
Zara and Brant choice

In the battle, Zara and her companions fought bravely against Y'thrill and his forces. Skynn and Lyla were both injured in the fight, but they managed to hold off Y'thrill's army long enough for Zara and Brant to make it into the temple.

Once inside, Zara and Brant discovered that the Crystal of Serenity was guarded by a powerful guardian spirit. The spirit asked Zara and Brant to prove their worthiness by facing their greatest fears.

Zara was forced to face her deepest fear: her own power. She had always been afraid of what her Dreamweaving abilities might lead her to do, and now she was being confused with the choice to either embrace her powers or deny them.

Meanwhile, Brant was faced with his own greatest fear: failure. He had always pushed himself to be the best warrior he could be, and now he was being forced to the possibility that he might not be strong enough to protect those he cared about.