
The R-18 Sci-fi VRMMO (Part 2)

Welcome back! We're not gonna continue where we left off! Well, I'm just gonna tell she was also given Treasure Box for completing the Instance without leaving one enemy behind, even if there was a Hidden Room, there isn't, there isn't gonna be an Instance with hidden rooms unless there is Mission in that Instance that requires to find a secret room to find some things or fight some hidden boss.

In that Treasure Box, Evelyn gained 3 things, Uytian Accessory Outfit, Emerald Uytian Rifle, and Skillbook: <Spike Bullet>. Uytian Accessory Outfit was just a pair of wings from the Uytian Outfit Set. The developers decided to put in the Outfit System just for the fun for players and the overall just for more content in the game that players could strive for having. Outfits don't give stats and just there for the appearance. Players can make their outfits but have to be only for the Corps, or Guilds that everyone is used to in the Gaming Community. Emerald Uytian Rifle is from the Rare Gem Series, as when an Equipment has a Gem's name it indicates that it's a better version than the one without a Gem in its name. Also if you guys don't remember or I never say it, any side weapons are usable by any class, so to what's considered a Side Weapon in the game, it would be Pistols, SMGs, Explosive Weapons like Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, etc., Daggers/Knives, Shotguns, and LMGs. Assault Rifles are limited to Shadow Marksman, Specialist Agent, and Mechanic Summoner. Sniper Rifles goes to Shadow Marksman and Specialist Agent Classes.

Evelyn can't use the Emerald Uytian Rifle so the only thing she could do was auction it to other Players and in the end gain 1 Gold, 45 Silvers, and 80 Bronzes.

She spent all day and night farming the Uytian Hive Instance to have the full value of the First Discovery Buff. In the end, she completed it 21 times gaining all the guaranteed loots, but from then on the past 5 days of farming the instance, Evelyn managed to complete on getting a full Emerald Uytian Tech Warlock Set even though she was gonna make the Uytian Royal Tech Warlock Set. The reason for getting the Emerald Uytian Tech Warlock Set was to make a new Uytian Equipment Set that appeared when getting the Emerald Uytian Tech Warlock piece. It's called Royal Emerald Empire Uytian Set and pieces were a: Hood, Chest, pauldrons, gloves, bottom, heels, side cape, bracelets, ring, necklace, and belt. Well, there were two types of Sets in that list, the Hood, Chest, Pauldrons, Gloves, Bottom, and Heels, while the other Set is the side cape, belt, necklace, bracelet, and ring. The Entire Set required the Imperial Fabric and String, Emerald Uytian Sets, Uytian Royal Blood Essence, Uytian Scales, Uytian Chitin Iron Ingots, and few other things if you readers remember the other drops as I'm sure that I don't freaking remember.

When Evelyn wears it, she looks freaking cool with the Dark and Light Green with Purple Tinges for a Tech Warlock Set. It was Uytian Theme which made things a bit cooler with how I should at Imagine it as if you readers been looking up Insectoids on how their appearance or design could've looked around, in a cool way though, the game isn't designed around to being realistic. Though that's Normal Version if you guys remember there are 2 Versions of Armor Appearances, to what's a Skimpy Version is, use the Outfit System, that's the Skimpy Version of every Uytian Armor Set, or for every Armor Sets out there, Outfit System always got them. Though.... to satisfy everyone's curiosity, there are no Skimpy Versions for Males, male player's outfits are just cooler versions with particle effects. Every Outfit has a particle effect, though if a player has the Particle Aesthetic Enchantment unlocked then players could add more different particle effects to top the outfits, or just add them onto non-outfits.

Well, now that Evelyn has the entire set, which gives 3 effects, one from Armor Set, another from Side Set, and one from the 2 Sets combined. Reminder, only Items with no Sets can have their Skills embedded in them, Item Sets can only get Skills in them when they come together so... Royal Emerald Empire Uytian Tech Warlock Armor Set gives the Skills <Uytian Queen's Wrath> and <Uytian Regenerative Shield>, the regenerative shield is already told, it's the same as the Queen's, the <Uytian Queen's Wrath> sets a mark on the target that every second, a spike will appear to impale them for 200% Physical Damage, it'll last for 20 seconds and they're avoidable of the Target is skilled enough to dodge them before they could impale them, or in another way, have someone block the spikes. The Side Set gives <Uytian's Guards> which temporarily summons Uytian Guards, they're similar to Uytian Knight, but they don't have a sword but a much larger shield and they can only Block Attacks and Slow or Stuck the enemies in place. Now, when two Sets come together, <Transformation: Combatative Uytian Queen> appears, now Evelyn can become the Uytian Queen in her Aggressive Form, Evelyn can use and only every skill the queen has, though unlock the actual Queen herself, Evelyn's has cooldowns, so she has to be strategic on using which ones is good to use.

