
The R-18 Sci-fi VRMMORPG

Evelyn Avalee, a somewhat normal girl who got has some fetishes here and there. Not really Innocent or even an emotional one, she just stays quiet during school while doing her fetish secretly in public.

In her third year in Highschool, Evelyn saw an Advertisement on an upcoming VRMMO game, she saw the action but what brought her into the game was the designs and it was R-18+. She looked more into the game and find that the R-18+ label wasn't for the gore but the Sexual Content in the game. The game was designed around the Mechs and the gameplay was played around Semi-Free Roaming Instances.

From the interview, there were 10 Classes, Guardian Knight(Tank), Energy Blademaster(DPS), Combat Medic(Support), Force Sorcerer(DPS), Shadow Marksman(DPS), Tech Warlock(Support/DPS), Mechanic Summoner(Support), Cyber Walker(DPS), Kinetic Brawler(Tank/DPS), Specialist Agent(DPS/Support).

From what they tell in public and what they say on their Official Site;

Guardian Knight is the iconic tanker who takes on tons of damage.

Kinetic Brawler is a Semi-Tanker who goes into the frontline dealing damage, attracting aggro, and doing some crowd control.

Energy Blademaster is the supposedly the Magic Swordsman.

Shadow Marksman is the ranged attacker, using Rifle, Snipers, pistols, etc. to attack in the distance while being able to hide in the shadows or camouflage in the environment.

Cyber Walker is like an Assassin and Ninja, they could also do some crowd-control.

Force Sorcerer is like the Mage or Wizard, they can manipulate the energy to a certain element like Fire, Ice, or Lightning.

Specialist Agent is a ranged attacker who could only mostly do Crowd Control or Buff allies.

Tech Warlock is the Debuffer and a Semi-Summoner.

Mechanic Summoner is like any other Summoner but what they summon is only related to Robots, Turrets, or something of the kind. They could combine what they summon but there is a success rate how they could combine.

Combat Medic is just like any healer in the fantasy games.

Then there was a Path System, each class has 2-4 Paths they could take on to show what they deeply specialize in. But these aren't what Evelyn is deeply interested in, it's the Armor Designs and what the many Sexual Contents are. They even warned players who're virgins or in a relationship as playing the game could affect a couple's relationships in what they had experienced in playing the game. This dropped many Gamers from playing the game but it didn't stop those lustful players.

Evelyn bought the Pleasure Edition Capsule as it has f**king machines built in it. There was the Normal Edition for those who wanted to just experience the gameplay while the Pleasure Edition has two different capsules for different genders, this capsule lets players feel having intercourse in the game. Normal Edition does let players have the feels but Pleasure Edition gives a deeper experience.

There were 3 Packs for players that could pick to have more fun playing, Starter Pack, Lustful Pack, and Founder's Pack.

The Starter Pack contained: High Tier Health Replenishment x10 | High Tier Energy Replenishment x10 | Low Tier Stat Boost x5 | Basic Roller Ride x1

Founder's Pack contained: High Tier Health Replenishment x15 | High Tier Energy Replenishment x15 | Mid Tier Stat Boost x5 | Basic Bike Ride x1 | Custom Paint-Job Kit x4 | Unlock Founder's Paint Colors | Unlock Particle Aesthetics Enchantment | Unlock Character Creation's Accessory Section

Lustful Pack: Unlock Character Creation's Body Tattoos/Writings Section | Unlock Piercings | Unlock Skimpy Outfits | Unlock Player Prostitution | Unlock Character Creation's Sexual Body Modification Section | Unlock Body Modification Station's Sexual Modification Section | .... (Reminder: Requires Identification to Purchase)

Looking at the Basic Roller Ride and Basic Bike Ride, Basic Roller Ride is like a Bike on 1 Large Wheel while Basic Bike Ride is an actual ride. Evelyn bought the Founder's Pack and Lustful Pack, she was able to buy Lustful Pack thanks to her Dad working at some important job and given her a Fake ID to buy some restricted items for herself. Her Family itself was pretty wealthy but it wasn't enough an actual influential rich kind.

Her parents knew what kind of fetishes she had, tried to stop it but they gave up later on as it unstoppable, her Dad decided to just help satisfy her fetishes. Fortunately, she doesn't have the fetish in doing it with her parents.

The Capsule came in a day later on her front porch, the delivers weren't there to help her get it in her house and set it up because they don't want anyone, even their employees, to know the faces of those who bought it.

Thankfully the Capsule was in pieces and different packages as it was gonna be too heavy for Evelyn to carry it into her room. Evelyn carried them one by one into her room, took them out and organized them orderly, read the instruction pamphlet, and put it together. She placed it on the corner across her bed and found some of the many things she does to the capsule without damaging it. It was just replacing the toys used on her when she's in the game, so she replaced some with the ones of her collection.

When it was ready, Evelyn entered the capsule and entered into the Virtual Waiting Lobby.


A woman appeared before Evelyn in a revealing outfit.

[ Welcome to [}>Lustful Mecha Savior<{] ]

[ I have detected you don't have a VR Account ]

[ Do you wish to set one up now? ]


[ Scanning Pupil... ]

[ Scanning.... ]

[ Scanning DNA.... ]

[ Scanning.... ]

[ Scanning Voice.... ]

[ Scanning.... ]

[ ... ]

[ Before Continuing, please login into your Topian Account ]

Evelyn enters her Username and Password, went through some verifications, and finished.

