

From waking up and getting ready for high school, three students were then teleported and were given a new destiny. A new life begins in the new world while a certain darkness begins to emerge from the shadows

SlayerReaper · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 21

Narrator: After the fearsome and difficult battle between the two rivals who once fought before, they finally come to conclusion. Now it is time for the two rivals to officially battle to see who is better, but before we get to that, let's check with Michael and Yanan in the medical office. 

A couple minutes went by, and I woke up from being unconscious. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. Then I heard a familiar voice on my right side. They said, "So you're in the medical office." Yanan was sitting on his bed, eating some apples. I looked at him and smiled. I looked at Yanan and said, "I win." Yanan then had a piss off face. He then yells, "SHUT UP!" I started laughing, and he continued looking at me with a pissed off face. Then he says, "Why are you here? Aren't you wanted here!? And why are you trying so hard to get into this school?" I stopped laughing and had a serious expression. I then replied, "I'm here because I have a mission. Yes, I am wanted, but no one knows how I really look, so showing my face to the public is nothing. And joining the school isn't really part of my mission; it's really the fastest way to join a school where I can learn new ways to use my powers and become stronger." Yanan replies, "That was a very dull excuse; now I'm going to ask you again, what is the real reason why you are here?" I sighed and said, "I'm here to kill the king for banishing me to the forest of no return." Yanan's eyes widen, and he replies, "I guess we have similar goals because the reason I am here is because I have to destroy this kingdom; it is my mission from my leader. They don't care how long it takes as long as the work is done." I sat up and looked at Yanan. I replied, "Oh, well, that makes more sense. Is it okay if I ask a question?" Yanan replied, "Go ahead." My face went from calm to pissed, and I shouted, "WHY THE HECK YOU ATTACK ME AT THE MOUNTAIN?" Yanan covered his ears and replied, "First off, lower your tone. Second off, the reason I attacked you was because I didn't know you and you were being annoying! Like, who approaches someone like that?" I gave him a blank face. I then sighed. Yanan got ticked off by the sigh and said, "What was with that sigh?" I looked up and replied, "So that is why you attacked me. Just because I was being ackward. Well, look at the time ;it is almost time for the last fight for the semi-finals! Lyon vs Sana!"

Narrator: While Michael and Yanan are getting ready to go watch the semi-finals fight between Sana vs Lyon, let's go back a few minutes to the audience where Eren and Sir Luke are sitting.

Eren starts having a serious face after the fight with Michael vs Yanan. Luke looked at Eren, starting to notice something was wrong. He took a deep breath and said, "Yo Eren, why are you so serious all of a sudden?" Eren fixed his face and replied, "It's nothing; everything is fine." Eren had a suspicious look on his face, but Luke knew that if Eren says that it's okay, then everything should be fine. Then Eren says, "Who do you think is going to win, Lyon or Sana?" Luke replys, "Well it can go either way. For Lyon, he is calm and loose, but also he needs to stop relying on his switching between bow and scythe. His passion on not giving up in the long run. For Sana, she is more strategic and focused, but her downfall is her narrow thinking; it can become more predictable. But if she can loosen up the she might have a chance to win." Eren replied, "Your right and wrong at the same time. Their downfall isn't going to hold them back, it is there understanding of there power and their potential of them having their full capabilities of using the power to the full extent. They both have the same dedication and that is to win." Luke gave a confused face and replied, "What do you mean potential? There power is growing rapidly so does it mean that they are hitting their potential already?" Eren replies, "No it doesn't. What's going on now is that their just starting their journey and finding their destiny in life. But that is when their trainning starts and they can become far stronger than anyone on Earth." Luke replied, "Training them huh? Hey Eren I have an idea for you!" Eren replies, " What is it?" Luke replies, "How do you feel about being a teacher at the royal academy?" Eren was confused and replies, "Ummmm… a teacher?" Luke smiles with excitement and replies, " YES, a teacher!  You can help the future generations!" Eren replied, "I'll do it only if Michael wins the tournament!" Luke replies, "Looks like we are making another deal on Michael. Oh look! The match is about to Begin!"

Narrator: As Luke and Eren made the deal, it is time for the semi-finals to begin. Sana vs Lyon, who's going to win and fight Michael in the finals.

