

From waking up and getting ready for high school, three students were then teleported and were given a new destiny. A new life begins in the new world while a certain darkness begins to emerge from the shadows

SlayerReaper · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 22

 The crowd is gathering back at the arena and settling down as they wait for the next match. The area then begins to get dark. Fireworks and explosives were then set off to indicate that today is the final match of the tournament. The announcer then begins to speak and says, "Welcome all to the final round of the tournament!" The crowd was going wild. Eren and Luke were cheering. Luke was excited and was tempted to make more bets to win more money. Eren looks to the side and sees Despair looking at him. Despair then vanished. Eren felt like something was going on with Despair, and then it hit him. Eren then says in his head, "Is it possible? I don't know! If it happens during this fight, then Michael will be able to win the tournament." Eren then looks at Luke and says, "Hey Luke-" Luke was then laughing in the background, betting 100 grand that Michael was going to win. Eren then sat back down and started processing how the fight was going to turn out. The announcer then shouts, "Looking back to how it all started and seeing how close we are to finishing the tournament! All the fighters have shown and proved their worth, but only one shall stand as the kingdom's champion!" The crowd was getting louder. More explosives were set off, and both sides of the arena began to open. The announcer then shouts, "May the two fighters come out and show themselves to us!" Lyon and Michael began to walk out as they met in the middle. They both then have a face-off. The announcer then continues, "Take a close look at your opponent. Process who you are going up against." Lyon and Michael were then staring at each other. Lyon then smirks and unleashes his aura. Lyon's aura was then consuming half of the area. Lyon then says, "Process who you are up against, Mike. This match is mine." Michael then smiles and unleashes his aura. Michael's aura was covering the other half of the area. The announcer then shouts, "Both light and dark aura's are covering the entire area. Look at how they're colliding and trying to consume one another!" 

 Despair then appears and takes the microphone from the announcer. The announcer tries to ask for it back, but feels intimated by Despair. Michael and Lyon were confused by Despair's actions as they watched him carefully for what he was about to say. Despair then says, "Look at these two. They both worked so hard to get here. Let's give them another round of applause!" The crowd begins to cheer with excitement. Despair then says, "Ok, that's enough." The crowd then goes silent. Despair continues, "Due to the environment of the arena, I have to warn the fighters of what they are in for." Eren, Michael, Lyon, and Sana were suspicious of what was about to happen. Despair then says, "The fight is going to take place in an area called the Dimensional Prism. The world's physics doesn't make any sense and is still a mystery to this day. Beware of your surroundings, and may the best fighter win." Despair then gives the announcer his microphone back and opens the portal. Eren looks at Luke and asks, "Do you know anything about the dimen-" Luke was then dreaming of all the money he was going to win. Eren smacks Luke and shouts at Luke, "Did you hear anything?!" Luke replies, "No, but Michael better win this fight or he's up against me next." Eren then sighs. Michael and Lyon looked at each other and stopped showing off their auras. The announcer then shouts, "Fighters, start entering through the portal!" They both walked and entered through the portal. As they walked through, they saw crystals, shards, floating lands, and weird objects floating around them. The announcer then shouts, "Fighters, get ready!" The two then took distance from each other. The announcer then shouts, "3…2…1… Fight!"