[ Linking up with Topian Account..... ]

[ Linking Completed ]

[ You VR Account has been Set up ]

[ You have no Character Created ]

[ Do you wish to create a Character? ]

"Yes of course"

10 Screens appeared around her showing her actual appearance in the starting equipment of different classes.

[ Pick the Class you wish to be, I'll introduce the Class you have chosen ]

Evelyn instantly discards Combat Medic, Guardian Knight, Mechanic Summoner, and Specialist Agent. Evelyn didn't feel like being a Combat Medic or Mechanic Summoner and wanted some action herself. Guardian Knight was too defensive and Specialist Agent was a class for a Party, Group, or Guild.

Energy Blademaster, Cyber Walker, and Shadow Marksman were too one-sided on dealing tons of damage than being more versatile when getting difficult situations. Force Sorcerer was nice but what they can do get limited as what she saw the possible Pathways that they either go full-on DPS, Debuffer, or Crowd-Controller.

What was left was Tech Warlock and Kinetic Brawler. Evelyn picked Tech Warlock due to being able to Not just Debuff enemies and summon companions, it could also deal Damage and able to Melee or Ranged Attacks. Though their defense was like a Sorcerer's.

"I'll go with Tech Warlock"

[ Tech Warlock is similar to Dark Mage, Shaman, Warlock, and few other Classes in the Fantasy Genres. They wield Dark Cyber Magic to Deal Small Damage but with some Big Debuffs, and Summon Dark Evil Creatures combined with Technology ]

[ The Effects of choosing Tech Warlock:

>- +1 Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom per Level

>- +25% Dark Cyber Affinity

>- Tech Warlock Skill Tree

>- Skill: <Dark Cyber Blast> <Summon: Pike Crawler>

Do you wish to become Tech Warlock? ]


[ Gathering Information on Player's IRL Body.... ]

[ Gathering Info... ]

[ Adding Tech Warlock..... ]

[ Adding..... ]

[ Status Created ]

[ Please Enter Name ]

[ Status Screen Generating ]

[ Name: Shaevyln]

[ Titles: None ]

[ Class: Tech Warlock ]

[ Level: 0 ]

[ Health Pool: 100/100 ] (Drains when upon taking damage and player dies upon reaching 0)

[ Energy Pool: 100/100 ] (Drains when Skill or Spell is used)

[ Battery Pool: 1,000/1,000 ] (Drains when in Mech Form)

[ Strength: 3 ] (1 point equals to 1 Physical Attack)

[ Vitality: 6 ] (Total/(Total*10(In combat is 100)) = ? per sec Health Pool Regenerated)

[ Endurance: 7 ] (1 point equals to Physical Defense)

[ Agility: 4 ] (Total/10 = +?% Movement Speed)

[ Dexterity: 5 ] (Total/100 = +?% Attack Speed)

[ Intelligence: 6 ] (Total/(Total*10(In combat is 100)) = ? per sec Energy Pool Regenerated)

[ Wisdom: 8 ] (1 point = 1 Energy Damage)

[ Willpower: 10 ] (1 point = 1 Energy Defense)

[ Stat Points: 0 ] (+2 Stat Points per Level gained)

[ Skill Points: 0 ] (+1 Skill Point per 5 Level gained)

[ Cyber Affinity: Dark Cyber Affinity(25%) ]

[ Skills:

<Dark Cyber Blast> ( Deal 110% Magic Damage, 10% Chance Knock Back | Cost: 25 EP | Cooldown: 10 seconds )

<Summon: Pike Crawler> ( Summon 1st Stage Spike Crawler )


[ Max Stats is 10 and Overall Player Average Stat Attributes is 3-4 ]

Evelyn is satisfied with her Stats but a bit sad with how weak she was.

[ Do you wish to hear the World History before picking you to go any further? ]

[ Reminder that it'll help your choice in picking a Faction ]

"I'll listen"

[ The name of the world is Essionia, it was a beautiful world until the Human Race came colonizing it. The Human Race came to this world due to running from disaster on their homeworld; Earth. They slowly adapted on the planet and hoped for the best, they went through many adversaries, the worst ones where the coming of different ideologies colliding against each other. They argued until they soon decided to separate from each other and this lead to the 3 Different Factions, somehow, it then leads to numberless small wars. ]

[ Their conflict lead to the creation of new enemies, somewhere experiments and others were just mutations. ]

[ Now pick a Faction to Align with ]

[ Please be careful what you pick as once you pick a Faction, other factions will set you as Unfriendly against you and your chosen Faction will be Neutral ]


[ Wolves of Defiance ]

[ They're the Resistance, people who want Freedom from strict laws. They don't want control, they want Freedom and the will to do things they want, not bad way, but the things they always wanted to do freely without being controlled or restricted ]

[ Institute of Order ]

[ They're the so-called Government who want to control anything that happens. They want Order and Law before anything, they don't let anyone who causes chaos easily go, they are a relentless and extreme Faction ]

[ Blood Raider Brotherhood ]

[ Criminals who Steal, Loot, Murder, R*pe, and More. Lawless Faction who would do anything they want and their Faction is like a Haven for every Criminal ]

They were simple Introduction and easy to understand to anyone. Developers didn't want to make the introduction too complicated for people to understand.