Oh, about her SMG and Tome, Evelyn changed them with Royal Emerald Empire Uytian SMG, Pistol, and Tome. reason for having the Pistol was that the SMG was Auto-Fire, so she has to have something to use to fire accurately and not go blazing bullets everywhere. Though they don't give a skill or part of the Sets, they go have effects, which is that they mostly have the chances of inflicting Infection Status, which is dealing 1 Health Point until the infected deals with it or they'll spread it. Unlike Poison Status, Infection Status will spread until everyone nearby is affected.

Evelyn adds on top of what her Equipment gives her is when she uses the Cores, Warrior, Lurker, Stinger, Sentinel, Spawn Pool, Berserker, Knight, and then Queen. Now what I'm gonna tell is that it's gonna disregard another thing about, which is that Cores will give only 1 Effect which is only called Uytian Enchantment, cores can only be used 10 times, if a person is lucky, he or she can have an item have an effect which is boosted 9 times, or just have an Increased Stats if it fails to give an effect or boosting it. Now due to Uytian Hive has 8 Variation that can drop their core(s), Uytian Enchantment can be enhanced further 80 or 79 more times. Evelyn spent the few next days in gathering Uytian Queen Cores and after having enhanced them 80 times each, Evelyn took a few days off from the game to rest her tired mind from gaming too hard.

After her break, this is where we'll probably start, Evelyn is gonna start using those genitals to create Trait Essences. She made them and entered the Body Modification Station, she rerolls her Uytian Warrior Essence, I'm gonna call it Essence from now on as I feel Bloodline is out of place, in the same time I feel the word Essence is used too much but that's how it's gonna be...

When Uytian Warrior Essence gave the max 10 Strength, Evelyn goes for Lurker next. It gives 5-10 Agility, for the others so I don't have to go about them later, Stinger gives 5-10 Dexterity, Sentinel gives 1-5 Endurance and 1-5 Vitality, Spawn Pool gives 1-5 Intelligence and 1-5 Willpower, Berserker gives 5-15 Strength and 1-5 Agility, Uytian Knight gives 5-10 Endurance and 5-10 Willpower, and lastly Uytian Queen gives 5-20 Wisdom and 5-10 Intelligence. Evelyn spent tons of Trait Essences to get them at Max while she has gotten incredibly Lucky to get Max Stats on Uytian Queen as she has only 10 of them and just uses her 6th one to get all max.

Evelyn then Auctions all the extras without caring to be more skillful in getting more money as she wasn't playing the game for money for the fun and fulfilling her fetishes. Along the way, she sold all the no longer useful Uytian Materials as they made items that are too weak for her to use while keeping all the Uytian Cores. Though some of the Uytian Materials can make some fun items, there are better ones. Thank the gods that Evelyn decided to separate them in smaller but equal stacks just for more Cyber Coins. Even though! She could get more Cyber Coins if she just I don't know, do the same thing she did with the Materials but also onto the Trait Essences. The Trait Essences were on-demand now!

Evelyn went over to the Mech Merchant to check his wares as she was now Level 20, or accurately Level 22, as she farmed the Uytian Hive Instance hard. Reaching unlocked 3 New Skills and 1 Skill to get to use their Mechs.

<Life Drain> Steal 0.1 HP from the target per second forever until canceled or attacked, in the same, it requires the user to stay still and the casting takes 5 seconds.

<Summon: Cybernetic Banshee> Summons a Cybernetic Banshee, a floating woman whose body is covered in tech as if it was part of her body. The only area thing that shows skin was jawline, mouth, and nose area, so mostly the bottom of the head area. In combat, she causes mostly crowd control and damage on the side. Requires Electronic Type Items for evolution.

<Summon: Dark Cyber Elemental> Summon a Dark Cyber Elemental, looks like a large creature made out of polygons, pitch-black inside while on the outside it's dark purple. it has armor around it. It has particle effects of polygons floating out of it. The way it fights is that it tanks damage and shoots dark purple polygons like a flamethrower or coating its fists. Requires Data Type or Armor Items for its Evolution

<Transformation: Mech Mode> Transform into the Assigned/Equipped Mech and Drains Battery Pool to maintain the materialization of the Mech, the Drainage depends on the Mech

Evelyn spends one on <Transformation: Mech Mode> and <Summon: Dark Cyber Elemental> to have a tank, it's gonna be hard on upgrading the Elemental but it's worth having a tank.

Well, when she looks at the things the Mech Merchant Sells, she was dumbfounded. The wares were freaking expensive, the lowest one was just 1 Gold while the highest was around thousands of gold. Evelyn left immediately along with leaving the game as she needs to rest her head and think of a plan to get more Gold and find another place to get better stuff.


Evelyn is walking to the Teleportation Pad to get to her next destination, The Rusty Junkyard, the place where all broken or unusable tech is thrown away at to soon be later recycled. Though later on the recycling processes were slowed down by inventors who like creating something out of the trash and soon, later on, make it better. But then an evil inventor decides to take over the Junkyard to mass-produce his army of Junkyard Robots which are insects by Experts, so the higher-ups just ignore the mad inventor in his stupid idea of making an army of robots out of junk.

They gave out missions in reducing the army even though they're not a threat, the only threat gives attention is the amount of them roaming around, so just send newbies in mowing the numbers.