 As I summoned my Yin Katana, Lyon summoned his scythe. We both then rushed each other and clashed. We looked at each other, and Lyon said, "I know about your corrupted black hole. You won't be countering me any time soon." I replied, "You don't know what I can do. What makes you think that you can beat me?" Lyon replies, "Because I am." Lyon then spins his scythe and sends me upwards. I crashed through a crystal and got shocked by it. Lyon tries rushing towards me, but I catch his attack and slam him towards another crystal. The crystal then burned Lyon. Lyon then jumps backwards and kicks the crystal towards me. I then shouted, "Corrupted black hole!" and I consumed it. Lyon then used it as bait, grabbed me with his scythe, and threw me back towards the ground. I felt the impact, realizing that the gravity was much heavier than it was back home. Lyon then used his bow and shouted, "Angelic light!" A beam of light was then shot towards me. I tried dodging it, but my shoulder got caught. Lyon then shouts, "Assault light spheres!" I then shouted, "Darkness spheres!" Both attacks clashed. Smoke was then built up, and I shouted, "Dark eradication!" My kitana was then covered with dark mana, enhancing it's damage. Lyon then leaped towards me and tried striking me from above. I caught his attack. I then turned around and slammed him on the ground. I then charged a dark sphere and shot it. Lyon then rolls out of the way and dodges the attack. The ground then cracked, and we were both being pulled down towards another layer of land. The gravity was twice as heavy as it was before. Lyon then shouts, "Angelic light!" He proceeds to shoot a beam of light towards me, but I jump upwards, dodging the attack. Lyon then says, "So he is capable of handling this type of gravity too, huh?" As I was in the air, I was thinking of a plan. I saw three crystals and knew what to do. Lyon rushed me, and I rushed towards him back. Lyon then shouts, "Hikari's tear!" A scythe combination where he is willing to tank a certain amount of damage. I was landing blows, but Lyon wasn't slowing down. Lyon then catches my kitana and sidekicks me in the gut. I spat out saliva and flew back. I looked at Lyon's position and saw that he was where I wanted him. I then shouted, "Yin's amputation!" A big slash of dark mana was then thrown at Lyon. Lyon then charges up his scythe and manages to cut through the attack. The attack also hit the three crystals. Lightning, ice, and fire were then striking and shocking Lyon. As I saw the chance, I rushed towards Lyon and speared him towards the ground. I started punching and bashing his head against the ground. Lyon then shouts, "Angelic burst!" A burst of light mana was then unleashed, breaking the ground. We were then being pulled into a rotation. The area then began to shift itself, changing how it looked. 

 The place was then filled with ice. It looked like hell, as if it were a place filled with snow. Lyon then smacks me towards the ground. I felt the gravity on the ground and said in my head, "Why is the ground heavier than the sky?!" Lyon smiled as he saw me struggling to fly up. Lyon then summons his bow, charges it, and shouts, "Angelic cry!" Thousands of arrows were then being rained on top of me. The worst part was due to the gravity; the arrows were 100 times faster than they usually were before. I started running and deflecting arrows. I look up and see Lyon flying towards something. I look, and I see him flying towards a mysterious object. I got distracted, and five arrows pierced through my left ankle down towards my left heel. Lyon then grabs the object and shouts, "Hey Mike, catch!" He then threw the object on the ground towards me, and a bunch of purple snow was then unleashed upon me as if it were an avalanche. I tried to escape, but it was no use. I was then covered by the purple snow, unable to move. The purple snow began to glow and started to burn. I started screaming in pain. Lyon then aims at me and charges with a blast. I tried to use my corrupted black hole, but the purple snow was holding onto my arms. Lyon fully charges the blast and shouts, "Holy light!" He unleashes the blast, tearing up the ground. The purple snow was then destroyed. I slowly got back up. Lyon then shouts, "Mike, do you yield?" I didn't say a word. Lyon got furious that I was still fighting and started rushing down towards me. Lyon tried punching, but I then moved to the side, dodging the attack. I then said softly, "Dark disintegration," and I grabbed his chest. Lyon started screaming in pain as his shirt was being destroyed, as was his skin. I then held him down to the ground. The dark mana started scattering towards his arms. Lyon was then gasping for air and finally said, "Angelic burst." Light mana then burst out of Lyon, and the two were then vacuumed into an entirely new domain. 