Evelyn discards in being part of the Blood Raider Brotherhood as it was obvious they were for Player Killers or anyone who want to do bad things. Institute of Order seemed to be strict so Evelyn went with Wolves of Defiance.

[ You've Selected Faction: Wolves of Defiance ]

[ Now you're able to customize your character ]

Evelyn went through the many Sections she had unlocked from the Packs and find them to do small limited changes, she was sad but find it understandable as the Game wasn't focused on Sexual Contents, it was just big addition to the game.

Evelyn didn't go hard on making her look beautiful, it was between normal-beautiful look. She rose her breast size to a D cup, butt and thighs bit thicker, she just wanted a sexier body. She added Tattoos of the Warlock Theme, above between her breasts was a digital skull that seems to be breaking apart, smoke came out from it and it was also breaking apart. It went to her lower abdomen into where another tattoo was, it was called a Cyber Heart Tattoo, the heart was given a 3D design with symmetric Cyber Lines on it while the Cyber Lines coming out of it, it went towards her private part, over her hip, and around her belly button towards the Skull, it only went halfway there.

There Skull Rings on her thighs and upper arms, the skulls were connected by cyber lines and it looked like they were tearing apart. On her back was another Cyber Heart but it has half of a Skeleton seemingly want to carefully pick it up. The Skeleton itself was giving off smoke, tearing apart, and have parts breaking into data. Evelyn colored them with the Founder's Colors so they're black with purple shine when in light if it was in the dark, it'll glow purple.

Evelyn looked at the Accessories and went with Earrings with Skulls hanging and looked to be made out of Amethyst with a deeper color. Black metal pointless mask to cover half of her face and that just it. As for other things, Evelyn made her hair black with purple shine, lips with deep dark purple color, bright purple eyes, and with some eye makeup, it wasn't too much.

"I'm done"

[ Assimilating Player with Character's Body ]

Evelyn her body visibly growing and shifting, a mirror appeared before her to let her admire her appearance.

"This is pretty nice I say so myself, what's next?"

[ Pick your Starting Equipment and Mech ]

[ Reminder, Mech Form will only unlock upon reaching Level 20 ]

Evelyn looked at the 2 Equipment on one side and the 3 Mechs on the other. For the Starting Equipment, they were labeled Ranged Attacker and Melee Attacker. Ranged Attacker wielded a Semi-Auto SMG with a Tome while Melee Attacker wielded a Sword and Tome.

Evelyn when with Ranged Attacker as doesn't have the skills to fight with swords or of the such. As for the Armor, There was a Normal and Skimpy Versions that Evelyn could pick. In Normal Version, the only thing that was showing skin was around the abdomen while the rest was in skintight coverage, it looked cool, especially the hood as it shadowed the eyes so if it went with her mask she would look pretty cool and mysterious. The Skimpy Version would reduce the coverage leaving with high heel boots up to her knees, open skirt, underboob top with long sleeves, and that unchanged hood, then there were hand gloves. As of Mechs; Daravo-01, Albdilo-01, and Sevalimax-01, it even shows their stats.

[ Name: Daravo-06 ]

[ Power: E ]

[ Speed: F ]

[ Durability: F ]

[ Weapons: Cannon Blasters Mk1 ]

[ Modules: Forcefield-Mk1 ]

[ Name: Albdilo-03 ]

[ Power: F ]

[ Speed: F ]

[ Durability: E ]

[ Weapons: Low-Grade Mini Missiles ]

[ Modules: Forcefield-Mk1 ]

[ Name: Sevalimax-03 ]

[ Power: F ]

[ Speed: E ]

[ Durability: F ]

[ Weapons: Rapid Blaster Mk1 ]

[ Modules: Forcefield-Mk1 ]

Evelyn went with Sevalimax for the speed and more constant firing rate as the weapons have a cooldown between constant firing. The Cannon Blasters has a slow firing rate but that compensates for the amount of explosive damage it deals. Mini Missiles are very rapid and they're spread out but when it takes time to reload before being able to fire more. The Rapid Blasters have a somewhat quick firing rate and its reloads speed is pretty good.

Their color schemes were Black with bits of grey and have purple lighting as they were designed for Tech Warlocks.

[ Pick one of the starting Faction Bases ]

A map appeared showing the discovered lands and whose territories they were. From what she can tell, the black clouds on the map are undiscovered areas as it would be pretty weird looking world if the map truly maps the entire world.

There were 4 Starting Bases she could pick from, and from the environment, they're in, there are no big differences between the bases so she went with the one in a forest of large tall trees.

[ Unable to Transfer Player Shaevyln into the Game ]

[ [}>Lustful Mecha Savior<{] has yet to be launched ]

[ Please wait until the game launches and thank you ]

[ 1:08:31:03 ]

Evelyn looked at the time and exits the capsule as it'll come out tomorrow. To pass the time, she just went into studying for the upcoming Test.


[ Transferring Player Shaevyln to Tiberald Base ]

Evelyn could feel her body disappearing and reforming at a different location. When she was fully gone from the Virtual Waiting Lobby, Evelyn finds herself in some Sci-fi Teleportation Room. She was wearing her Starting equipment so she was a bit unrecognizable. Evelyn has seen many players appearing on the Teleportation Pads and going to the nearby NPC.

She followed her action and the NPC started talking to her, or players all around him.

"Talk to Commander Ascadean to get into Faction. If you're ever lost, Use the Map Stations to get to where Commander Ascadean is, which the Training Field."