  The crowd is gathering back at the arena and settling down as they wait for the next match. The announcer then shouts, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the last match of the semi-finals!" The crowd starts cheering. Sana and Lyon were both nervous but excited at the same time. This was going to be the first time the two of them were going to fight seriously against each other. No more holding back on each other. They finally get to go all out on each other. The announcer then shouts, "Starting the match, the person on the left side of the arena, may you please walk out already? It's Lyon!" Lyon walks out proud, making his entrance. The announcer continues, "On the right side of the arena, you already know who it's going to be! Get out of here, Sana!" Sana walks out with a smirk on her face. The announcer then says, "Fighters meet in the middle!" They both begin to approach the middle. Despair was ready to make a portal. The announcer then shouts, "As a reminder, Despair is here to help set up portals to special, unique places." Despair then makes a portal and says, "This is a special place for you both, good luck." Despair then made the portal. As soon as Sana and Lyon were about to go through the portal, the announcer shouts, "Remember, whoever wins this fight gets to move onto the finals and face Mike for glory!" Sana and Lyon looked at each other, wishing good luck. The announcer then shouts, "Fighters enter through the portal." They both entered through the portal and took distance from each other. The place was dark, flooded with burning rocks and lava pools, and felt like an infinite prison. Lyon then says, "So much for being special, huh, Despair." Sana then took out her dual clevers. The announcer then shouts, "Let's get this match started already, fighters… Get set…Fight!"

Sana begins to spin her cleavers. Lyon then summons his bow. Lyon starts off by shooting dozens of arrows towards Sana. Sana then started deflecting the arrows. Lyon stopped and said, "No more holding back. Let this battle be greater than Mike vs Yanan." Sana then replies, "Right!" Sana started flash stepping towards Lyon. Lyon then says,"Fast, but not fast enough."Lyon jumps in the air and shouts, "Angelic light!" A beam of light was then shot towards Sana. The beam touched Sana, but then she vanished. Lyon sensed Sana, summoned his scythe, and blocked Sana's attack from the side. Sana then said, "We are no longer sparring Lyon; you will see how fast I truly am now." Lyon kicks Sana aside and rushes towards her. Both of them started spinning their weapons and attacking each other relentlessly. Sana then shouts, "Hunter's Sight!" Her eyes changed color, and her movement began to increase. Sana then saw all of Lyon's weak points. Sana cut Lyon's right calve and left shoulder. Lyon started to release a burst of energy so he could separate from Sana. Sana then shouted, "Don't want to fight back Lyon?!" Lyon then began to jump backwards repeatedly and shout, "Assault light spheres!" Sana then shouted, "Spiritual Auxiliary!" A spiritual clone was made and they both started dodging the light spheres and were closing in on Lyon. Lyon shouted, "Two on one, really?" Sana shouted, "It's fight or surrender out there, Lyon! You do whatever it takes to win!" Lyon then saw Sana closing in and Sana was aiming for Lyon's head. Lyon blocked Sana's attack but then got hit from behind by the clone. The three started to clash. Lyon then charged up his scythe and sliced the air around him. Sana did a flip, dodging the attack while the clone got hit. Lyon grabbed the clone and decapitated it. Lyon was breathing heavily. Sana was then smiling and rushing Lyon. Lyon shouted, "Angelic Slash!" Sana then slides underneath the attack, and shouts, "Hunter's passion!" With every attack Sana lands, a spirit clone will appear and land a second. The two begin to clash. Sana then swept Lyon's feet, and a clone appeared out of nowhere, kicking Lyon in the air. Lyon spat out saliva. Lyon catches himself in midair and sees Sana coming in for another blow. Lyon moves out of the way and dodges Sana. Lyon then smacked Sana across the battle field and started chasing after her. Sana puts her cleavers up, and Lyon strikes her. Lyon spins his scythe and slams Sana towards the ground.

Sana then falls into the lava. Sana looks up and sees a bright light glowing in the air. Lyon had his bow, charging it, and shouted, "Holy Light!" A massive big blast of light energy was then blasted towards Sana. The ground then shattered, and lava was spewing everywhere. Lyon was then looking around for Sana. All Lyon heard was in the distance, "Hunting Desire!" Sana then flew towards Lyon out of nowhere and kneed Lyon right in the gut. Lyon spat out. A spiritual animal was then summoned and spiked Lyon as he returns to the ground. Lyon crashes into the lava, and Sana chases him down with an axe kick hitting him. Lyon was taking a lot of damage. The two were fighting inside the pool of lava. Lyon then got mad and shouted, "Angelic burst!" The lava was blown away, and Sana flew right back into the air. Lyon rushed to Sana and said, "Hikari's light!" Lyon was then striking and attacking Sana with a scythe combination, spinning his scythe at the same time. Lyon then struck Sana's right leg and then the end of his scythe struck Sana in the gut. Sana then spat out saliva. Lyon then tilted his scythe downwards, smacking Sana upwards, hitting the bottom of her chin. Sana was then stunned. Lyon then grabbed Sana by the throat and tightened his grip around her neck. Lyon then threw Sana above him and shouted, "Angelic smite!" A big blast of light was then summoned above Lyon which struck Sana from above. Sana then started to fall back down. Lyon summoned his bow. He then shouted, "Angelic light!" A beam of light was then shot through Sana's chest. Sana's outfit was destroyed. Lyon caught Sana as she was falling down and threw her on a rock. Lyon started to charge another holy light. Sana slowly got up. Lyon then shouted towards Sana, "Do you yield?!" Sana was quiet. Lyon then asked Sana again, "Sana you really should give up right now, this could possibly kill you!" Sana was still quiet. Lyon then closed his eyes hoping for the blast not to kill Sana and shouted, "Holy-" Lyon was then smacked out of the air. Lyon was then holding onto his left arm and as he looked up, he saw Sana flying in her incomplete transformation. 

