
Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Death is sometimes not the end, and the zenith is empty. Legends rise and fall. Myths are born. Faced with death after a dismal fall from grace where glory, renown, and prominence were once found, Kieran's second chance is fueled by vengeance. It burns like a ruinous flame and drives Kieran's quest for power within and without. Though not an ingrate, he remains curious about why he returned to the past instead of dying. He has nothing but questions, but his death puts the beginning of his story into perspective, showing him that Zenith Online... is the beginning of the end — the end of the current Age. The zenith is empty and calls for someone to claim its throne, but to answer that call means to bear the consequences. Everything — especially choice — has a cost. Challenges lay in wait. The road to supremacy is wound in suffering, and to know the truth is to know madness. And so, the Maddened awakens...

ApexPen · Games
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Those Who Came First


After completing their class promotion, many classes received a considerable boost in burst damage, especially mages who admittedly walked the path of glass cannons, given that their class specialized in cloth armors. Blacksmiths couldn't create the armor they wore; instead, classes that used leather and cloth armor would require Tailors when seeking special armor that needed item designs.

While Bastion's Defense skyrocketed, he felt like the odd one out. His only role was to defend, as even his offensive skills focused on multiplying aggro rather than inflicting real damage. Even if he pooled every Unassigned Attribute Point into Strength, he would fail to reach even the shadow of offensive classes.

"C'mon, bud; you know your time to shine is when we act as a party. No one here can claim to equal you in Defense," Nemean said when he noticed Bastion's faint frown.