Evelyn and the Players start moving out, giving more space for new players to get through. Evelyn went over to a Map Station, memorized it, and went through the many halls and elevator to get to the large Training Field.

Commander Ascadean is a big muscular man in Military Uniform. "New Batch found their way here, go get moving and take an Accuracy Test, there is gonna be a reward on performance and there are no retries so make your shots count. If your Melee oriented, then get over to the Training Droids over there, your fighting skills will affect your performance grade so do your best."

Evelyn went over to an empty shooting spot. There was a gun presented so picked it up and took out the Battery Mag, it showed 0% Charge Bar so she changed it out with a more loaded Battery Mag. A Camera recorded that and watched Evelyn try her best shooting. Evelyn watched videoes on how to handle guns in both IRL and In-game. Evelyn exhales and inhales, sharpening her concentration and fires. Evelyn was surprised with the recoil but quickly adjusts and continues firing with everything she got.

After going through 10 Battery Mags, a Holographic Screen appears giving her an A+ Grade Performance. It wasn't anywhere around S because she messed up a few times, which caused her performance to drop.

[ You've been awarded: 10 Silver Cyber Coins, 5 Free Ammo Exchange Tickets ]

10 Digital Semi-Transparent Coins drop onto her table with Digital Tickets with Bullets images in the center. Evelyn picked them up and they felt so unreal as it looked like they non-physical items but they weren't when she's holding them. She took out her Inventory which has 16 Free Slots, Evelyn used her thoughts and they were in, The Tickets used a Slot while the coins went into a counter telling how much money she has on her.

Evelyn went over to Commander Ascadean, "I have completed my Performance Test."

"let me see." Commander Ascadean took out a tablet and searched for Evelyn's results. "Grade A Performance huh, well, here's a Communication Bracer, it's important to have this on you all times as it'll be the only way you can connect to our frequency and into our communication system. If you give it to the enemy faction intentionally, we'll set you as the enemy of the Wolves of Defiance, so keep it close and out of enemy faction's hands. If you ever lose it, come back to say you lost and we'll give you another and set your old Communication Bracer to self-destruct."

Evelyn puts it on and admires it a bit, Evelyn felt something poke into the arm and comes out. The Communication Bracer change its color scheme to match her own. "It has now only accessible to you, a Staff Officer will contact you to assign you missions to match with your current capabilities. They'll try help you grow stronger so don't worry about them giving you something beyond league to accomplish." Evelyn nods in understanding.

"Shaevlyn is it? Go out of the base and try to hunt some of the creatures roaming outside, it'll help you grow." Evelyn accepts his advice and leaves.


Evelyn admires the forest before her, the space between trees was pretty big but it was most likely due to how freaking big the trees were. Their roots even came out of the ground and became obstacles for living beings like herself.

Evelyn climbed and walked the roots looking for creatures to hunt. There were insects here and there, but they weren't worth killing as they barely give Exp or even drop anything, well, except for some random worthless bone dust and unedible flesh. They were worth only 1 Bronze Cyber Coins due to being only useable in making fertilizer.

Evelyn went around killing them just for those worthless items to earn some money while looking for more worthwhile creatures. As for the Pike Crawler, she has summoned, it was pretty cute even though it has a chitin armored body, 8 pike shaped legs, the 2 front legs were larger and was even barbed, it has a mouth full razor teeth and has 2 eyes. Though the armor isn't chitin as it replaced with black metal armor with dark purple lines coursing around it, the eyes were covered with protective glass plates and glowed the same as the dark purple lines.

It followed Evelyn around, doing all the dirty work. Until it suddenly nudges Evelyn and tells her to follow it, she follows it going under a few layers of root till it got few lights passing through. On this layer that Evelyn found a creature called a Uytian Worker, an insectoid whose capabilities were to just gather food or items, but it does have some fighting capabilities to defend itself.

Evelyn takes out the Fera Stinger-13(SMG) with her right hand the Tome on her left hand, the Tome itself would just float few centimeters off her hand. Evelyn fires off while her Pike Crawler charges at it. The Uytian Worker screeches and fights back at the Pike Crawler as it was the only thing close to it.

Evelyn uses <Dark Cyber Blast> and the Uytian felt an unimaginable pain that it fell on its bum. Evelyn went over and fired a bunch of bullets into its head as it was pretty much a weak spot for every living creature, it was a pretty gory scene, purplish-red blood, and flesh. It explodes in blocks of data and then into thin air, in its place was something new. Uytian Hide and 5ml Uytian Blood Essence.

From the information Evelyn got about these two items were that Uytian Hide can be converted into stronger flexible material like Uytian Fiber Strings, It's one of the only materials that can stretch without tearing unless it's stretched too far then it'll tear. It's defense or protective capabilities are almost nothing so it's just used as noncombat clothes materials. As for Uytian Blood Essence, it's used for increasing Pregnancy Chances, or when used as an ingredient, it could be used to make Uytian Attraction Perfume so it could bring out Uytians nearby.

Evelyn put them away and asks how to make the Uytian Attraction Perfume. They told her it was 5ml Uytian Blood Essence, 1ml Alcoholic Dew, 1 Stem of Berab, and 3 Leaves of Eciri. If Evelyn wants to know what each part does then the Uytian Blood Essence will be what it's targeting, Alcoholic Dew was some low concentrated alcohol but can dull or weaken the senses of the ones smelling it, Berab would be crushed with Eciri, drained and mixed with the Uytian Blood Essence and Alcohol Dew to bring the smell bigger and go farther while also bringing the targeted to the source.

