

Chae Baek Hyun is an E-Rank hunter who is not a person you would want to meet in your life. Although he looks a bit okay, he is morally corrupt, a bit hit in the head and worst of all he won't give a single fu*k about anyone's life other than his own. But he also holds some secrets that can easily shake the world................ . . . . . . . . . . . Zerberos is someone important to the story I guess.................

Zerberos · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Baek-Hyun woke up once again but this time with he closed his eyes as soon as he was conscious...He had no idea how much time had passed but he could say that the bastard monkey ghost was still around.

"So you woke up.....haha…..I'm sorry for scaring the shit out of you and as an apology...…I won't kill you this time, tell me why are you so scared of ghostly beings..."(Zerberos)

The conversation initiated by the ghost made Baek-Hyun shudder a bit as the monkey was talking like his life was worthless to it and the monkey was being charitable by not killing him then and there. Baek-Hyun paused a bit before saying.....

"I want to open my eyes so first move towards my back, so that I can't see you.....the last prank you pulled was not funny and I don't want it to happen again..."(Baek-Hyun)

Understanding the intentions of the human in front of it Zerberos moved to the back of this weak human as it wanted to converse with him a bit more. It had been thousands of years since Zerberos had last talked with someone and it was itching to know a lot about the outside world.

"Ok-ok, I'll do as you say, now tell me the reason why you faint like that after seeing me..."(Zerberos)

Baek-Hyun opened his eyes slowly to check whether that bastard monkey was still around or not…..he didn't want to go faint once again....seeing nothing but descending stairs in front of him, he calmed himself down and started telling his story about his past...

"It is simple...when I was a kid I got possessed by wraith and while I was possessed I saw all the memories of that wraith and how all the people it had killed or possessed, I saw how cruelly it had killed them and the despair I felt from the people that died because of it is like a trauma to me. Even though I kill people I would never be able to do something like that ever…..."(Baek-Hyun)

In the past when Chae Baek-Hyun had just moved to Korea from India after being discovered by his paternal grandfather, he started training in the family village where he got possessed by a wraith and was thoroughly beaten up by the inhabitants of the village.

"Oh! so you saw that wraith's memories that explains....WAIT! you said you saw that monster's memories...that can't be possible...…only.....it should not be possible...wait sometime let me think...."(Zerberos)

The monkey who called himself Zerberos went silent for quite a while and was mumbling some gibberish. Baek-Hyun was just looking at the stairs below him so as not to panic in this situation. He still remembered that day when the wraith possessed him. While the wraith was rampaging with his body, he was caught by the public and beaten till near death to end the possession. The people were not fully aware on how to end a wraith's possession on someone and just thought of one possible solution.

<Asking a healer to cast holy magic at me would have worked but those bastards kept beating me with bamboo sticks till I was black and blue all over. Fuck! I don't want to remember it once again....>(Baek-Hyun)

"It seems you are quite a special entity.....I guess I know what's happening "(Zerberos)

Zerberos got out of its trance soon and was looking at Baek-Hyun eyes with gleaming eyes. Bake-Hyun didn't know what was happening behind his back but the words from Zerberos were a trigger for him. He had always found himself unlucky with nothing going his way and the word 'special' made him think that Zerberos was insulting him instead.

"What do you know? How does getting possessed by a wraith make me special? Thousands get possessed every year...."(Baek-Hyun)

It was a common occurrence in villages and towns which were near undead spawning dungeons that broke time and time again. Getting possessed by a wraith caused many casualties every year and it was mainly caused due to people not being aware on how to expel them and also living close to danger zones where such dungeons were not cleared in due time causing dungeon breaks to occur.

"NO!, I am not talking about being possessed. I'm talking about being able to see that thing's memory, that is the factor which makes you special....normally a wraith will just surround your soul and block all connections to the body when possessing someone. It would never touch its soul with your soul as this will have the effect of you experiencing things it went through and vice-versa causing major issues for both sides."(Zerberos)

Since Baek-Hyun was always traumatized because of the incident, he never touched the specific subject and had no knowledge regarding what a person experiences when he/she gets possessed by a wraith. To him Zerberos's words made logical sense but something's still didn't make any sense to him.

"So you mean to say that the wraith was not trying to possess me but something else."(Baek-Hyun)

"Smart guy truly but still and idiot….. yes, it was doing something else and I sense it is related to me quite a bit. I had invented a forbidden technique which required the use of a wraith and if I am right you might be a really unlucky guy….."(Zerberos)

<What's all this about being special and luck? My luck has always been shitty. I was born as a bastard, not even in the same country as my father. My mom was Indian hunter who was raped inside a dungeon by that bastard when he came over on a mission to India. I was treated like an untouchable in India and was never cared for by anyone there. The moment I was brought to Korea to my paternal family, I was sent to my grandfather and got possessed in the fields and beaten quite a lot till I was put in a hospital to recover.

It took me years to get back to my normal life and after that I awakened into a measly E Rank hunter. I was given shit skills while my step-brother was awakened into a B-Rank hunter. The difference in the starting potential between us two made it more difficult for me to even get resources to survive in that family. I had to resort to being a hired thug and assassin to keep myself alive.>(Baek-Hyun)

What Zerberos had said triggered Chae Baek-Hyun as he started remembering his whole life. He didn't want to have any relations to that god forsaken family and wanted to live his own independent life.

"What about it, I have always had bad luck. What's so special about it?"(Baek-Hyun)

Baek-Hyun said in a low tone not to deject himself any further…

"Well...I will do something so don't move, if I am right, I can at-least remove a bit of your bad luck and if it is truly what I think it is...…then I am someone who has to apologize to you as well...."(Zerberos)


The moment Baek-Hyun heard Zerberos's statement he was shocked and tried to voice his frustration but his body suddenly went numb. It was just like being possessed...Baek-Hyun had already experienced it once and he didn't want to experience it ever again.


He was not able to say anything due to loosing control of his body...…


Baek-Hyun heard a loud shriek coming from his back and he suddenly gained back control over his body. He didn't know what was happening behind his back and he was truly scared to even turn around.

<Did a monster come to the stairs or did that monkey go crazy.....>(Baek-Hyun)

Baek-Hyun was still looking down the stairs sweating bullets when he suddenly felt something pass by his side. He was shocked to find the face of a wraith in pure agony and that monkey ghost holding it and choking it with its four arms while rolling down the stairs...…seeing the wraith his trauma once again suddenly kicked in and everything went dark...…