepare to lose your life Zile Lightwalker cause you won't win the bet between you and my Pal weakling" As Jason walked to the Crystal of Magus where he told old man sage his name the place his hand apond the Crystal and stood the quietly that that when the Crystal turn blood red and sea blue.

(Sage) "Jason have awakened Fire and water element that is alright now proceed to the next crystal please."

Turning around and looking at me he pulled his thumb across his throat, Jason then turned around and walked over to the Crystal of Mana that would see what his stage was after he successfully awaken his element, Jason then place his hand apond the Crystal of Mana where it started to glow from light green to sea grass green which told everyone that he was about to break through the peak of the Archì stage into the rododáfni stage. This was rare for children to reach the peak of the Archì after the child awaken his or her element.

(Oakwood) {hmm this kid is to cocky, That boy name Zile why does his presence feel so familiar to me, now back to the matter at hand how do I humiliate the kid in front of me... what to do what to do wait I Know what} "Hey kid do you what happens at Oakwood Academy if you and your cockiness get out of hand?"

(Jason) "No I don't know what happens what happens please tell me." As I watch the whole thing go down old man sage lift his wrinkle right hand and Jason flew up into the air then upside-down. Everyone began to laugh at the state Jason was in. Old man sage then started twirling around his fingers which made Jason spin around and around in place, after a while old man looked bored with a snap of his fingers Jason fell face first off into a crowd of 13 years old girls that hated his guts {ooh ouch right in the jewels of reproduction, what are the odds and is his luck is pretty bad today oh well it's what he deserved. Now if I win the bet I just break both of his arms where he can't use them for a couple of months in a hand to hand combat instead of taking his life. O'boy Patarch light Phoenix looks piss off by humiliation of his son and family}

(Oakwood) "next child please there are only three of you left now one of you children get up or suffer the same fate the cocky kid suffer and is currently getting kick around by a bunch of girls." this day is going to be very interesting if thing keep going the way their going

Random, and Not so random Thoughts

1. Sorry for late update Christmas week was killer on me

2. Look for new Ideas from the masses (optionable)

3. wish Everyone a marry vary Christmas

4. Slap self for not adding greater Ideas to this chapter

5. P*** off bear in back yard then run like my a$$ is on Fire

6. Trap Santa and still his job (plausible)

7. the name of stages are in Greek

DemonGodZightcreators' thoughts