Evelyn was given images of the 3 Ingredients and disappointed how she wasn't able to get any of them as they're in a different area while buying one is out with how the demand for it was big. Alcoholic Dew was rare to get due to it only being formed naturally in nature which takes a few weeks to even form a quarter of a drop. Berab stems are a bit rare and uncommon but its an ingredient needed in most other things to increase something's reaches farther. Eciri Leaves comes from a man-eating plant that's very hard to kill due to its poisonous environment and hallucinations it gives upon smelling it.

Evelyn gave up upon knowing these things and just went on looking something to kill to level up at least once. Evelyn went around searching in the darker areas as it was where her Pike Crawler found it at.


Time went on quickly as Evelyn started hunting Uytian Workers. She met with other players but she didn't interact with them and just avoid them as they give off a feeling that they'll question her appearance as she is using the Skimpy Version. She even encountered a strange man whose package showing out in a display from his pants. She avoided him completely as she knows it that this man was a bit crazy when having such a package that big and showing, not even trying to hide the fact it was that big. The one thing Evelyn could think of that describes that man when looking at such a thing, it would be 'Show off'.

Evelyn went on her way, hunting Uytian Workers and picking up their loot. Evelyn was even lucky enough to get a Uytian Dicks, it's usually used as a D*ldo or could be used as an Ingredient for Aphrodisiac, well, Lesser Grade Lasting Aphrodisiac. There is another type of Aphrodisiac called Potent Aphrodisiac which is obvious what it does, though the duration is not very long. It requires high-level skills to get Lasting Potent Aphrodisiac Version.

Evelyn has reached Level 1 and placed her points into Strength and Agility, to increase her Movement Speed and have a bit higher Physical Damage. Along with encountering a Uytian Warrior, it wielded dual crescent blades, has a knight-like appearance with a cape and it has more a darker green on it.

It Killed her Pike Crawler and there were many close calls but in the end, Evelyn prevailed. It dropped a more Thicker Uytian Dick, 20ml Uytian Blood Essence, Uytian Warrior Hide, and Uytian Warrior Blade. Evelyn found out she could use the Uytian Warrior Blade to make her Pike Crawler stronger as the Uytian Warrior Blade was an Organic Equipment, it wasn't handmade but was something born like an animal's horn but it wasn't stuck to the body but could detach from itself. So with this information, Evelyn decided to left her Pets eat all the Organic Equipment she gains. Though she could use Materials her pets have some requirements and her Pike Crawler requires some materials that can be used as a Weapon or made into a weapon's blade.

Evelyn hunted a few more Uytrian Worker and exits the game. Though she didn't fulfill more than a quarter of her fetish, she was still satisfied with just playing a normal VRMMO gameplay. She accomplished quite a lot of progress to get to fulfilling her desires, that was enough to make her satisfied. Evelyn took a nice nap and then went to school.


Evelyn returns to the game but in the area, she left off but in the Teleportation Station. Evelyn was a bit depressed with the amount of traveling she has to do get to where she was before. She quickly went on a move on so she took out Basic Bike Ride which is much faster than a Basic Roller Ride. It took Evelyn about 10 minutes to get to the deeper levels of the Uytian Festation. Evelyn went a killing spree, taking down 5 Uytrian, resting to regain back max pool, and went back to killing. She repeats this until she eliminated 100 Uytian Workers to draw out a Uytian Warrior. Evelyn was prepared and went with the strategy she made up. It took 6 minutes which was better than the last time where her pet died it taking 7-8 minutes to kill it.

All she got was Basic drops with no male genital involved. Evelyn went to kill another Uytian Warrior and then went back to base to drop off the loot she has. Each Base holds 5 Different Merchants and Various other Services for Players to go to buy or sell stuff. The 5 Main Merchants were Weapon Merchant, Armor Merchant, Gadget Merchant, Medical Merchant, and Mech Merchant. Weapon and Armor Merchant were pretty obvious, Gadget Merchant sold items to do various other things like setting up traps, grappling hooks, etc. Medical Merchant sold various Repenlishments that would do certain things. Mech Merchant will sell things related to Mechs, Players could buy better Mechs, Mech Weapons, and Mech Modules, but they were expensive and Players had to be Level 20 before getting anything related to Mechs. There are also limits on how they could purchase powerful mechs or anything in general. Players have to raise their Reputation to get anything powerfully better.

Then there are the Services they provide at a Cost, Enchantment Station, Body Modification Station, Material Conversion Station, Crafting Station, Warehouse Bank Station, and few other types of stations.

Evelyn sold worthless materials to earn 1 Silver and 23 Bronze. She went over to the Material Conversion Station to convert the Uytian Worker Hides and Uytian Warrior Hides into their string form. Then went over to the Crafting Station to make their Fabric Form while keeping a few pieces of the strings. She stored her materials in the Warehouse Bank Station to leave out more space for newer materials as Evelyn was finally given a Mission.

Her mission was to go over to an outpost that's surrounded by Uytian Workers and Uytian Warriors. This was an opportunity for weaker soldiers to grow stronger so they sent people of Evelyn's Level at minimum to go over and get stronger.

