

Our MC spencer had an unexpected death by the hands of two men and was transported to a world filled with powerhouses capable of destroying worlds. wielding powers bestowed by a god, follow Spencer in his journey to the zenith. this is my first novel, I would like to give it a try and see how it goes, please give constructive criticism. to those that are telling other people to not read the novel for themselves because of a stupid reason or some randomness, or any reason in general, and without even taking into account that they are one person and people might like what they don't is disgusting and incompetent.}}

heliumjax · TV
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64 Chs

//Stars Falling//

At this point, Spencer could be seen on the training field dodging and redirecting the attacks of young Yarok, instructing him on his mistakes and teaching him. Going back a week before, Yarok had come to Spencer's castle to apologize for his actions and prostrated himself in front of him, afterward, he asked Spencer to train him in place of Cassius as he finally recognized him as the strongest, Spencer was reluctant, but ended up taking the offer and training Yarok constantly to make him stronger.

Finishing up there training session, Spencer sent Yarok home to clean himself as he was covered in bruises all over his body.

"He's getting stronger pretty fast"- Spencer thought

Leaving the field himself, Spencer made his way around the kingdom, growing curious about how his people have developed so far, making his way to the kingdoms library. The library was an idea of Spencer ten years ago, he ordered his people to record all of their knowledge in some shape or form and store it in a structure in which other people of the kingdom could go and look for the knowledge they needed.

The library held a variety of information, ranging from the many different forms of plant life, maps of the area, past events, people who have passed and their offspring, as well as many other subjects, the library is constantly growing daily, all information would be brought into the library, and once proven correct will be recorded unto wooden and clay tablets, the data would then be placed on individually protected shelves based on the information it holds.

Spencer was very proud of this idea, the speed of the kingdom's development grew greatly compared to the years before. Reaching the library, Spencer walked through the doors and scanned the library, seeing the shelves filled with tablets covered in writing, he couldn't help but let a smile show on his face.

Looking to his left, something caught Spencer's eyes, on a shelf vastly different from the others, Specially made tablets could be seen, the tablets were made from wood, while the backside of the tablets was covered in clay with luxurious patterns carefully carved into them, on these tablets were the many accomplishments of Spencer, how he conquered other tribes, how he taught them how to farm and achieve general agriculture, and how he showed them to how to domesticate different animals, many of his teachings were written on these tablets in the kingdom's language, some of the tablets spoke words of worship towards spencer, depicting him as their god.

Spencer seeing all this was shocked, but he was happy at the sight of his feats being recorded for the future generations to see. Looking away from the shelf, Spencer began making his way further into the library, reaching the back portion, he came to see a child sitting on the library's floors surrounded by a variety of tablets, the child was intently looking through the tablets and recording as much information as possible.

Walking up to the child, Spencer looked down at the individual to see that they haven't noticed his presence, seeing how much focus the child placed on these tablets, Spencer sat down and waited. After a few minutes, the child finished reading all of the tablets and looked up to see Spencer staring at her, she was startled and jumped in surprise.

"Hello Castor"-Spencer

Upon realizing that it was Spencer, she regained her composer.

"Oh, Spencer, I didn't see you"-Castor

Reaching out and patting her head, Spencer was happy with Castor, she was the smartest out of her siblings and the easiest to get along with, so he rather liked talking to her.

"what are you doing"-Spencer

"Looking through as much of the tablets as I can"-Castor

Looking down at the tablets Castor was reading, Spencer came to see tablets focused on the kingdom's structure, the different sections, the agriculture, and the irrigation systems of the kingdom. All of the tablets focused on the main important aspects and how they came to be.

"Seeing how you like knowledge so much, I have a gift for you"-Spencer

Castor, as curious as she is, wanted to know what gift Spencer had in mind, staring at him in anticipation she hurriedly put back all the tablets were she found them and followed Spencer out of the library.

Heading to his home, Spencer could be seen carrying a happy Castor on his shoulders, since they have left the library he has been buying her anything that caught her eye, clothes, toys, even a variety of tablets, carrying all her things in his arms while she ate on his shoulders.

Arriving at his house, Spencer took Castor off of his shoulders and they both entered his castle. Placing all of Casters Things on a table in the dining area, Spencer looked at her with a genuine smile.

"Like it?"-Spencer

In Casters hands was a honey apple, it was something spencer decided to make when he was getting a craving for sweets a while back, it was a regular apple that was cut into slices and covered in honey which was then placed into a wooden bowl, normally you would have to return the bowl, but Spencer paid for it as well.

"Yes, it's really good"-Caster said with a bright smile

Seeing Caster's smile, a warm feeling spawned in Spencer's chest making him smile as well. Waiting until she finished, carrying Caster in his left arm, Spencer brought her to the other side of his castle while covering her eyes, reaching a door, Spencer opened it and entered.

removing his hand from her eyes he spoke.

"Open your eyes"-Spencer

When castor opened her eyes, she was almost euphoric, in front of the two was row upon row of tablets, all holding information and ideas Spencer had for the Kingdom over the years, information that he kept to himself and shared with no one, until now.

Putting her down, she immediately ran up to a shelf and began scanning the contents.

"These tablets all hold information and ideas on the kingdom that no one else knows but me, I will allow you full access to this place, on the condition that you tell no one of this place, not even your father"-Spencer

Without even a shred of reluctance, Caster immediately agreed to the conditions and began browsing through the tablets, smiling at the child eager for knowledge Spencer went to his room and began some light meditation.