When Evelyn appeared in the Junkyard's teleportation pad, she was instantly greeted by the mountains of piled up rusting broken tech. Evelyn explored the area a bit finding both weird and interesting things, sadly she wasn't able to use them unless she could build things together, but can't do that as she wasn't a mechanic or tech enthusiast. Even if she were to present them into the Crafting Station or Material Conversion Station, they won't say a thing about what they could do with it.

She was a bit disappointed that she couldn't abuse the power of just grabbing a bunch of junk and turn them into something useful. She even met with Scavenger Bots, they were just peacefully picking up random junk on the floor, upon reaching their detection range, their eyes go red and go ham on Evelyn. She dodged their attacks and summoned out her Stage 4 Pike and Stage 1 Dark Cyber Elemental. When looking closely it kinda looks like the Clean vs the Dirty, Pike Crawler and Dark Cyber Elemental with their clean and shiny bodies compared with the Scavenger Bot's look, there is a major difference

Anyways, upon death, they dropped: Outdated Chip, Broken Electronic Board, and Copper Wire Strand that's about 1 foot long. Evelyn killed a bunch of them and searched on the Crafting Station on what she could make, nothing, so she then went to the Material Conversion Station and there were things she could make. Updated Chip, Updated Electronic Board, and Roll of Copper Wire. It took a Hundred Outdated Chips to make 1 Updated Electronic Board, 10 Broken ones for 1 Updated Electronic Board, and 1,000 Pieces for a Roll of Copper Wire. These requirements were crazy but if she would think about it, it would require a lot to get something from an old-time where now it's better and higher-tech with how to advance machinery was and they now require better electronics in them to keep them working better than ever.

Evelyn sighs and went back to work, endless farming on Scavenger Bots and bits of Screw Shooters, it's a weak robot that can shoot at a near rapid firing of pointy screws. From the Screw Shooters, they dropped: Rusty Screws, Dull Nails, and Outdated Piston, they also dropped Copper Wire Strands, Broken Electronic Boards, and Outdated Chips, the 6 things have will have only 3 of them to drop, so when a Screw Shooter dies, out of the 6 things it could drop, only 3 will drop with unknown quantity for Rusty Screws, Dull Nails, and Copper Wire.

Evelyn killed every Scavenger Bot and Screw Shooter is getting stacks of loot, which is 999 max. So the past few days were just farming those drops, Updated Chips and Electronics can go to the next level which is Advance Chips and Electronics, it needs 100 Chips and Electronics of their Updated Versions to make the Advance Versions.

Evelyn made the Advance version with all the Updated ones she has. After that, she didn't go back to farming but to explore deeper into the Junkyard. Met with the Crackling Beast Bot and Rusty Junk Knight, the Crackling Beast Bot was creepy with its looks and the crackling sound it makes. Rusty Knight was just a Scavenger Bot plated up, holding a shield and sword made from junk. Evelyn found Crackling Beast Bot too creepy to fight and the Rusty Junk Knight was just an armored and armed Scavenger Bot.

As to what they drop, Crackling Beast Bot drops Rusty Engine while Rusty Junk Knight drops Rusting Iron Plate, then there is now the considered drops that every Mob has in the area, which is the Outdated Chips, Broken Electronics, and Copper Wire Strands. Evelyn killed a few more of them and journeyed further into the Junkyard.

Encountering Flying Screw Shooters and Armored Junk Juggernaut. The Flying Screw Shooters were very annoying to fight as they were Screw Shooters with jet packs, Armored Junk Juggernaut was a large, fat, robot that was hard to kill as it's armor was layered upon layer, Evelyn had to try to disturb its internal frame, which is surprisingly fragile. There were two ways Evelyn found to do it, have it crash into walls of junk or hit it with blunt objects with enough force to do some impactful hit.

Kill them, Evelyn gained Unstable Jet Boosters from the Flying Screw Shooters and Rusty Reinforced Iron Plates from Armored Junk Juggernauts, she then went back as she felt it was gonna be much harder to fight enemies in the deeper areas as the names of the Armored Junk Juggernauts were Orange, which indicates that the enemy was hard to handle with her current capabilities. To know the levels of discrepancies between the Mob and Player, the mob's name would either from easiest to nightmare, Grey, White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, and Blood Red, the names won't be the color but it would glow that color.

So when Evelyn checked up with the Unstable Boosters and Rusty Reinforced Iron Plates, Unstable Boosters would turn into Outdated Boosters, and Rusty Reinforced Iron Plates would become Rusty Reinforced Iron Plates, clean and not degrading by rust. Evelyn went back to the Tiberald Base to have some fun before working her ass off.

Evelyn went back to that anonymous brothel to have some rounds, there were even two other different sessions she wanted to do, which was one being stuck in a fake wall with a mask to cover identity and there was an orgy that girls could do but they wouldn't be able to see most of the time for identity protection purposes.


The next day, Evelyn went straight to farming all sorts of loots she can get her hands on. On the latter days, Evelyn soon found the importance of the Chips, Electronics, Copper Wires, Engines, Jet Boosters, and more.