Evelyn had to go through the Teleportation Pad to safely and quickly get over to the Outpost. There she was in a smaller and simpler base, getting to the walls has surprised her with the amounts of Uytian Workers and Warriors roaming around. The Mission was to eliminate and rewards 1 Cyber Bronze Coin per Worker and 10 Cyber Bronze Coins per Warrior. The Exp was pretty large and there were different levels of exp rewards, the higher amount of Uytian Killed, the more Exp awarded. So Evelyn went with killing as much he could and get to S Grade Completion, which was 1,000 Warrior Killed and 100,000 Workers Killed. It was a lot of work but it was worth the loot and exp gains. Luckily there Autolooting during times for Missions, though sadly Auto Loot won't work when killing targets not related to the missions.

I'm not gonna be talking about Evelyn Fought as it mostly sending her Pet in the frontal confrontations while she was on the walls helping other Soldiers fire Rifles only free to use during the mission and cannot be taken away. It took Evelyn a few days to get S Grade Completion, 5 times she has to go to the Warehouse Bank Station to empty her filled up inventory. There was 50 Free Space in the Warehouse while unlocking 10 more space requires a single Cyber Gold Coin for the first time and then doubles when purchasing for more space.

Evelyn held onto the Equipment Loot as she wants to organize what she could give away to her to pet. When completing the Mission she gained so much that she leveled up 7 times, so she has 14 Stat Points, 1 Skill Point, and 7 points in Strength, intelligence, and wisdom. She put in 5 into Agility and Wisdom, then the remaining 4 into vitality while leaving the Skill point alone. Evelyn wants to put more thought into placing it somewhere.

[ Name: Shaevyln]

[ Titles: None ]

[ Faction: Wolves of Defiance ]

[ Class: Tech Warlock ]

[ Level: 8 ]

[ Health Pool: 100/100 ]

[ Energy Pool: 100/100 ]

[ Battery Pool: 1,000/1,000 ]

[ Strength: 12 ]

[ Vitality: 10 ]

[ Endurance: 7 ]

[ Agility: 10 ]

[ Dexterity: 5 ]

[ Intelligence: 14 ]

[ Wisdom: 21 ]

[ Willpower: 10 ]

[ Stat Points: 0 ]

[ Skill Points: 1 ]

[ Cyber Affinity: Dark Cyber Affinity(25%) ]

[ Skills: <Dark Cyber Blast> <Summon: Pike Crawler> ]

1,000*10 = 10,000 Bronze/100 = 100 Silver/100 = 1 Gold

100,000*1 = 100,000 Bronze/100 = 1,000 Silver/100 = 10 Gold

Evelyn earned 11 Cyber Gold Coins Minimum while having a few more Silver and Bronze ones. Evelyn used 3 Cyber Gold Coins to buy 20 Slots in Warehouse Bank Station, Stored and organized everything she earned. She brought out Uytrian Hides to be turned into Strings and 75% of the strings she has would go into becoming Fabrics.

Evelyn picked up rarer materials: Uytian Warrior Cores, and Uytian Chitin Iron Ores. Uytian Warrior Cores or Cores, in general, were used in Enchantment Station to grant either Uytian Trait Stats or Uytian Appearance Mutation. Uytian Trait Stats were to enhance an item's stats or potentially gain an effect related to the Uytian Warrior that it originates from. The Uytian Appearance Mutation was transforming the item into having a similar Appearance Trait with a Uytrian Warrior, it could also affect the item's stats in both good or bad way. Uytian Chitin Iron is an Organic Metal and can be used to Organic/Living Items.

Evelyn put away the Uytrian Warrior Cores, Uytian Chitin Iron Ores, and Uytian Blood Essences for a future need. The Uytian Warrior/Worker Dicks she obtained have piled up quite a lot so Evelyn tried looking at the various Stations that could deal with them. Surprisingly in the Crafting Station, she could create 3 other things than just Aphrodisiac. She could create a Uytian Sperm Production Module Attachment, Living S*x Machine(Uytian), or Uytian Trait Essence. Uytian Sperm Production Module Attachment is greyed out with how it requires some items, and a Breeding Engine Module to attach it to. Living S*x Machine(Uytian) was like a tentacle monster whose tentacles were shaped as Uytian's dick and would follow the user's commands. Uytian Trait Essence is for being used in Body Modification Station to just gain the Uytian Bloodline.

Uytian Trait Essence was easier to make and mass-produce so she used her Uytian Blood Essences and those dicks, with some of the needed tools which could easily buy. It required 100 Uytian Dick of one variety, 20ml of Uytian Blood Essence, and with some specialized tools. There were some failures here and there but Evelyn gained 12 Uytian Worker Trait Essence and 5 Uytian Warrior Trait Essence.

Evelyn quickly entered the Body Modification Station and went over to the Bloodline Section, upon pressing the Section, the station scans Evelyn.

