
Y'thrill vanished to dust

Both Zara and Brant struggled with their fears, but ultimately they were able to overcome them. Zara accepted her powers and used them to create a powerful imagination that distracted the guardian spirit long enough for Brant to reach the Crystal.

As Brant took hold of the Crystal, a lot of energy coursed through him. He could feel the power of the Crystal coursing through his veins, and he knew that it was now up to him to use it to save Narithia.

Brant raced out of the temple, the Crystal of Serenity on his hand. Outside, the battle was going on, but as Brant neared the fight, the Crystal began to glow. A bright light coming out from it, Y'thrill and his companion in its warmth vanished to dust.

As the light faded, Y'thrill and his companion were no longer alive creatures they once they vanished to dust . The spell that had been cast over them was broken, and they were returned to their true forms: peaceful creatures of Narithia.

With the spell broken, Zara and her companions were finally able to return to the peaceful life they had known before Y'thrill's arrival. The people of Narithia celebrated their victory and hailed Zara and her friends as heroes.

As the days passed, the memory of Y'thrill's darkness faded, and the people of Narithia began to rebuild their lives and their world. Zara, Skynn, Lyla, and Brant continued to travel the lands, using their unique gifts to help those in need.