Evelyn lowered her time on farming and had times in the brothel to ease her stress. The past month, Evelyn found the game to be hard to progress as she saw the difficulties in wars she has seen from various videoes and streams of players and guilds trying to be part of the war. It was a slaughter for players when they tried to participate in the war between factions.

There was a competition in the Junkyard between players, Evelyn was getting tired of the sight of players fighting and arguing against each other. Evelyn has seen the many things that the chips and others could make, especially the Mech Parts, she found a Mech Factory Station in the Junkyard, it was hidden somewhere in deep piles of junk and the pathway to getting to it was narrow. She felt the excitement of building her Mech, a new experience for her, to follow that excitement, she farmed harder into the Junkyard, encountering Steaming Junk Warrior and the Local Mini-Bosses Autonomous Broken Mechs. Steaming Junk Warrior drops the Broken Frame Parts while Autonomous Broken Mechs drop the Unsystematic Control System Boards and Broken Hard Drives.

At the same time in farming for her Mech Parts, she decides to study harder so her grades won't be affected by just spending time in the game farming. In the game, many players were attracted by Evelyn's skills and being abnormally killing tons of Mobs for their drops, making her a bit famous.

At the end of the Month, Evelyn was level 30, there were no Sets of Skills she can learn, but she did upgrade her <Dark Cyber Blast> and <Grasping Chains> to their next level. while placing evenly on Dexterity and Agility. Pike Crawler wasn't able to get to Stage 5 due to not getting any Organic Items, her Dark Cyber Elemental stayed Stage 1, she wasn't ready to give away her Chips, Electronics and such until she made her Mech, then she'll give away what extras she has. The Parts she has been all at the final and highest tech level she could get, which was Crystalized Tech. The evolution of techs example would be from lowest to highest is Outdated Chip, Updated Chip, Advance Chip, Quantum Chip, and Crystalized Tech Chip. She then combines them all to make what she thinks is the highest level of technology in the game, Cosmic Crystal Tech Frame Cube. This item can upgrade a machinery's current tech to the highest level of tech version of itself. Sadly though, it's only for the Internal Systems of the machinery, there was another piece that it can combine with to make the Cosmic Crystal Tech Evolution Cube, it's called the Cosmic Crystal Tech Body Cube, she guessed it supposedly could make the machine's outer frames like the armor to the highest of technology.

Evelyn wasn't able to make the Cosmic Crystal Tech Body Cube due to not being able to know what to make it, there wasn't even a hint it. The only thing she could do to find how to make it was to find the materials that could make it. Evelyn looked through the game's map, books, and in the Player Auctions to see if there was any material that would hint to anything mech related. There was nothing and she could only be depressed and go back to farming Data Type Items like Chips to feed her Dark Cyber Elemental, Evelyn evolved it to Stage 5 in a few days of constant farming. A Stage 5 Dark Cyber Elemental was large and fierce-looking, that's all I'm gonna say.

Evelyn went to a f**king spree to release all her pent up stress in the past days of searching a way to get that other piece. Coincidentally when she was trying out some alcoholic drink, she heard something from nearby players.

Player 1: "Hey, have you heard? Recently the Guild Leader made an item called the Mech Armor Upgrade Frame Module, what it does is incredible, it could turn a Mech's durability to C."

Player 2: "Really? How do you think he was able to get something like that?"

Player 1: "I think it was around they had an expedition in the deeper areas of the Rusty Junkyard, they were fightings against Mechs, actual mechs I say, luckily that group had players around level 20 to turn into Mechs to fend them back."

Evelyn's eyes were twitching, she was scolding herself on the answer to the materials for making the Cosmic Crystal Tech Body Cube was in front of her eyes the whole time! In the freaking deeper levels. Evelyn quickly left the Bar and back to the Rusty Junkyard, on the way, she looked at the Missions she could do, sadly all of them were in different areas.


In the deeper levels of the Rusty Junkyard, she faced off against, Tattered Gorilla Beast Mech, Unstable Reinforced Scout Mech, and Uncontrolled Rusty Blaster Mech. The Tattered Gorilla Beast Mech gave her various pieces for the arms of a mech, Unstable Reinforced Scout Mech had uncontrollable speed which made it crash a lot, drop mech parts in the legs. Uncontrolled Rusty Blaster Mech gave pieces in the putting weapons on the arm, shoulders, and back, along with old ammo batteries for mechs with their inbuilt energy weapons. Took Evelyn a few days to adjust with the mobs fighting styles before leaving towards the deeper parts.

In the even deeper parts, Evelyn could see that the mounds of junk are slowly becoming mounds of broken and destroyed mechs. Evelyn encountered Junk Rebuilt MSCM-0157 Mechs, she knew a bit about these mechs, they were made and used in the old times when there weren't factions and were jointly working together. When fighting them, they almost evenly matched with her mech in stats but was easily beaten down when comparing between Simple A.I. controlled and Sentient Pilot.