[ Scanning Player's Current Bloodlines... ]

[ No Bloodlines Stored in Players Body ]

[ Scanning Player's Inventory..... ]

[ Discovering Uytian Worker/Warrior Trait Essences ]

[ Adding to List ]

[ Done ]

It then shows the Bloodline Section with Uytian Worker and Warrior Trait Essence with an 'Assimilate' button. Evelyn presses and was asked to choose what Path it'll provide to her, it was Either Stats Path or Skill Path. Evelyn went with Stat Path as the Uytians don't have any Skills that she would want. It shows to her that with Uytian Worker Trait Essence, she could gain 0-5 Endurance or a small percentage change gain bonus stats from Vitality of 0-1. There was also a reminder that it cannot stack stats gained from doing it multiple times, so the Max Stats she could get from Uytian Worker Bloodline was 5 Endurance and 1 Vitality. Evelyn rolled 5 times to get 1 Vitality, but she also only get 3 Endurance. Evelyn took a gamble and rolled once again until her 11th time that she was able to have 5 Endurance and 1 Vitality.

As for Uytian Warrior Bloodline, the min-max stats were 1-10 Strength, Evelyn stopped at her 4th roll with a 7 Strength as she felt she'll lose a few points after rolling again. She stored the extra Uytian Warrior Trait Essence in Warehouse Bank Station and sold Uytian Worker Trait Essence in the Player Auction Station, the time limit for an item to stay on the list was 24 hours and after that, it'll be sold whoever bid the highest or it'll just come back to Evelyn when no one bid for it. The Starting price was 50 Cyber Silver Coins with the 50 Cyber Bronze Coins being the minimum bid.

Also dealing with the Uytian Warrior Equipment, She gave them to her Pike Crawler and it grew bigger reaching stage 2. After that, Evelyn then leaves to rest from the game.


After a day, Evelyn comes back with a notification saying she gained 54 Silvers and 75 Bronze for Selling the Uytian Worker Trait Essence. Evelyn went on a different mission to a different enemy, or enemies.

It was much deeper into the forest so the chances of finding Uytian Warriors were much higher, but since it Outpost is in a different direction and deeper, the chances of Uytian Warriors slimed. Evelyn traveled over to the base and saw a few of them roaming around. They're Uytian Lurkers, Uytian Sentinels, and Uytian Stingers.

Evelyn goes taking them down one by one, seemingly that the Sentinels drops their genital more commonly than the rest of the Uytians. When fighting them, Sentinels were too tough to die, Lurkers were hard to hit, and Stingers always took a distance to shot from afar. But in the end, the rewards from killing were nice, the mission was killing 10 each, and Evelyn would earn enough exp to be so close to leveling up. The money reward was 20 Silvers and 50 Bronzes so it was nice.

Evelyn hunted the required amount and went back to the Tiberald Base to gain access to more variety of stations. From the Material Conversion Station, she could make Uytian Plates, but it has to from Uytian Sentinel's Hide.

Sadly Evelyn could make so few of them, to pass some time, Evelyn went around the Base and found something fun she could do. The place was called the Relief Brothel, from what she could see, it was mostly girls with their bum sticking out and men just coming in to relieve their pent up frustration. Evelyn was given the choice of joining in for 5 Bronze Coins or she could just admire the view. Evelyn gave her 5 Bronzes and was lead to the back, she was told to strip and she can pick a slot where would sit there waiting for someone to have their fun with her.


Well, Evelyn had her fun and I didn't write anything into it as you readers could just imagine it and the contexts would be just there. Let's say she had an enjoyable first-time s*x.

Evelyn went back to the last Outpost to hunt for more Uytian Sentinel Hide along with the other Uytian Hides as she's going for that one special craftable Equipment Set. It Requires to Have All the different Uytian Variants, combining them to make the so-called Uytian Imperial Fabric/String, the pinnacle of the Uytian Materials. The Uytian Commonly Materials were usually of Common and Uncommon Tiers, but when combined, they would become Epic Tier Material.

Evelyn also finds Uytian Sentinels to drop tougher material more commonly, most likely from how robust it was. Killing the Sentinels would drop Uytian Chitin Iron Ores more commonly.

While she goes hunting Uytian Sentinels, Lurkers, and Stingers, she looked at the forums and various media to see what was going around the Lustful Mecha Savior World. Olympus Guild is doing big things in the Institute of Order Faction. In the Blood Raider Brotherhood, all sorts of Pkers and Criminals start appearing and doing what they do best, killing players. Their missions mostly were to attack, raid, or steal things from other Factions. Though they were hard, for Good Minded Players that is, it was like Normal Difficulty for Evil Minded Players.

There were also other big figures playing the games and them pretty much above 20. Other Big Figures weren't in the game due to having more bigger importance on other games that don't have a big notice on Sexual Content. There were many Instances that players could join, but they were too high level for them, usually around 20 and above. Though the combat gets real harder when doing the Instances. Many other things appeared around, there also one talking about the Trait Essences, the talk was started when Evelyn sold Uytian Worker Trait Essence in the Player Auction Station.

.... You know what this means... Timeskippy! This isn't a PROPER story!

Past few days, more Players start appearing to fight with the Uytian Mobs, especially with the Guild Members start popping in demanding that they're gonna take over but then get rebutted by other Guild Members, it goes on and on, on who's taking over the farming area. Evelyn wasn't gonna deal with them and just goes farther into the forest to just stay away from them.

Deep in the forest, Evelyn starts encountering more Uytian Mobs in groups. Evelyn even spots Uytian Spawn Pools, they were like Giants and were disgusting as pods on it's back that would drop Random Uytian Mobs. She was then given a Chain Mission into Eliminating them and to investigate if there was a nearby nest. Sadly there wasn't an Event Mission appearing, even when she found the Uytian Hive Nest.