Lyon looked at Sana and said, "You still aren't done huh." Sana doesn't say a word. "Lyon then shouted fine by me-" Sana was immediately infront of Lyon and stabbed him right through his stomach. Lyon spat out blood. Sana slowly started to pick Lyon up. Sana then shouted, "Spiritual Auxiliary!" A spiritual clone was made and launched Lyon in the air. Sana and the clone started knocking Lyon back and forth. The clone then grabbed Lyon from behind, flew up, and then piledrived Lyon back onto the ground. Lyon's neck snapped a bit. Lyon was questioning on how he was still alive. Sana then shouted, "Wild boar axe kick!" Sana does a flip and does an axe kick flying back down to Lyon. Lyon was trying to escape but the clone was holding him down. The kick landed and lava bursted out. Sana was smiling but the smile faded fast. Sana looks down and sees that Lyon transformed into his incomplete transformation. Lyon then shouted, Angelic burst!" Both the spiritual clone and Sana were blown away. Lyon was then flying in the air. The clone tried grabbing Lyon from behind again. Lyon then smacked the clone in the face with a backhand. And he charged a light mana blast with his hand and blasted it. Sana then got mad, and they both clashed. Sana shouts, "Tribal dance!" A special fighting style that helps increase her attack movements. Lyon shouts, "Hikari's tear!"  Scythe combination that allows Lyon to take certain hits and keep on fighting. Both were going at it. Sana then smacks Lyon aside. Lyon then charges his bow and shoots at the sky. Lyon shouts, "Angelic cry!" Millions of arrows were then launched into the air and rained on top of the battleground. Sana catches an arrow and snaps it in half. They both begin to clash and lava begin to spew upwards and downwards. Sana then says in her mind, "I have been training to become stronger. Training to be better than Lyon. This is my chance to prove to the world that I too am as strong as him. I won't be left behind." Sana begins spinning her cleavers and almost slicing Lyon's right eye. Sana then sidekicks Lyon. Lyon shoots an arrow towards Sana, but Sana left an afterimage tricking Lyon. Sana then held her hands together and slammed Lyon. Sana then shouted, "Wild boar axe kick!" 

Sana then lands the kick, but Lyon shouts, "Angel's fate!" A parry where damage dealt to Lyon would reflect back onto Sana. Sana felt light headed. Lyon would charge his scythe and shout, "Angelic slash!" A massive slash blast of light mana was then thrown at Sana. Sana then tries to block the attack, but then her cleavers begin to crack. Sana then avoided the attack. Lyon summons his scythe and shouts, "Criticism of holy judgement!" Lyon then strikes the sky. A crack was made. The place started to glow, and a glowing hand started to come out. Lyon points at Sana and says in his mind, "Sana, you are the reason why I train. I thrive and become stronger because of you. You inspired me to work hard to become who I am today and even better in the future. Thank you for this battle." Lyon pointed at Sana and the hand launches a power beam towards Sana. Sana then shouts, "Kyatchas Purge!" She began spinning her cleavers and flashed stepped towards Lyon. Sana was a second away from striking Lyon until the beam hit her. Sana was then blocking the beam with her cleavers. Sana was then yelling, using all her energy to hold off Lyon's attack. Lyon then says, "It's over, Sana." Sana's dual cleavers then broke, and Sana was hit by the blast. Sana was then almost unconscious and was sinking inside the lava. Lyon flew down and picked her up. Sana looks at Lyon and says softly, "Out of everyone that was fighting in this tournament, I am glad I lost to you. Lyon, I yield." Sana then passed out. A portal opened, and medics came in rushing. The medics took Sana and Lyon. Lyon detransformed and was tired. Yanan looks at Michael and says, "It looks like we know who you are up against. Do you think you are capable of taking down Lyon?" I looked down and tightened my fist. I looked at Yanan and said, "Capable? I am excited to see whether or not I am ready to take on Lyon." 

next week is the final chapter for book one

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