Fast-forwarding as I don't think I should be continuing to tell more details and details as it'll make me hurt my head and probably my creativity, having complicated details might make me drop this as I cannot remember all the little things and having to go back to look for them.

Evelyn fought with Rust Operator Mech, Rust Knight Mech, Rust Imperial Knight Mech, obtained their loot, spent another month of gathering, thankfully to upgrade them to higher-tech level has fewer quantity requirements.

Now Evelyn holds the Cosmic Crystal Tech Evolution Cube, she even gained an achievement and title for making a Cosmic Crystal Tech Evolution Cube. She was also given notice that she could only own one and its player bound so she wouldn't worry about losing it upon death. It also told Evelyn that only 20 Can be made so she wouldn't have to worry about going against dozens of players with Cosmic Crystal Tech Evolution Cubes.

When using it onto her Sevalimax-03, it could be used as a Module which gives her Mech capable of Evolution and it'll be locked onto the Mech until it achieves max evolution which is unknown to know its maxed evolution as there are endless kinds of evolutions that could be achieved. Evelyn confirmed in using it on the Sevalimax-03, Evelyn was suddenly sent into the dark world with the Cube floating brightly and her Sevalimax-03 standing on the other side.

The Cosmic Crystal Tech Evolution Cube enters her Mech and it starts convulsing, it's chunky and dull appearance starts to reform into a more humanoid shape than with it just having a large body, arm, and leg, now it has a humanoid body with an actual head on it. It had this frame of a Knight and King, it's color scheme was just pitch black with purple eyes glowing, it has black smoke falling from its body, the transformation was completed. Evelyn was given the details of her new Mech, Void Wraith Mech.

[ Name: Void Wraith ]

[ Power: A ]

[ Speed: A ]

[ Durability: A ]

[ Weapons: Hidden Blade Blaster | Mini Cannon Blasters | Mini Missile Launchers | Banshee Mode ]

[ Modules: Dark Cyber Forcefield | Dark Cyber Mist Flight | Cosmic Crystal Tech Evolution Cube ]

Evelyn was then given a 10 Hour Test Run when trying to enter the mech, it's chest opens up and transparent platforms appeared. She went up to it and found it no being the classic Mech Cockpit, she held onto the bar that just appears to help her carefully place her folded legs, leaning on the back cushions and inserting her arms on the side holes. Evelyn relaxes as the mech starts to close itself, the holes for the arms start to close in locking her fingers to shoulder in place. It incloses closely to her body as her clothes/armor disappears, pads start sticking to her and her legs were being closely locked in place. As a helm comes in to suck her consciousness away, she felt her two holes below being impaled and her pee hole being also impaled and draining away all the pee there was as players were given the ability to generate piss and poop, it's a bad thing to most people as they had to go to the restroom in the game which most other games don't give players with so they don't have to give much importance in going to the restroom. Well, when she was impaled down below, tubes come in her nose and mouth to obviously and most likely her air to breathe.

When the helm came closing in, ear pads came in with some thinner things that penetrated her ear. Her hair was tightly wrapped and safely placed away and then her head was now fully enclosed, her eyes were faced a visor screen and then her consciousness was flown away in her mech. Now Evelyn was fully part of her mech and could fully control every part of her mech. She could even control her weapons attached to her like they were skills, and her vision was like a HUB with many things on the side that indicates things like her weapons that are functioning, the temperature outside, the direction of the wind currents.

She tried using Hidden Blade Blaster, it comes out from her left arm, unsheathing a blade out and then splitting out from the middle, moving to side and back, locking in place, a barrel pops out a bit and there's the whole thing. Test Dummies appeared around moving but not attacking. There was an option to activate the blade which she did and from the blade on the sides of the barrel shoots out purple energy blades. She swung and fired a bit, then tried out the Mini cannon Blasters and Mini Missile Launchers. Mini Cannon Blasters came out from the sides under the arms shooting purple-colored beams. Mini Missile Launchers uncovered themselves from the back and shoulders, there were 6 Barrels for the Mini Cannon Blasters and 24 for Mini Missile Launchers, 4 on both shoulders and 6 in 2 verticle rows of 3 on each side where the should blade should be on the human body.

Evelyn then tried out the Dark Cyber Mist Flight, her mech starts emitting large amounts of dark smoke and then flew around lasting 10 seconds airborne. Now for the last thing, Banshee Mode, upon activation, Evelyn Mech Body convulses as it slowly transforms, her head transformed into a different one, her eyes were V-shaped and lines came down from the sides as if it was crying. When her head shifted, a terrible scream was let out as if it was in agony. Her body was fully transformed and many things popped out of her body, in appearance, the most noticeable thing was the purple light lines everywhere. Her mech's stats were all raised to the next level, which is S.

The new functions given are Void Turrets which are 5 in total and they seemingly come from the back, arms, and legs. They fly around shooting beams, they would always move then shoot and then repeat. And the Scream EMP that Evelyn would just send a similar scream during transformation and it'll cause damage and disruption on their tech. It could even have the chance on exploding as the tech hit would give out sparks when they're inflicted.