 They both landed in a place where there were mainly clocks and machines. Lyon was holding onto his chest, and I was holding onto my arm, seeing how burned I was. We both started walking, and we saw past images of our previous movements coming out. We both faced each other, and in a second, we clashed fists. The clash was between the two of us in our imperfect forms. We both needed the forms to heal our wounds and to become stronger. We were clashing and fighting all over the place. After a while, I punched Lyon in the gut and sent him flying. I started unleashing more punches on him. Lyon then summoned his scythe and tried leering me into a trap. I then flew above him as he tried slicing me. I then kicked him to the side. Lyon then shouted, "Angelic slash!" I then shouted, "Yin's amputation!" Both slashes collided, breaking the area. The place then began to rotate clockwise. We started to see crystals and shards appear. The area was like space, but the background was crystalized. Lyon and I then clashed fists. Lyon then shouts, "You'll pay for nearly killing me!" I then shouted back, "You almost killed me first!" Lyon then knees me in the gut, stunning me. Lyon then shouts, "Angelic smite!" He then grabbed me, threw me in the air, and a big blast of light mana then struck me from above. As I was falling down, Lyon shouted, "Angelic light!" As the beam of light came towards me, I said, "Yin's collision." I was in a quick stance. I sliced through, threw the beam of light, and struck Lyon through his chest. Lyon then spat out blood. I then leaped over to Lyon and struck him again, but this time on the side of his head. Lyon then went down on one knee. I then shouted, "Blackout!" The area was pitch black and a bit difficult for Lyon to move. I didn't want to kill Lyon, so I threw a combination of kicks and punches towards him instead of using my kitana. I then used dark disintegration towards his chest to make sure he gave out. As soon as the darkness cleared up, I fell on both knees, and Lyon was smiling, rising up from the ground.

 During the events of attacks that were being thrown towards Lyon, Lyon used a technique called: Angels Fate. This allowed any attack that was thrown at Lyon to reflect back towards the user. The issue with this technique that nobody knows about is that, depending on how much damage is done to Lyon, it will take time for Lyon to reflect the attacks back. Lyon was then looking at me and said, "It looks like you tried to use dark disintegration on me again. Not cool, Mike." Lyon then kicks me, sending me flying. I crash back onto the ground. Lyon then dashed towards me and picked me up by my hair. Lyon then says, "Mike, do you yield?" I then landed kick towards his gut. Lyon dropped me. Lyon then said, "Have it your way then." Lyon then started to fly up and shout, "Critism of holy judgement!" Lyon then struck the sky, and a hand appeared out of the crack. The hand then points a charged attack and Lyon points straight at me. The hand unleashed the attack, and I quickly shouted, "Corrupted black hole!" I then absorbed and tried to absorb the attack. 

 Cracks of white mana then appeared on my body. My eyes then began to glow. I was back inside my mind, where I saw Zedros and Yang. Zedros was reading a book and said, "I didn't bring you back here, kid." Yang then shouted, "My name is Hakari. I am the source of your light mana." I was shocked and asked, "How come you never told me your name before?" Hakari replied, "Because you didn't have any light within you. You were filled with darkness and wanted to commit actions that were soon to become sins. Due to these thoughts, you were able to start off with Yin, Zedros. But as soon as you start having a good time, start loving people again. That is when you were coming closer to achieving my power." Hakari then charged a beam of light and shot me, saying, "You now have access to my power; use it wisely, for we are always watching."

 The cracks of white mana then disappeared, and I felt different. I fell to the ground after consuming all that light mana. Everyone was quiet; Sana was worried, and Yanan stopped watching. Eren then smiled and said, "Show them up." A big burst of light mana energy then exploded out of me. I then got up and started screaming as I burst out of light mana for the first time. Lyon quickly summoned his bow and started spraying me with dozens of arrows. I then said, "Light barrier." A barrier of light mana then surrounded me, blocking the arrows. I then deactivated the barrier and rushed towards Lyon. I started landing punching combinations and finished it with an uppercut, sending him flying. Lyon then charged a blast and shouted, "Holy light!" I slipped under the blast, leaped up, and kicked Lyon right in the chin. Lyon then flew towards the ground. I then leap on top of him and shout, "Yang's Dynasty!" I then unleash a shockwave of light mana that obliterates whoever it touches. Lyon's body was then close to destruction. I then slowly walked towards Lyon. I began to cough out blood due to the condition I was in before I unlocked Yang's power. I then said, "I think I overdid it." As I reached Lyon, I asked, "Do you yield?" Lyon's body has reached its limit, and Lyon says softly, "I yield." A portal opens, and medics come out rushing to help aid me and Lyon.

Narrator: After that amazing fight, the medics brought Lyon and Michael to the clinic, and what is really amazing is that Michael finally achieved Yang, also known as Hakiri. Michael is getting stronger and stronger each day. Now let fast forward to the point where Michael wakes up.