A few hours later, Spencer felt a tugging on the side of his pants, opening his eyes to see what was the cause, he noticed Caster who was holding a tablet in her arms and looking at Spencer.

"What's wrong"-Spencer

Holding up the tablet, Caster began Speaking.

"I found this tablet, I don't understand it'-Caster

Looking at the tablet to see what she was confused by, Spencer understood why. This tablet was going into detail about the concept of aerial travel and how to build a structure to achieve it, something Spencer was thinking about when he was in his boredom.

Taking the tablet out of her hands, he started to explain.

"This was something I thought of when I was thinking of a way of allowing our people to experience flying"-Spencer

Caster stilled seemed confused by his explanation, scratching his head he didn't know how he could break it down into simpler terms.

"Wouldn't you like to fly through the clouds like the birds in the sky"-Spencer

Caster finally got the gist of what he was saying and grew excited by the concept, but she quickly lost that excitement when she realized that they didn't have the materials needed to make something like that, no matter how much she wanted to experience it.

Seeing her saddened expression, Spencer made a decision.

"Would you like to see what it's like"- Spencer

Caster nodded her head in response to his question, this made Spencer resolute with his decision.


Picking Caster up, Spencer walked up the stairs to the roof of his castle and put her down.

"Step back a little"-Spencer

Caster hearing Spencer was a little confused, but she followed his words and took a few steps back, what happened next shocked her.

Spencer summoned his wings and began flapping them gently to make him hover of the floor, Spencer looked over to Caster and he could see the amazement in her eyes, rather opposite to the fear he was expecting. Stopping his hovering, Caster immediately ran over to him and began touching his wings all over, analyzing them and trying to see how they work, this sight only made him smile.

"would you like me to bring you up there"-Spencer said pointing to the sky

Caster stopped analyzing his wings when she heard his words, she began jumping excitedly while nodding her head. Spencer placed her on his shoulders and told her to hold on tight, launching himself into the air at a moderate speed to not fling her off, he began flying over the area below with her on his neck.

He could hear her excitement as she let out sounds of amazement, Spencer took joy in the fact that she was enjoying herself. After flying for a while, he noticed that it was getting dark and flew back to the roof of his castle, taking the happy Caster from his shoulder's, Spencer retracted his wings back into his body, he brought Caster back into the castle and placed all of the things he bought for her into a tiny wooden carriage and sent her on her way, but not before assuring her that she could visit his secret library whenever she wanted.

Assigning three of his guards to make sure she got home safe, Spencer watched as Caster left his castle, waiting until she turned into her street, he went back into his castle and laid on his bed, remembering the time spent until he decided it was time to go to sleep, not realizing the event that was about to transpire.



A sudden loud explosion echoed, waking Spencer from his short slumber in an instant, he quickly vanished from his bed and burst through his castle doors, shattering them, Spencer began scanning the area frantically in an attempt to see what was the cause of the explosion, screams range through the night as he was looking at his people suffering, in front of his eyes was a trail of destruction, burning houses and a deep crater reaching the edge of his kingdom was visible, coming to a stop by a meteorite logged into the kingdom's soil radiating a variety of hue's.

Looking up, Spencer could see numerous trails of light flashing throughout the night sky.

"What the hell is going on"-Spencer

Continuing to scan the place, Spencer came to realize something, The path of the meteor was dangerously close to the area in which Quintus and his family were residing. Jumping forward from his position, he quickly made his way to the direction of Quintus's house.

Arriving at their home, Spencer's heart sank, the roof of their home was destroyed by a large boulder and some debris from the meteor. Quickly tearing through the door, spencer ran inside to see if they were ok, franticly throwing away any objects that were in his way, Spencer dug through the piles of debris.

Listening closely, he could hear whimpers of pain behind the boulder to his left, he immediately grabbed the boulder and lifted it above his head, what was laying underneath saddened him greatly. Spencer could see a badly hurt Quintus using his body to cover his wife and kids, he was more than fatally injured, his body impaled by shards of debris.

Spencer quickly tossed the boulder to the side and picked up Quintus, his family was barely harmed, suffering from only a few cuts and bruises, he carried him out of the destroyed house with his family in tow. Rushing Quintus to his castle, Spencer placed him on his bed, turning around to look at Quintus's family who appeared traumatized, he spoke.

"Stay here"-Spencer

Running out of his castle, Spencer rushed around the Kingdom, helping those he could and mourning those who did not survive, he wasted no time in making sure all of the survivors were nowhere near the meteors crash site.

After making sure that all of the kingdom's people were safe, he rushed over to the meteor. Reaching the crash site, Spencer jumped into the crater and walked slowly towards the meteor.

Coming close enough to touch the meteor, Spencer examined it and observed it's rainbow-like hue which placed him in a trance with its radiance. His instincts were screaming for him to not approach the nonfamiliar rock, but something was pulling him forward, causing him to ignore the warnings.

Failing to resist his urge, he reached out and placed his hand on the meteorite, it was incredibly warm, it's heat washing over his body and placing him in a deeper trance. Spencer could feel the world around him fading into darkness, his mind losing its fortitude.


Spencer fell to the floor unconscious, his body bathing in the radiation of the meteorite, changing his body down to the molecular level and warping his DNA further, filling his cells with newfound power.


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