Then there are the boosts, the energy blade from Hidden Blade Blaster would grow longer and more lethal. The blaster part would send larger and impactful beams. The Mini Cannon Blasters would send a longer beam and can change a direction once when the target dodges out of the way. As for the Mini Missile Launchers, it'll fire twice in a second delay before another round gets loaded in. There is a Cost to entering Banshee mode, which is doubling the drainage from her Battery Pool. Evelyn could see the drainage amount on her HUB which is 20 per second, originally was 10 per second so that she could last around a minute but when it goes to 20, she could only last around 50 seconds.

The only way to reduce this was by getting an Engine Module, Modules that'll help reduce the consumption of the Battery Pool by generating enough fuel to lessen the consumption on the battery pool. There were 3 types of Engines that Evelyn found in the wares of the Mech Merchant: Energy Generating Engine Module, Life Fuel Engine Module, and Breeding Engine Module.

These 3 Engine Modules have both consequences in using them. Energy Generating Engine Module consumes mana amplifies and converts it into the battery pool, so players can make use of their Energy to convert them into the battery pool to replenish lost battery pool points. But when it's gone, players will be in the state of Energy Drained, for a certain period, their Energy cannot be regenerated, if forced, it turns that energy that's supposed to regained into damage. Also, there is a 5 Quality Types, Low Grade, Mid Grade, High Grade, Advance Grade, and Pinnacle Grade. In Energy Generating Engine Module, Low Grade converts 1% of their Mana and multiply them by 1.5. Mid Grade multiplies it by 2, High Grade by 3, Advance Grade by 4, and Pinnacle by 5.

Life Fuel Engine Module does something demeriting if trying to use it in farming as whatever the player kills will have its life converted into the Battery Pool but at the same time, nothing will be dropped from their deaths other than fuel for the mech to last longer. So unless a player is willing to use it, they won't be able to farm for loot using their Mech ever again until they remove it at the Factory Mech Station which is hard to find as they would be hidden somewhere in a location where the human race has control in, so if someone was in a location where there is no human outpost or base, there is definitely no Mech Factory Station anywhere. But anyways, Low Grade converts 1% of the killed one's Max Health into the battery pool. Mid Grade Converts 5%, High-Grade Converts 10%, Advance Grade Converts 20%, Pinnacle converts 25%.

Breeding Engine Module so for those has some egg birthing fetishes or interests, well that's for the female version, the male version is that the machine helps boys ejaculate, takes their sperm to combine with others to create an egg which is then converted into the Battery Pool to fuel the Mech. Also, it has Side Attachments which are supposedly the Sperm Generators of certain species, and when their egg is formed, depending on how unique or strong that species is, they'll give out a lot of fuel, if they're not, little will be given into the Battery Pool. Low Grades will only have 1 Side Attachment Slot and it'll generate the number of eggs in the female's womb according to the number of Side Attachments. Mid Grade provides 2 Slots, High Grade has 3 Slots, Advance Grade has 4, and Pinnacle has 5. Though there is a warning that some powerful species sperms might have a chance to form a pretty large egg.

As a woman of lust, Evelyn is, of course, is going for the Breeding Engine Module. When Evelyn got out of the Test Run World, she went back to the Tiberald Base and spent 80% of her money to get the High-Grade Breeding Engine Module. Now all that was left was Side Attachment for the Breeding Engine Module. Luckily she knew how to make one so she went to the Uytian Hive Instance, killed the Uytian Queen multiple times to get the required amount of her Onahole, and crafted the Royal Uytian Sperm Production Module Attachment, better than the other one.

Evelyn went back to the Rusty Junkyard but upon going to the spot where the Mech Factory Station was, it was crowded by players, accurately speaking, Guild Players. They were not letting anyone gain access to it, no players cannot kill each other of the same Faction, they were able to fistfight or skirmishes without using weapons or lethal attacks. They could fight amongst themselves as long they don't use anything that'll register damage.

Evelyn went back to the Tiberald Base to look for the Mech Factory there, took an hour of search that she found in the most unnoticeable spot ever. Activating the Mech Factory Station, it opens up and she goes in, inside it brightens up and all sorts of screens appeared, even her inventory. Evelyn brought up her Mech and slid out the High-Grade Breeding Engine Module onto Void Wraith.

It convulses and shifts it's appearance a bit to fit with the Engine Module being added onto it.

[ Name: Void Wraith ]

[ Power: A ]

[ Speed: A ]

[ Durability: A ]

[ Weapons: Hidden Blade Blaster | Mini Cannon Blasters | Mini Missile Launchers | Banshee Mode ]

[ Modules: Dark Cyber Forcefield | Dark Cyber Mist Flight | Cosmic Crystal Tech Evolution Cube ]

[ Engine Module: Crystalline Essence Breeding Engine

Side Attachment: Royal Uytian Sperm Production Attachment ]

Evelyn exits it and looks at her missions: Eliminate Spore Beasts, Eliminate the Flesh Raider Gang Members, Collect Hides of Steel Lizards, Collect Biomaterials of Floating Electricity Jellyfishes, or Killing Poisonous Frogratain. Spore Beasts are one of the environments changing creatures, they shoot out spores from their bodies to affect their environment, it'll mutate the surroundings to grow all sorts of fungus, poisonous plants, and the air would bit toxic to breathe in. Spore Beasts have been getting close to the Tiberald Base so they sent capable people to eliminate them.