 Ten minutes later, I slowly started opening my eyes, and then I heard a loud voice shouting, "MIKE!" I jumped up right away and looked at the person who yelled my name, and it was one of the male staff members. His face looked serious. He said, "Good, you finally woke up; about time we need you to head to the stadium asap!" I looked at him, then I looked at my body that was covered in bandages, then I looked right back at him and replied, "Can I at least re.." He interrupted me and shouted, "NO!" He grabbed my leg and dragged me to the stadium. I looked around and saw Lyon lying down with one eye open, trying to fake being asleep. I tried yelling out his name, "LYON!!" Lyon didn't move, and then the staff member started dragging me out even faster. I tried yelling out for someone to help me while I left the clinic.

 After I left the clinic, Sana came inside the room. Lyon sensed Sana and sat up. Sana said, "You know you don't have to get up for me; you've already taken heavy damage from that match. You need your rest." Lyon gave out an annoyed look and replied, "I hate this feeling. I was supposed to be the one true light, but somehow Mike also has the power of the light as well, so what gives?" Sana replied, "I guess he's one of the people who get a second power." Lyon calmed down and replied, "I guess his light is much stronger than mine then." Lyon put his head down on the pillow, feeling disappointed. Sana got pissed and grabbed Lyon's blanket and threw it on the floor, and she yelled, "STOP TAKING LIKE THAT. THAT TYPE OF MOTIVATION IS ANOTHER REASON WHY YOU'RE SO WEAK! REMEMBER ME, YOU, AND MIKE ARE GOING TO THE ACADEMY BECAUSE WE MADE IT TO THE SEMI-FINALS, SO GET UP AND SHINE BRIGHT!!" Lyon got up and raised his hand. He started making his hand shine bright, then he replied, "You are right. The power of light is mine, and my pride is my light." Sana started smiling and replied, "Alright, now let's go watch Mike's ceremony for winning the tournament." Sana picked up Lyon and carried him to the spectator room."

Narrator: While Lyon regains his pride, it is time to bring the Youth Tournament to an end. 

 At the Stadium, Luke is jumping up and down because he won so much money and Eren is staring at Despair, questioning what he's doing. Then the Announcer, stands up and grabs the microphone. He then says, "Ladies and gentlemen, I want to say great job to all the participants that fought here. You have all grown stronger than anything before, and the medical team, for always being on standby and healing the wounded, and for always being fast and focused. And now, let us bring in the champion of the Youth Tournament, MIKE!!" I walked to the platform, and everyone started screaming so loudly that my ears felt like they were about to go deaf. I saw Eren and Luke, and they started chanting my name, also making everyone else start chanting my name as well. I started waving at people. As I made it to the middle of the platform, the king stood up and took a glare at me. All my hate started building up, wanting to kill him right here and right now. But, I remember that I can't do anything reckless so I kneeled down to show my respect for the king. Then King Ellington took the mic and said, "Congratulations, Mike, for winning the Youth Tournament. I bet you've been training like there was no tomorrow hahaha…" I replied, "Yes, my king. I poured out tears, blood, sweat, and even pride in these battles." King Ellington smiled and replied, "And as for your reward, I grant you a full scholarship at the Royal Academy." I smiled, then replied, "Thank you, my king." King Ellington continued saying, "That is not your only reward. As the rules state, whoever makes it to the semi-finals will also have a full scholarship. But now it will change; as for today, the winner shall be the one to pick anyone who participated to join his side as a team and classmates with a full scholarship." Everyone was shocked by what they heard; my eyes widen with shock as I try to figure out what was going on. Then the King shouted, "SILENTS!" Everyone stopped talking, and King Ellington continued, saying, "Now Mike, pick the people who you want to be on your team." I got up and in my head I said, "This is a no brainer" I looked at the king, and everyone had their eyes on me. Then I said, "My first pick is Yanan because his strength rivals mine." Yanan started grinning, and in his head he said, "Rival huh.." Then I continued saying, "My next pick is Lyon because I want to crush his pride." Lyon was shocked from what I said and I continued saying, "My last pick is Sana because of her potential. Those are the people that will be on my team." Sana's eyes widen with joy, then King Ellington replies, "Very well, I shall grant your command, and at this very moment, the Youth Tournement has finally ended!" Everyone started cheering and chanting again as the whole wicked event finally ended.