Though instead of an Event Mission, it was an Instance. Evelyn didn't go into the Instance and just Farms the Uytian Mobs to get their Hides, Cores, and their other drops.

Welp, it was 1 week later that Evelyn decides to into the Instance, Evelyn was Level 16, her Strength and Intelligence were 30, Dexterity to 12, Agility to 15. There wasn't once that she increased her Health Pool or Energy Pool since if she did, they were going up by 50, but she didn't as she thinks it would be waste. She thought if they didn't hit her, her Health Point wouldn't go down, and she planned that she wasn't gonna be using Spells much so Energy Pool wasn't increased. As for her Skill Points, She puts one in <Dark Cyber Blast> to gain 150% Energy Damage, with 15% Chance to Knock Back. Reaching Level 10 unlocked new skills: <Painful Leech> <Grasping Chains> <Soul Scream> <Dark Cyber Bolt>.

<Painful Leech> causes 50% Energy Damage per second at the duration of 50% Intelligence in Seconds. Though costs 40 Energy Points and has a 20-second Cooldown.

<Grasping Chains> locks the target in chains on where they stand for 1 Second and reduces the target's Physical and Energy Defence by 30%. Costs 40 Energy Points and has 15 Second Cooldown.

<Soul Scream> causes the target to be in a Panic State for 3 Second, 110% Energy Damage. Costs 50 Energy Points and has 20 Second Cooldown.

<Dark Cyber Bolt> Deal 150% Energy Damage and 1% Chance of doing Penetration Damage. Cost 30 Energy Points and has 10 Second Cooldown.

Evelyn picks <Grasping Chains> to just keep them moving and in bonus is reducing their armor. Leaving behind 1 Skill point for later use.

Upon entering, Evelyn received an Instance Mission. it was to kill the Uytian Queen, in return, gain 1 Random Equipment that corresponds to her class, bonus exp, and 50 Silvers. A notification appears saying that being the First One to Discover the Uytian Hive Instance, she's rewarded 100% Chance Drops from the Instance's Mobs, and it lasts for the entire day. Overpowered, yes, but this game isn't supposed to be another world where players can just live here and have a life. This game is supposed to be oriented by 3 Things, its sexual content, instances, and constant war between factions and players. The 100% Chance of Loot Drops are opportunistic chances for players to gain advantages. Mmmmmm, I feel like I know how to explain this better but it exits my head.

Evelyn was excited about the amount of loot she was gonna get, but the moment she faces her opponents, she instantly becomes depressed. She faced with new Uytian Mobs called Berserkers and Knights, they were tougher than any of the other Uytian Mobs. The Berserkers were like monsters, they were humanoid-shaped but were equipped with claws and fought like Mad Beasts. The Knights didn't fight like mad but they fought with Shield and Sword, but in addition to that, they could also fire sticky resins to slow her down which dangerous to be hit with when facing powerful enemies like Uytian Knights and Berserkers.

Evelyn fought with everything she has, her pet which is now a Stage 3 Pike Crawler, was having a hard time staying alive enough for her to kill them. Thankfully, Revival Companions can learn from their mistakes.

Evelyn soon faced off with the Uytian Queen, she was large as a Uytian Spawn Pool, cool, slick, and smooth appearance. From beginning to end, it lasted an hour as Evelyn tried so hard to not die, even though the Death Penalty will activate when reaching level 20 Evelyn didn't want to die and wanted to try to stay alive and never die throughout the game. The Uytian Queen has 8 Abilities and 3 Stages, in her first stage is that she just uses <Spike Bullets>, <Resin Slow Bomb>, and <Vine Whiplash>. On Stage 2 when she's 50% Health left, she will now use <Summon: Uytian Spawn Pod>, <Explosive Resin Bomb>, and <Transformation: Stage 2 Uytian Queen>. <Summon: Uytian Spawn Pod> would create 5 pods everywhere and would summon a random Uytian Mob, ranging from a Weak Uytian Worker to a Crazy Uytian Berserker. <Explosive Resin Bomb> is like a <Resin Slow Bomb> but instead of sending sticky resin everywhere, it'll Explode and its remnants are acidic. <Transformation: Combative Uytian Queen> is simple, transforming into a more aggressive form than the passive looking form in stage 1. Upon reaching Stage 3 when the Queen is at 10%, she uses <Berserk Mode> and <Uytian Regenerating Shield>. <Berserk Mode> is to have 50% Increase Damage output on everything user uses, usually has a time limit, but when a Boss uses it, it lasts forever. <Uytian Regenerating Shield> is giving the Uytian Queen a shield that equal to 10% of her health, if the attacker doesn't damage the shield after 5 seconds, it'll regenerate until the Shield is gone.

Evelyn has to constantly damage the shield until it's gone while facing the many dangers going after her. It was the reason she has to take an entire hour to kill her and her spawns that won't go away. As for the Drops, the Uytian Queen drops Uytian Queen Hide, 500ml Uytian Blood Essence, Uytian Queen Onahole that male players can jack off with, Uytian Queen's Wing, 100ml Uytian Royal Blood Essence, and just some forgettable Uytian Equipment Drops that we would talk about later on the next Part on Lustful Mecha Savior! surprisingly this story is getting pretty long so I'm gonna have to put it on another chapter page. If you got complaints, I won't read them until I feel like it as it's my mistakes and the problems that you can't withstand to see. See ya later!