Flesh Raider Gang is one of the big groups in the Blood Raider Brotherhood, they have set up an outpost nearby, they haven't settled a good footing there so it was a chance to attack them before they could set up properly.

Steel Lizards are very tough, aggressive, and hungry for metal. Their Steel Hide is Organic Steel Metal, if they could get their hands on their Steel Hide, they could use it to make stronger tools or better mechs.

Floating Electricity Jellyfishes are large jellyfishes that float mid-air, they're passive creatures, but when attacked, every nearby Jellyfish will come to attack together. Their bodies very dangerous to touch without properly as it has both Poisonous and Electrical Traits. Just getting close to it will tase a person and touching its actual body will affect a person with poison or melt weak/unspecialized materials.

Poisonous Frogratain is just large ugly poisonous frogs who penetrate iron with a flick of its tong.

Evelyn went with Eliminating Spore Beasts as there aren't tough, numerous, or too dangerous. She teleported to the Shilimusf Research Outpost and when she explored the outpost, she met with a few scientists who gave her quests in gathering funguses, poisonous plants, and few other things. Some were also about getting some things from the Spore Beasts, she was told to consume Air Cleansing Pills to be able to breathe in the tainted air without being poisoned. Evelyn didn't have any on her so she went to buy some, they were pretty cheap, 2 bronzes for 1 pill, seemingly making it was pretty easy.

Evelyn bought 10 for now as they last for an hour, Evelyn went out and searched for a Spore Beast. Spore Beasts were bipedal monsters with a near dry mud body, moss-covered all around, yellow beady eyes and pretty big pores letting out glowing pollen everywhere. Supposedly were slow but when they're attacked, more spores come out of their body, breathing it in would cause poisoning.

Evelyn has prepared to counter the spores by using her Mech Form as it protects the pilot's body and has an air filter and oxygen that last a long time, usually for underwater dives. When she was outside and out of sight, she immediately brings out Void Wraith, she could feel something pumping inside her, forming and flowing out. As she looks for a Spore Beast, every minute an egg is formed and sent away.

She would usually find a Spore Beast every Hour, they were much larger than she has seen on the picture, it would usually take around 5 minutes to take it down. She found many of the things needed for the quests to be completed, though she has to send her mech away to harvest them, thinking about actually get an Extraction Module to harvest materials without coming out of her mech to do it on the person and having to wait for the Transformation Skill's cooldown to be finished.

Evelyn returns to the Shilimusf Research Outpost to turn in the materials she was able to get and leaves for the next day.


Lustful Gamer Evelyn returns to the game with renewed energy. Evelyn returned to the forest of mushrooms and moss, illuminating floating ball of spores. Went for a hunting spree to complete her missions, collect Spore Beast Cores, and finally prepare for the new update coming as well 2 DLCs.

The Update was about many revamps on a player's status, along with other things being changed around to simplify things but also make things complicated as a lot of things won't easily be identified and calculated by just numbers. In the update, many new shops would be added in, old shops would be changed so they would be in one area, the Stations would have many of the Stations combined as they said they have so many Stations and each of them is similar to the other in function so they went with combining them so 1 Station would have many functions that are similar to what they work with.

As for the DLCs, one was about Instances and the other was for more sexual content. The Invasion of Ancient Enemies, while the other is Unholy Training. Invasion of Ancient Enemies was about the old enemy of mankind, the ones who brought chaos to Earth and forcing them to leave it as they assimilated Earth to their liking. This ancient enemy is called the Xa'kri'iziln, abnormal intelligent creatures who seek to corrupt living beings and grow ever-powerful than whatever the limit was.

Now that they expanded and found where mankind escaped to, they ripped space to create portals to a random area on the planet mankind has inhabited, fortunately, the portals were too weak to be kept open for a long time and being fragile to let large or powerful creatures pass through it. Unless they find a spot where space is weak, they can create a larger and stronger portal for stronger beings of their kind to pass through.

The 3 Factions have made a truce whenever they fight against the Xa'kri'iziln, but other than that, they still held conflict between each when there is no Xa'kri'iziln nearby or even on the world.

For the other DLC, Unholy Training, the Trailer was definitely a porno, players were able to access to long term sexual training of their liking, well there are 5 kinds and would have to pick of the 5 options what they would like to go through. But the training can only be found and done in the Faction Capital, the place where players have to reach level 50 to enter. Along with that, other things were added into the game and they won't tell what it is.

When Evelyn completed all her missions, she managed to reach level 40 as she was pretty sure that they are gonna change the leveling system and it would most likely be harder as she was leveling up pretty fast, though it was a little bit quicker than average leveling speed.