 Three minutes later, I walked out of the coliseum, trying to look for Eren and Luke, until I heard someone calling my name. I looked around and saw Sana running while having Lyon on her back, screaming, "MIKE!! MIKE!!" I was confused. They caught up to me, and Sana said, "Hey Mike, do you want to join us and celebrate your win at the Youth Tournament and us going to the Royal Academy? I tried looking for Yanan but had no luck." I looked at Sana, and she looked nervous. Then I looked at Lyon, and he was struggling to get off Sana's back. Then he yelled, "LET ME GOO.. Jeez, what have you been eating?" Sana replied, "You're still injured, so I'm not letting you go any time soon, and I've been eating a full course meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner." Lyon replied, "So that's why you look like you gained some weight." Sana dropped Lyon with a shock on her face, then she looked at me, and I looked away. Her face turned red, and she ran away, saying, "Don't look at me!" Lyon got up and glared at me with a serious face. He then says, "Just because you got one win doesn't mean you're stronger than me. My pride makes my light shine brighter; the next time we fight, it will be the first time you'll truly feel true fear." Then he walked away. In my head, I said, "That was weird. Either way, my answer would be no. Welp back to looking for Eren and Luke." Right before I moved, I sensed a familiar energy and it was Yanan. He put his hand slightly up, signaling me by saying, "See you later." And I did the same thing. In my head, I said, "Okay, finally, I can go back looking for Eren and Luke." I started hearing a large crowd get closer. I turn around and see a huge crowd of people running my way, then, out of nowhere, a portal opens below me, making me fall through, and I land on a chair. I look around, getting ready to fight, and a familiar voice shouts out, "You just got healed up, and you think you're ready to fight, huh Michael?" It was Eren upside down on the ceiling. Right before my brain could function to understand what was going on, Luke jumped on me, knocking both of us down, saying, "Holy shit, Michael! That was an amazing performance, and because of that performance, it made me even more richer as a duke." Luke gets up, reaches out his hand and continues to say, "You became even stronger after all those battles." Eren gets down from the ceiling and says, "And he'll keep getting stronger once he masters his light power. Soon he'll be stronger than the kingdom itself." Luke replied, "Don't forget you're going to become a teacher at the Royal Academy." I was in shock with confusion and asked, "Wait, what! He's going to become a teacher?" Luke replied, "Yup and not just a teacher, your teacher." I got up with joy, saying, "That's great; Eren and I are going to be in the same school." Eren replied, "Don't think you're going to get special treatment because I'm going to be a teacher." I replied, "I know." 

 Seven days later, Eren came in my room and then released bloodlust, making me jump up from my sleep prepare to fight. Eren says, "It looks like you have fully healed up. You already have your uniform ready for tomorrow?" I replied, "Yeah, do you?" Eren replied, "Don't worry about that; what you really need to worry about is the fight we're going to have right now." I got confused and replied, "Wait, what? I just finished healing, and you want me to fight?" Eren replied, "Just a light sparring match; it's been a week and there's no time to be rusty." I was nervous to answer, but he was right. There was no time to be rusty, so I replied, "You know what, let's do this, and I will win." I got ready and went down the stairs to meet Eren, but Luke was downstairs with Eren and he looked at me, saying, "Good luck, Michael." I nod my head, and Eren opens the portal and says, "Let's go." I went through the portal and saw an open field space, and Eren came through the portal and asked, "Are you ready?" I replied, "YEAH!!" Eren began to release a huge amount of energy, and I was shocked, thinking that it was going to be a light sparring match and asked, "I thought it was a light match?" Eren replied, "SCREW THAT IT! IT'S DO OR DIE MICHAEL! COME AT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT!" I replied, "FINE!" In my head, I asked, "YOU READY HAKIRI?" She replied, "YEAH LET'S GO!" I released all the energy I had and shouted, "ARGHHHH!" Then Eren and I charged at each other. 

To be continued

Me and my team have been working on this book for the past two years. An idea came into reality and our dream that is still going will hopefully, one day turn it into an actual show. I want to thank everyone, my team, my friends for their support. There will be another book coming and we won't stop untill this dream reaches it goal. Thank you everyone for reading the first book.

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