
Death and Rebirth of a unknown

{Eww what is this warm sticky stuff that I am laying in? Why can't I move my body it feels so heavy.} I laid there not knowing what was going to happen to the 5 year old girl.

(little girl) "hurry he's dying hurry hurry please."

(Officer) "calm down calm.... O Dear God above it Zile the police chef son and my nephew how did this happen why him " After hearing the officer's voice and feeling him pick me up I rasped out in my fading voice...

(Zile) but he never did answer, "Uncle Jay what going to happen to me?" As Uncle Jay ran down the streets to the closest hospital while calling my father and other units to report that I was involved in a shotting and to find the suspect and cuff him. {I am sorry mom, dad, baby sister, and baby brother but I never to get to live up to your expectations of being a son and brother that you all could look up to, to the bastard that shot me If I ever am and I mean reincarnated with in your life time I will hunt you down and rip your heart out and feed you to the pigs.} With that as my last thought I my eyes closed and never open them again. (boy was I ever wrong)

"13 years after death"

(???) "Zile Lightwalker wake up today is your coming of age ceremony even if you are not A Magi Beast. if you past the magic test to see if you can use magic you be part aof mamma's clan the Earth Wolf Clan." As the rap came at my door, the door was then open and in walked mamma, "oh Zile your awake, I did not notice that you were awake."

(Zile) "yes mamma i could not sleep I was to excited to sleep!" {After I died on earth I was reincarnated in this world as a one year old boy that had my past life memories sealed. and was Found by a 13 year old woman, that I called mamma, and her hunting party they found me strangling a rank 3 Demon beast Hell Hyena. the poor demon beast was trying it best to get out of my 1 year old steely grip that was strong for my age 'by the way I killed the rank 3 demon beast Hell Hyena' they also found the bodies of my parents. Their bodies was right near me their bodies had blade cut mark all over them. She then told the rest of the rest her hunting party to bring their bodies back to the clan's land from that day forward the woman became mamma. Once I turn 9 years old my past life memories where unsealed by an unknown force, there was one condition that mamma's mother the Matarch gave her so I could be to be part of the clan; I would have to awaken one element of magic, and my mana ocean has to be rank 2 mage apprentice level to be accepted by the clan.} smiling she walked out of my as if to tell me hurry up and get dress must head to the town square, I got up out of my bed and walked over to my clothes that was hanging up; from there I put on my clothes that were made out of white and black linen. I then walked over to the mirror to look at myself in the mirror and a 4"5' male with year round tan, white and black hair that was long and curly covering the right eye, left eye hazel brown, right eye color was a combination of white and black. after looking at my self in the mirror I head into the living room area of the house where mamma was waiting for me.

(Mamma) " come Zile let's go visit your blood parents grave before heading to town square." After mamma half drag and half pulled me to their grave where mamma walk be hind tree to relieve herself, that when I got down on both knees while bowing my head "mom, dad I wish you where to watch me grow and become a man but why did you leave me behind why could you died like that...." I was cut off when I felt a strong steely grip of a man on my right shoulder then on my left shoulder I felt a soft gentle grip of a female both where warm to the touch and two voices of a male and female voice shot through my head.

(male and female voice) "Our son we are always with you, we are not dead help us save for the Sea of ten thousand god rank demon beast save us for the prison of the sea grow and get stronger a save us we are not dead we love you until the day come we that we finally see each." As turn around mamma was walking out from behind the tree with a relief look on her face, she walk over to me as I got up with a smile on my face I said "come on mamma let go to town square we can't be late." I then grab mamma's hand and we began walking to the town square

"Town Square"

As mamma and I walked into town all the thirteen year olds where making their as we followed the group mamma stop at the entrance of the town square like all the parent did and went right as us kids went left ad us children walked into the middle where a old man that look like a sage of the world stood in between two large Crystal. Once all of us thirteen years old where quit and sit in the chair s that was place in front of the old man sage he began to speak

(Old Man Sage) "Ah yes welcome to your coming of age ceremony where your element magic will be awoken and you will be Accepted to Oakwood Academy of Magic and Sword where you will be going to student with the other 43 races of the Land of Gods My Name is Headmaster Oakwood and my family was the ones who found Oakwood Academy. shall we start the coming of age ceremony."

I wrote so many rough drafts of this one chapter I hope I did good

DemonGodZightcreators' thoughts
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