Evelyn went to do the Steel Lizard mission, there weren't many side missions there and there were a lot of Steel Lizards around than with the number of Spore Beasts. Steel Lizards even dropped Steel Bones and Teeth&Claws. There were some equipment drops but she instantly sold them off as they were for Guardian Knights, Kinetic Brawlers, and Energy Blademasters. So most of the days until the update and DLCs come in, she would just be killing Steel Lizards for Exp, Materials, and Money.


Wweeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, the update, and DLCs came and have been added into the game. When she got in she immediately looks at her status window.

[ Name: Shaevyln]

[ Titles: Uytian Hive Conquerer ]

[ Faction: Wolves of Defiance ]

[ Class: Tech Warlock ]

[ Level: 45 ] (+1 Rank on Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Willpower )

[ Health Pool: 100% ]

[ Energy Pool: 100% ]

[ Battery Pool: 100% ]

[ Strength: D ]

[ Vitality: H ]

[ Endurance: G ]

[ Agility: E+ ]

[ Dexterity: E+ ]

[ Intelligence: D ]

[ Wisdom: D+ ]

[ Willpower: E- ]

( EX > ZZZ > ZZ > Z > SSS > SS > S > A > B > C > D > E > F > G > H and + or - )

[ Skill Points: 2 ] (+1 Skill Point per 5 Level gained) HELP

[ Cyber Affinity: Dark Cyber Affinity ]

[ Skills: ( F -> E -> D -> C -> B -> A -> S -> EX -> Divine -> Max )

<Summon: Pike Crawler> ( Summon Spike Crawler )

<Summon: Dark Cyber Elemental> ( Summon Dark Cyber Elemental )

<Dark Cyber Blast(D)> ( Deal 200% Magic Damage, and 20% Chance Knock Back | Cooldown: 9 seconds )

<Grasping Chains(E)> ( Locks the Target where they stand, for 3 Second | Reduces the target's Physical and Energy Defence by 30% | Cooldown: 15 Second )

<Spike Bullet(F)> ( Deal 110% of both Physical and Energy Damage combined as Physical Damage | Cooldown: 20 Seconds )

<Transformation: Mech Mode> ( Transform into the Assigned/Equipped Mech | Drains Battery Pool, Drainage depends | Cooldown: 1 Hour )

(Royal Emerald Empire Uytian Set's Skills)

<Uytian Regenerative Shield> ( Gain a Shield of 10% Max Health Pool and able to regenerate back when undamaged for 10 seconds | Duration: 1 Minute | Cooldown: 5 Minutes )

<Uytian Queen Wrath> ( Every Second, send a Spike to impale the target for 200% Physical Damage | Duration: 20 Seconds | Cooldown: 2 Minutes )

<Uytian's Guards> ( Summon 3 Uytian Guards | Duration: 1 Minute | Cooldown: 5 Minutes )

<Transformation: Combatative Uytian Queen> ( Transform into Uytian Queen in Aggressive State )


[ Essence:

<Uytian Hive Essence>

-Uytian Worker Essence: Slight Increase in Health Pool

-Uytian Warrior Essence: Slight Increase of Strength

-Uytian Lurker Essence: Slight Increase of Agility

-Uytian Stinger Essence: Slight Increase of Dexterity

-Uytian Sentinel Essence: Slight Increase in Endurance and Vitality

-Uytian Spawn Pool Essence: Slight Increase in Intelligence and Willpower

-Uytian Berserker Essence: Slight Increase in Strength and Agility

-Uytian Knight Essence: Slight Increase of Endurance

- Uytian Queen Essence: Slight Increase in Energy Pool


( Slight -> Small -> Big -> Large -> Immense )

Then onto the various other things, there were no Friends Window, or anything else, except for her Inventory thankfully. Her tattoos were temporarily removed and could be brought back through Rune Tattoo Engraving. There were then various things added in that we would discover along the way as I forgot them and would probably remember or make some up.

Evelyn went to the Tiberald Base and into the new shop where the Engraving Tattooist is. She was brought to a room where the machine tools are at when he was about to start, she was asked to pick out what she wanted and she wanted her tats back. But when upon choosing it, she there wasn't enough Cyber Coins to pay it, Evelyn panicked a bit that she couldn't get it back. The Engraving Tattooist suggests that she can do the Sex Debt which she would be abused sexually by men for 10 hours straight according to the amount she would need to buy the tats back onto her body.

Evelyn thought about it for a bit and agreed, he brought to the Relief Brothel which was remodeled to be Pleasure Brothel with a whole ton of changes as the lobby was now where girls dances, people drinking and talking, near-naked waitresses passing drinks and snacks.

The Engraving Tattooist talks with the Bartender and she brings out a tablet and he signs on it, Evelyn then had to sign it which signifies the deal between the Evelyn and the Engraving tattooist. He leaves and the Bartender calls out for someone and that someone then takes Evelyn to the changing room where Evelyn had to remove her Equipment into her Inventory and then tied up in bondage.

She was covered and rolled to an unknown room to be revealed to be full of naked masked men. The Rest would be your guy's thoughts as this where I'm gonna finish this Part 2 off. Hope you enjoyed it, if not, your problem. See yall later!