
Come, Little Dragon, I'll Take You Away

Zehell tumbled to a halt at her mother's feet. She groaned and started to pick herself up when Craven pounced on her.

"About time you came," he growled playfully. "Mother is going to take us to the meadow today."

Sighing, Zehell jerked and twisted to throw Craven off of her. She didn't care for the meadow. There was never much there. Just a bunch of little bugs and the trickling sound of a brook. She'd rather go back to the clearing to see if Elyon was still nearby. To learn what a Fae was. At least then she knew she would learn something.

"What animals did you find to play with this morning, Zehell?" Mother asked.

"No animals," she replied. "I was watching the clouds mimic animal shapes."

"Something you can do at the meadow. You know we don't like you wandering off very far because…."

"Of animals that want to eat us baby dragons. I know! It's just…."

"Just nothing, Zehell. There are only a handful of Green Dragons left in the world, including you. You need to be more cautious."

Zehell hung her head. "Yes, Mother."

"Very good. Come now."

Mother led the way to the meadow. Zehell kept her head down for most of the walk. She thought about Elyon. He seemed to be alone and he was tiny! So then why wasn't anyone after him about being alone when there were predators who would eat him, too? Was it because he could fly? He did fly fast. He even had that light trick to temporarily blind another creature so he could escape. Would her mother be less of a control freak if she could fly?

Zehell brought her head up and lifted her wings. She shifted them up and down, but they moved opposite each other. She had watched enough birds to know that she needed her wings to move up and down together to achieve flight. She lifted both of her wings high then tried to lower them at the same time, but the right one came down faster than the left one.

"Argg!" she groaned.

Mother turned her head. "Something the matter, Zehell?"

Zehell opened her mouth to reply when Mother asked.

"Did you hurt your wings in your tumble?"

She tucked her wings tightly against her back. "No."

"Let me see." She turned a took a step toward Zehell.

"They're fine, Mother," Zehell said, backing away. "I was just… giving them a stretch."

Mother stared at Zehell for several moments. "Alright."

Zehell remained motionless until Mother, Craven, and Anawan started walking again. She didn't try again to get her wings to move up and down together. She'd have to do that away from her Mother's ever watchful presence. Turning her attention toward the trees, Zehell tried to get her mind on something else. Anything but the depression she felt about not being able to fly. Anything but the doubt she was feeling about her mother's words. And definitely anything other than their usual—and boring—destination.

Nothing ever happened at the meadow. So why they came here every few days, Zehell certainly didn't understand. They were supposed to be learning about the other creatures in the world weren't they? Learn about them so they could help them, right? So then why did they come to a place where none of that happened? If they wanted peace and quiet they had that near the cave!

"The meadow! The meadow!" Anawan shouted, jumping up and down in front of Mother.

"Yes, there is the meadow," Mother chuckled lightly.

Anawan and Craven trotted ahead a little, but Zehell didn't share in her siblings usual excitement today. In fact, she lay down near the edge with her back to the meadow. She didn't care to be there today. Zehell stared at the trees they had just walked through. Uhg! Why was she so moody?! She didn't understand. Nothing was different in their routine. She had taken her early morning stroll that always kept her mood up during the day. So, why was she longing for the cave? She never longed for the cave. Not like she was now.

Mother lay on the ground beside her while Craven and Anawan frolicked in the grass nearby. "Do you want to talk about what's on your mind?" she asked.

Rage and frustration flared in Zehell's heart and she started to sprint for the cave.

"Zehell!" Mother shouted as Craven and Anawan clamored, "Mother, look, look!"

"Craven! Anawan! Stay away from…."

Zehell continued to sprint—unhindered by her mother's magic. She ran all the way back to the cave. She curled up in the far corner and wept. Why? Why were so many things starting to not make sense anymore? Why was she feeling smothered? Zehell covered her head with her wings and continued to sob. It was not until a buzzing sound echoed inside the cave that Zehell turned.

"Why do you cry, Zehell?" Elyon asked.

"I… I'm just very sad and… confused," she replied.

Elyon dipped slightly in response. "My friends always help to cheer me up. Maybe they can cheer you up, too."

"I don't know. I should really stay here until my siblings and Mother get back."

"And cry here alone?" Elyon's light seemed to dim. "I don't like when my friends are sad or alone."

Zehell didn't know how to respond. Other than her siblings, she didn't really have friends. "I'm your… friend?"

"Yes! All nice creatures are my friends."

She sniffled and sat up.

"Come, Baby Dragon. Let me introduce you to my friends. They will love you!"


Zehell slowly followed Elyon from the cave.

He danced and bounced in the air in front of her until he got her to chuckle.

"Hurry!" he said. "This way."

Elyon darted ahead and Zehell had no choice but to run after him. The heaviness in her heart left behind as she darted around the trees following the tiny glowing dragon.

©RedPandaChick (Ardnaxela)

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