
Yujiro after ascension

As Yujiro is training as normal, He suddenly ascends to the next realm. Being the first human to ever ascend in history he reaches another world full of cultivation and magic.

Blood2K · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Part 2 - Humbled

"Battle you say huh." The elder says.

Infront of yujiro eyes the elder disappears and reappears behind yujiro and sends a kick that sent shock waves across the area.

But within the smoke Yujiro was holding his leg and breaks it with a swift movement.

[Snap] Is the only sound this elder heard before he screamed.


As he backs up, he begins to raise his Internal energy and starts repairing his leg.

Before he could recover completely Yujiro starts sending blows that would Humble the strongest of warriors.

Punching the man from tree to tree without giving him a break.

Swiftly destroying one of the elders of a large sect, Came with consequences.

The elder recovered and began to cut yujiro from his legs to his arms. causing him to retreat a little.

"You actually recovered."

The elder suddenly began to dance as a red Energy started to form around his arms and legs, running around Yujiro as he dances with his sword, Yujiro feels danger coming.

"How do I fight this." Yujiro thinks as he has never fought someone with such a presence before.

Being cut repeatedly he stomps the ground, and the grassy terrain begins to shake as the ground raises and he disappears from the scene.

Being the first time Yujiro ran his pride and honor was tilted.

Ending up deeper in the woods, He is hurt, Mentally and physically.

Running from battle hurt him.

(Back at the scene)

as the dust clear the elder looks around to see that he is gone.

"I will remember you Red hairs fellow." as he feels blood running down his head.

Lei gang is stunned and surprised at what he just watched. Watching an elder almost lose a fight to a normal human seems like a crazy man's dream, but he just watched it happen.

(Hours later at dusk)

Yujiro was simply looking at a stone wall.

"What was that energy, that force." he thought.

Suddenly feeling his back burning, He feels energy rushing into him as he screams loudly.

Voices starts sounding to his head <Strongest > <Creature >

<Kill them all> <Revive the father>

<The art of war is beautiful my child>

<Hanma >

The eyes on his back started to Shine bright as his organs began to change.

A large Amount of Qi started to fill his organs as he started to glow red, and his hair started to flare up.

He passes out from the pain.

Waking up Hours later, He awakens in a fright suddenly springing up as he is covered in a black ooze.

Waking up he smiles after realizing what happen, feeling his insides he understands something that he did not know before.

His raw physical power is no longer capped, He doesn't feel a bottleneck anymore.

His demon back is amplified.

Sitting down, He meditates for 30 minutes as he tries to ingest all the new knowledge.

(1 hour later)

Walking into a small village, he is immediately stopped by a guard.

"Halt" As a spear is pointed at the large man with bulging muscles.

"Move out of my way weakling." Yujiro says as he walked past the gate and past the guard like he didn't exist.

"Take this then!" As the small guard tries to poke the Hanma in the back.

Yujiro looked back and the guard died, there really isn't any words to it.

Arrows started flying at him as he dodged them while walking forward as if they didn't exist.

Suddenly he used his powerful aura to knock out every guard on each post as they were scared to death literally.

The village chief ran to Yujiro and bowed down.

"Strong one what do you request from us peasants."

"I need information." said the big man not even looking at the small fragile old man.

"Yes, yes what do you... you need strong one."

"Where is the closest city."

"City? What is that strong one."

"Seems like he doesn't know what a city even is." He thinks as he looks at the area.

Village huts and one bigger hut is all he sees.

After this Yujiro immediately turned around walking out of the village after taking the old brown hood off the of the guardsmen that he killed to cover himself as he walked.

Walking into the large forest once again, He walks forward. Hoping to find a strong opponent to test his newfound strength on.

(Hours Later back at the little village)

"Immortal ones what have I done wrong?" said the poor old village chief.

"You housed a criminal of the Demonic sect and won't tell us what direction he went." Said the Man standing on a Flying sword as he looked down at the old man.

suddenly he lifts up a sword and swings once as he splits the ground and the entire village into two.

Killing everyone in the village in the name of justice.