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One of the best novels I have read to date. Looking forward to seeing how much more the characters will grow as the elf and the human he's adopted continue their adventures towards revenge and love.
Beautiful! Great story. The family dynamics when trauma rears it’s ugly head is definitely something that is always a process to address. Some do better than others. Yay for Patara’s dad!
Always pleased to find good stories that are about relationship building outside of the bedroom, about goals being reached, and some of the struggles that come while reaching for those goals. Very well done, Sosin!
One of the cutest and cleanest romances I have read in a long time. Very refreshing. Need a good chuckle from time to time, this is a novel for you. Enjoy reading!
Hands down, one of the best novels I have read to date. Elyon knows how to keep me on my toes, while filling my heart with the warm fuzzies of good times. So, if that sounds like an adventure you'd like to join me and so many others on, then I hope you dive right on in!
Get better soon!🫖🍯🍲
Tired Amarok. So much work! :)
But, Callum... wolf friend to help you get revenge! :) <3